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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.10.04 22:40. Заголовок: 1114 «Just As I Am.» (ака «Shortness of Breath»)

Over at Maddog’s board, Dee Dee has posted this;

Weaver’s biological mother comes to Chicago to meet her. She was an upper-middle class teen in Iowa when Kerry was born.

Director watch -- Not Noah, not Laura.

Вау, стоко лет, стоко зим. Вспомнили про мама Керри. А все ли вспомнят?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 17:06. Заголовок:

она многочисленный лауреат и номинант на «Оскар»

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по-моему она больше подходит

5 раз наминирована и 1 раз выиграла Оскар.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 17:26. Заголовок:

я тоже уже залезла в imdb и посмотрела на Сэсси, она , действительно, очень похожа на Лору......ну, да Фишер тоже наплохо сыграла....
только вот Сэсси тоже все-то на 10 лет старше Лоры.....тоже неидеальный вариант

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 17:38. Заголовок:

зато обратите внимание, что именно эта нерейтинговая серия породила пару страниц комментов, в отличаи от предыдущих рейтинговых серий

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 17:40. Заголовок:

просто на другие я одна пахаала, в одиночку как-то не очень..

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:27. Заголовок:

я все хотела написать, но как-то не находилось чего писать...
единственное, что мне понравилось в последних сериях - это увлечение Нилы Лукой....даже жалко, что они так быстро закончили с этим....могли бы еще чего-нить понапридумать, а так все Эбби и Эбби.....как-то о ней не особо хочется писать , хотя она мне не то, чтобы очень не нравится, просто НИКАК

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Irina пишет:
это увлечение Нилы Лукой...

да порадовало это соединение. И правда всего два с половиной эпизода. маловато будет

Ну я уже давно говорила. что ЭББИ-ШОУ продолжается...
(мы про нее уже знаем все!! о мамаше, о брате, о всех ее мужьях и бойфрендов, об алкоголизме, вот токо о папааше не знаем )

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:50. Заголовок:

Меня бесит, что для Керри выделили одну серию. А для Эбби 3 сезона. В свое время этим злоупотреблял Марк, я хочу про Дага, а они суют голого Марка. Ужас!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:51. Заголовок:

вот токо о папааше не знаем

надеюсь не узнаем

торжественно обещаю, что буду стараться писать комменты к сериям......последняя серия снова возродила во мне желание что-нить написать, надеюсь, что это желание продлится подольше

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:52. Заголовок:

и еще хочу увидеть отца Луки. ведь он же есть! Н а Рождество к нему ездил, но за кадром!!! Во, и вообще хочу серию в ХОрватии!!!! Гады! А они нам Эбби с этим чокунутым студентом Джейком суют!! Какой же он студент??? И Пратта надо меньше, самодовольных не терплю!!!!!!!!

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Irina пишет:
торжественно обещаю, что буду стараться писать комменты к сериям......

ловлю на слове!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:55. Заголовок:

Меня бесит, что для Керри выделили одну серию. А для Эбби 3 сезона

ну, я по этому поводу помолчу.....а то слишком резко будет
хотя, надо признаться, был праздник и на нашей улице.....правда, не так много.......
видимо, все актреы более заняты в других съемках, чем Тирни, вот и остается только её снимать.....

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 18:58. Заголовок:

с этим чокунутым студентом Джейком суют!! Какой же он студент???

точно....дядя такой, а все студент.......он мне почему-то кажется каким-то обдолбанным......правда и Эбби в какой-то серии у него спросила -«Ты че - накурился?»

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Irina пишет:
Тирни, вот и остается только её снимать.....

тогда пусть и именуют » Abby’s ER»

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:00. Заголовок:

и еще одна отмороженная личность есть - это Джейн!! такая студентка , говорящая вечно в нос . Ходит туда-сюда, никто на нее внимания не обращает, а она все равно ходит. Как Лестер наверное по блату попала.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:02. Заголовок:

еще одна отмороженная личность есть - это Джейн!!

да уж...странная какая-то, и голос у неё мерзкий чего она вообще в сериале делает - для антуражу чтоли?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:12. Заголовок:

Как Лестер наверное по блату попала

а чё за история с Лестером....кто его протолкнул?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:18. Заголовок:

ну это я так предположила, он все-таки младший брат Кифера Сазерленда и сын очень известного актера Дональда Сазерленда. Так он в 10 сезоне такие глупости говорил и ни фига ничего не делал. Мне было смешно смотреть как Лука на него один раз так взглянул как на больного

Про Джейн я тоже слышала (на форуме слухов), что она протееже лесбиянки продюсера ER (я долго время думала, что это мужик) Ди Джонсон, т.к. Сара Жильберт (это она играет Джейн) уже официально также ходит с герлфренд. Но это токо слухи, что ее по блату взяли.

Про Мору я уж промолчу, там ооооооочень неприличные слухи про нее ходят.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:32. Заголовок:

офигеть ......

а все же чего там с Морой-то?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:36. Заголовок:

тебе че прям сюда постить? могу на оригинале

но учти все эти сообщения сделаны анонимами на специальном форуме слухов, поэтому где правда, а где ложь токо можно догадываться.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:38. Заголовок:

давай ссылочку.....на досуге почитаю

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:44. Заголовок:

окей. вот сюда
первый форум

второй форум

ну давай...наслаждайся.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.02.05 19:44. Заголовок:


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.05 23:12. Заголовок:

Лучшая двадцатка.

1. (1) «American Idol» (Tuesday) Fox 28.8
2. (2) «CSI: Crime Scene Investigation» CBS 27.9
3. (3) «American Idol» (Wednesday) Fox 26.1
4. (4) «Desperate Housewives» ABC 22.3
5. (6) «Without a Trace» CBS 19.6
6. (13) «Lost» ABC 19.5
7. (5) «CSI: Miami» CBS 18.8
8. (X) «Grammy Awards» CBS 18.8
9. ( «Everybody Loves Raymond» CBS 17.5
10. (9) «ER» NBC 17.1 плохо
11. (11) «Two And a Half Men » CBS 16.7
12. (X) «CSI: Crime Scene Investigation» (Thursday 8 p.m.) CBS 16.7
13. (21) «Extreme Makeover: Home Edition» ABC 16.5
14. (17) «The Apprentice 3» NBC 15.1
15. (66) «House» Fox 15
16. (19) «Law & Order: SVU» NBC 14.2
17. (14) «Medium» NBC 14
18. (27) «Law & Order: Criminal Intent» NBC 13.5
19. (21) «Law & Order» NBC 13.2
20. (1 «CSI: NY» CBS 13.1

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.02.05 00:58. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
10. (9) «ER» NBC 17.1 плохо

Так Луки-то мало было!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.05 10:51. Заголовок: Re:

спустя некотоое время комменты этой серии американцев.

из архиво форумов, которые были сохранены.

форум AEB

Doc Sharon
(2/10/05 10:13 pm)

Sam is downright cheerful discussing snowflakes, regular hot Croatian sex will do that for you.

Abby and Jake are in the drug lockup of lurrrvvve! Behaving like a couple of fools when Weaver sees them. She is very obviously suspicious and not approving of them messing around.

Kerry's mom has now announced to her who she is as she walks out AMA in the ambulance bay. And FF looks younger than LI in this scene, IMO.

(2/10/05 11:18 pm)

The conversation between Susan and Sam was about the only unpredictable thing in this act.

But I still liked the first act anyway.

FF ( Франсишка Фишер ,мать Керри) needs a new hair stylist. That dye job is over the top.


(2/10/05 11:29 pm)

Kerry is behaving like her usual bitch self, I see.

Her mother is living in Terre Haute, Indiana, just 60 miles or so from my home town.

So far this episode is very unimpressive.

Doc Sharon
(2/10/05 10:30 pm)


Congenital hip dysplasia, a birth defect. And her mother didn't know a thing about it.

We also know why I am posting every few minutes, because watching paint dry would be more interesting. Very dull eppy thus far. Dubenko has been kinda cool, but that's about it.

"Улыбаемся и машем!" Спасибо: 0 
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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.05 10:55. Заголовок: Re:

форум erforums

Feb 11 2005, 03:35 AM


...anyways, I don't care what anybody says about that. That was spectualar. Absolutely stunning. Laura was beautiful. The thing was written so incredibly. Amazing. Pure amazement. Best episode of ER ever.

...OK, now that I'm out of the twilight zone, I really do believe that this could be the end of Kerry Weaver. We know about the crutch, her mother. We know almost everything about her. Anybody else think that Carter's apparent exit arc is Kerry's as well? Holy gosh, I'm glowing with happiness!


Feb 11 2005, 04:11 AM

Ok, this officially beats the airing of NICU as the longest hour of my life, I didn't think it was possible but it was. I lost count of how many times I looked at my watch wondering how much longer I'd have to wait for the previews to next week's episode. I think the only redeeming moments were the two brief appearances by Goran, and amazingly, the Abby/Jake scenes, it's nice to finally see Abby happy. I thought Frances Fisher was pretty subdued in her portrayal for the most part and Laura Innes' delivery came across as a bad case of PMS. Sorry, I know I'm opening myself up for flak, but this will be one of those videos that will never see airplay again.

Feb 11 2005, 04:35 AM

Ummm. Loved it. I'm a Laura Innes fan, so you can only imagine how I've felt thus far this season. A couple minutes here, a couple minutes there, and so on, so this was quite a pleasant change for me. I think the episode highlighted the aspects of Kerry that people don't seem to like, such as her stubborness which understandably can seem unfeeling. I think she's just exceptionally practical (which I think is a good thing, so that's probably why I like her so much. I never thought Kerry was being mean, her rants have always made me laugh.) But I liked the revelations of her childhood, the ease with which she disclosed her disability, and the initial desperation when she thought her mother was leaving. I was impressed. I also liked the bit about her faith-what did she say? Something like "my faith excludes me" which is accurate regarding many religions, though not necessarily all religious people.

So I recorded it and will be watching it again, soon.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.05 10:57. Заголовок: Re:

Feb 11 2005, 05:44 AM

Well, we got an answer to the crutch, but this poses another question.

I am a little confused about the hip dysplasia. Isn't this something that is treatable in newborns? The son of a friend of mine had it and they treated it by bracing it with an extra diaper. His case was pretty mild, as I understood it. In more severe cases, it's treated with a brace, or surgery. This was being done as early as the 50's and if they knew about it at birth or shortly after she would have been treated, and usually there are no further problems with the hip. So why does Kerry still have the crutch? This only makes sense if she never got treated for the problem and now has arthritis in the hip.

My continuity police antenna got the tingles when Kerry said that her parents died when she was in college and they didn't get to see her finish med school. Excuse me, but isn't that where her mentor Gabe Lawrence met Kerry's parents?? I really wish these writers had a compendium they could consult when these situations come up.

I thought it was a decent ep. Innes and Fisher did a fantastic job, as expected. I was not surprised by the fact that TPTB decided to showcase this issue, considering the results of the last election. I was also not surprised by the apparent narrowmindedness of Fisher's character, again considering the last election. However, I was deeply saddened by it. I guess it is easier having someone just tell you what to believe and what to do rather than work out your own salvation for yourself. It also angers me that these so-called "evangelical Christians" call themselves such, talk about the love of God and then reject anyone that doesn't respond to their particular creed. If God will be the judge, then let God be the judge. They need to stay out of it. It's presumptious to do God's job for her.

Feb 11 2005, 07:26 AM

I loved it, Laura did a good job...

Gotta say I think something is going to start between Neela and Ray...
And we need to see more of Luka..

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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Feb 11 2005, 06:52 PM


Yes, I'm one Kerry Weaver fan who is really happy today. After her being the Invisible Woman all season, Kerry finally got some spotlight time, and it was good, very good.

I think the scene of Kerry in the Ladies Room crying, trying to figure out how to tell her Mother about her sexuality was excellent. What a conflict: finally she meets her birth mother, only to discover that her mother's attitude towards homosexuality will effectively keep them apart.

The bit about lesbianism being called Kerrys "choice" was right on - how many gay people have to hear that said to them day after day. They are "just as they are" - and I loved Kerry's comment that God made her too. And I liked her own acceptance of who she is - after all, coming out was not easy for her.

But the best scene was the family photo scene, after Mother calls Sandi the Nanny. You could see the pain in Kerry right then, and that she would have to tell her Mother who Sandi really was, knowing mom will be disgusted. But she does it, and brava for Kerry.

Maybe this episode is, as suggested above, a swan song for Kerry and for Laura Innes, but at least the writers finally tackled this material. I had just about given up.

I can see this episode being either loved or hated (see comments above), just count me in on the "love" side. I was definitely NOT watching my watch!

Kerry, you rock!!


Feb 11 2005, 09:58 PM

As far as the episode...I don't normally enjoy FF's work much, but I thought she did a good job here. Knowing it was on such short notice makes it all the more impressive. She does, however, look too close in age to LI. Her character was supposed to be fifteen when she had the baby, but FF looks the same age as LI rather than fifteen years older, so it didn't work for me. They'd have been better gong with a sixty year old, and someone who *looks* sixty, at that.
Feb 11 2005, 10:22 PM

i always wondered why she had that cane and when i was looking up sites and episode recaps, i read that it was never covered why she had it. glad we got to find out finally!!!

i noticed that they didn't look that much older or younger then the other which i thought was weird. they looked more like sisters instead of mother and daughter. i would forget that she was supposed to be her mother.

on a ligher note, whats the deal with kovac passing neela off to carter or another attending all the time? if he seriously doesn't like her he wouldn't be so anxious to get rid of her all the time.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.05 11:02. Заголовок: Re:

Feb 11 2005, 10:51 PM

This was a excellent episode! FF, and LI did a great job acting together. I liked how they took the end of the episode and put it at the begining so that keeps us wondering what happened. I loved the part at the end when Carter and Neela got into the Brawl and Neela picked up the pan to hit the girl and says "What am I doing?" I believed I laughed very hard, and then Kerry comes in... "Who's winning?", man that was funny. I just hate the fact that Helen won't except Kerry for who she is. One of the best, most entertaining episodes I've ever seen, and Hey.... They cut Abby's spotlight in half! Hell... I forgot she was even in the episode until it kept showing her with Jake.
The Charge Nurse
Feb 12 2005, 01:45 AM

Lydia Woodward is an awesome writer! LI did a superb job in all aspects of this eppi - great one-liners in the ER and very powerful emotional stuff with FF. I did think that FF was a good choice although the age thing was noticeable.

SO glad we finally know the origination of the crutch! Dr. Dave would be thrilled!

I thought it was great when the demerol guy swung at Carter and he decked him! Nice to see a little aggressiveness out of Carter.

As I have previously stated.....Jake is an odd character in a creepy way, and I am not buying the 'high school' clingy relationship they are trying to portray between him and Abby. It just seem immature and STUPID. He needs to go away. I did like how Kerry kept referring to him as "Mr." making a clear point that he is yet to be a Dr.

I kind of like Jane...but I am waiting for a little Sara Gilbert attitude to strike....I'm not used to her playing a timid, passive character.

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