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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 00:38. Заголовок: «Duga mracna noc»\«Long dark night»

хорват. журнал TV STORY

Новый фильм Антуна Врдольяка «Длинная темная ночь» выйдет 14 февраля. Звезда фильма Горан Вишнич посетит премьеру и будет дома \Хорватии\ вместе с женой Иваной \дочь Врдольяка\на День Валентина.
Действие происходит во Второй Мировой войне, Вишнич играет главную роль в этом фильме. в котором также играют ветераны хорватского кино: Борис Дворник, Мустафа НАдаревич...
График съемок «Длинной долгой ночи» потребовал свободного времени от ER, которое Вишнич просил у продюсеров, тем самым пропустил 3 эпизода в 8 сезоне.

фоты не из этой статьи, а гораздо раньше 2001

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 02:04. Заголовок:

ну надо же родил это тормоз Врдольяк этот фильм. Вот только у меня есть подозрение,что пока на нас это никак не влияет... Тут так сказать хорватские фильмы не в ротации...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 02:13. Заголовок:

ну кто знает, может Горан постарается на Европу продвинуть.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 04:49. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
ну кто знает, может Горан постарается на Европу продвинуть.

это надо такой сильный промоушен иметь...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 11:44. Заголовок:

А Горан играет хорватского офицера?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.04 17:20. Заголовок:

наверно, но форма подозрительлно смахивает на советскую.

с этим мальчиком он похож на памятник в Германии «Советскому солдату»

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 00:53. Заголовок:

Надеюсь ,это не усташ какой-нибудь

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 01:22. Заголовок:

нет, конечно. он против фашизма вооюет.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 02:56. Заголовок:

Горан вряд ли бы захотел играть кого нибудь вроде усташей или фашистов...Это подорвет его имидж хорошего парня. Да и он сам говорил,что не хочет играть злодеев...и особенно русских

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 04:27. Заголовок:

я думаю, что Горану не стоит играть негодяев..как в практической магии...не идет это ему....и всё:))...меня прям карёжило, когда он бил Кидман.......

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 14:45. Заголовок:

Jolly Kovac пишет:
что не хочет играть злодеев...и особенно русских

Русские и злодеи у него на одной доске стоят?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.04 21:18. Заголовок:

Remi пишет:
Надеюсь ,это не усташ какой-нибудь

В Хорватии тоже было свое сопротивление... Что радует...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.01.04 04:42. Заголовок:

Remi пишет:
Русские и злодеи у него на одной доске стоят?

нет..я надеюсь. Но он категорически не любит играть русских злодеев,потому что ему предлагают их всегда играть...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.07.04 21:32. Заголовок:

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.07.04 21:33. Заголовок:

а здесь можно скачать отрывок из фильма http://www.film.hr/vijest.php?tekst_id=111

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.07.04 20:13. Заголовок:

Люблю я мущщин в белых рубашках...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.07.04 22:07. Заголовок:

зимой нараспашку

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.07.04 01:06. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic, в теплой Хорватии — пускай и зимой...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.07.04 23:24. Заголовок:

Maria пишет:
Люблю я мущщин в белых рубашках...

А я в форме! Тем более, что Горану она ОЧЕНЬ идет. Верно?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.07.04 00:39. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
А я в форме! Тем более, что Горану она ОЧЕНЬ идет. Верно?
Такой военный, красивый, здоровенный... ну не здоровенный, но красивый точно :)

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.07.04 17:37. Заголовок:

Starley, идет... как и рубашка белая
Haily M.Greene, ничего себе не здоровенный с его-то ростом...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.07.04 00:15. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
скачать отрывок из фильма

Это который ты мне переписала?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.07.04 00:17. Заголовок:

Haily M.Greene пишет:
ну не здоровенный

Почему не здоровенный?!
Здоровенный и просто прекрасный!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.07.04 22:41. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
Это который ты мне переписала?


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.08.04 23:35. Заголовок:

Милый отрывочек.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.04 20:33. Заголовок:

Хорватия хочет «Длинную мрачную ночь» послать на Оскар.


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.04 23:25. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:

Хорватия хочет «Длинную мрачную ночь» послать на Оскар.

Даешь Горанчику Оскар!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 12:14. Заголовок:

Хорватия хочет «Длинную мрачную ночь» послать на Оскар.

а наши хотят «Ночной дозор» послать на Оскар .....ну, вряд ли они чего-нибудь получат , хоть фильм и в голливудской манере, но в последнее время, не считая всяких там «властилинов», награду получают более серьезные фильмы - Красота по-американски, Часы и т.д.,..... а тем более иностранные фильмы. Своим Титаникам и Властелинам они еще могут за масштабность и спецэффекты дать, но иностранным вряд ли. Вообщем, если Ночной дозор получит Оскара, я разачаруючь в этой награде окончательно. Я думаю, что у хорватского фильма должно быть побольше шансов.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 18:53. Заголовок:

Ир, я тоже так подумала. У нас «Ночной дозор» стал событием, но не для США. Я даже расстроилась...как будто других фильмов нет. Хотя бы «Водитель для Веры» что ли....
Тем более за последние 10 лет лучшим иностранным фильмом становился фильм трагический, грустный ..«Утомленные солнцем», «Жизнь прекрасна», «Ничья земля»

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:03. Заголовок:

«Водитель для Веры»

ты видела этот фильм? я только собираюсь посмотреть, столько положительных отзывов слышала...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:14. Заголовок:

видела летом в кинотеатре. Слезинка была...одна...в конце.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:16. Заголовок:

это значит тебе понравилось или нет???

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:19. Заголовок:

нормальный фильм. Но ждала чего-то большего, сама даже не знаю чего.
Алена Бабенко, Богдан Ступка - лучшие работы. А Игорь Петренко как-то мимо прошел, хотя и главная у него роль.
Про Панина молчу, он везде хорош.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:23. Заголовок:

вот и я ожидаю чего-то ТАКОГО.....видать, разочаруюсь

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:28. Заголовок:

Irina пишет:
.....видать, разочаруюсь

не надо быть такой пессимисткой. Все будет хорошо!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:33. Заголовок:

а у меня всегда, когда ожидаешь ЧЕГО-НИБУДЬ ТАКОГО ожидания не оправдываются....а когда ничего не ждешь, так и фильм оказывается стоящим....
надеюсь, что этот фильм будет исключением (вот видишь - очень даже оптимистично )

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:36. Заголовок:

А ты «Папу» не видела? Смотреть или не смотреть?
Бероева не жалую, но мало ли...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 19:46. Заголовок:

неа не видела, слышала много всего, но до просмотра руки не дошли...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 21:51. Заголовок:

Пусть посылают! Пусть шансов нет, зато есть надежда, что ма увидем Горанчика в форме! Она ему ТАК идет!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.04 22:26. Заголовок:

так я не поняла - надо смотреть «водителя» и «папу» или нет?
У меня тоже так всегда - чем больше рекламы у фильма, нет больше у мне не катит... Ночной Дозор только 20 минут осилила, «72метра» не понравилось просто...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.10.04 17:32. Заголовок:

«Водителя» надо, а «Папу» не знаю

Старлей, шансов нет у «НОчного дозора» , а у «Длинной ночи» может даже очень быть. Американцев в последнее время на слезу потянуло.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.10.04 20:39. Заголовок:

Ну и хорошо, что у этого рекламного ролика кофе «Нескафе» (Ночной дозор) нет шансов!!! ГОРАН-ВПЕРЕД!!!!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.04 18:37. Заголовок:

Учитывая, что Ночной Дозор я досмотреть так и не смогла, я пожалуй, предпочту болеть за хорватский фильм... Но как это непатриотично!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.04 20:02. Заголовок:

Maria пишет:
Но как это непатриотично!

А я вообще наше кино не люблю. Современное. Обожаю «Гардемаринов», «Мушкетеров», фильмы про 2-ю мировую.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.04 12:23. Заголовок:

Но как это непатриотично!

так если фильм действительно дурацкий, то тут уже не до патриотизму ......

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.04 12:37. Заголовок:

А я НД не смотрела и желания посмотреть не возникло,несмотря на назойливую рекламу

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.04 20:32. Заголовок:

И правильно! Нечего эту фигню смотреть!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.04 14:54. Заголовок:

О, как! «Ночнойдозор» вместе с «Водителем для Веры» поедет на ОСкар! Токо не падайте «Водитель для Веры» едет от Украины! Я в шоке! Вообщем, так нам и надо.

Голливуд собираются снять ремейк российского блокбастера «Ночной дозор». Как сообщил гендиректор «Первого канала» и продюсер фильма Константин Эрнст, сценарий американской версии будет сильно отличаться от прототипа, хотя общие сюжетные линии сохранятся.
Действие голливудской версии фильма будет происходить в трех странах – Японии, Штатах и России. В роли Антона Городецкого К. Эрнст хотел бы видеть «звезду уровня Брэда Питта или Джонни Дэппа».


ВОт и выиграет американский «Ночной дозор» Оскара

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.10.04 15:21. Заголовок:

Брэд Питт- это интересно. А может Крузи?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.04 18:14. Заголовок:

Голливуд собираются снять ремейк российского блокбастера «Ночной дозор».

Заняться им что ли нечем........ нашли на что ремейк делать....

«Водитель для Веры» едет от Украины!

а он что - украинский? или им просто нужно было его как-то протолкнуть?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.04 23:26. Заголовок:

Да гнаши, наверное, хохлам по-дружбе отдали фильм.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.05 22:34. Заголовок:

9 и 10 января на Palm Springs International Film Festival

Long Dark Night

Goran Visnjic, best-known as Dr. Luka Kovac on «ER,» missed several episodes of his television series in order to star as a World War II partisan fighting Nazi invaders in this epic history directed by his father-in-law. Writer-director Antun Vrdoljak experienced first-hand the events he depicts in the film. In addition to acting and directing for theater and television, he was elected the first Vice President of the Republic of Croatia, and also served in Parliament.

Director: Antun Vrdoljak

Date: 1/9/2005
Time: 1:30:00 PM
Runtime: 178
Category: Political
Cast: Goran Visnjic, Katarina Bistrovic-Darvas, Mustafa Nadarevic, Ivo Gregurevic, Goran Navojec
Venue: Regal Palm Springs
Country: Croatia
Section: Awards Buzz: Foreign Language Oscar Submissions

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.05 23:18. Заголовок:

Почему нам не везет...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.01.05 19:45. Заголовок:

одна из фанаток была на фестивале : видела фильм и GV! Он отвечал на вопросы после фильма, она , конечно, взяла автограф и поболтала с ним. Она , живущая в ЛА рядом с Голливудом, была удивлена, что GV был совершенно не звезданутый.Фильм ей ОЧЕНЬ понравился! И он будет выпущен на ДВД!!!!!УРА!!!!
Dr 1600 (1/16/05 2:15 am)
Впечатление о фильме.

Last Sunday, however, was a different matter. I saw three hours of historical epic like I haven’t seen in a long time. I live 90 minutes west of Palm Springs, and with some substantial goading from a pal to help things along, I ordered a ticket to see “Long Dark Night”. Sunday morning, I headed out in a downpour, wondering if I wasn’t slightly mad. What can I say? The film was wonderful. It took a while to get used to reading the subtitles and to get into the story, but once the mass of characters, particularly GV’s Iva Kolar, were introduced, and the spectre of Nazi Germany loomed (Croatia had, at least at that time, a sizeable first and second-generation German population), the story rolled along, and I was engrossed. It jumped time rather significantly in places, and you occasionally lost the progress of some of the secondary characters, but Iva’s story was well developed and very interesting, indeed, as you followed him from his college days, to is involvement with the partisans during WWII to his role in the post-WWII communist government, to his downfall at the hands of Tito’s loyalists and the final resolution. And GV was amazing. Iva was a different character than any I’d seen him play before, and to see him act in his own language brought out all sorts of nuances I’d never seen. He was fabulous.
And as a bonus, he sang! In the film, Iva has a good friend named Mata, who plays a traditional instrument called a tamburiza. In the beginning of the film, Mata and Iva, wearing wonderful traditional folk costumes of the period, meet a group of friends in a local cafe. The music starts, the beer flows, and Mata and Iva lead the singing. He had a very pleasant baritone voice, and the scene was charming.
My only regret is we seem to have lost a lot of Mata’s story, and he was a lot of fun. The choppiness was explained later: the original version was a 12 part series for Croatian TV. It would be wonderful to see. The film version doesn’t have prospects for an American release yet, but they have gotten it on DVD in the last few days, so perhaps it will make it out that way.

а вот так Иво поет

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.01.05 19:46. Заголовок:

описание ее встречи с Гораном

Dr 1600(1/16/05 3:10 am)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Now, the question on everyone’s lips. Was GV there? Yes. He came in at the end of the film and did a Q&A with the audience. His pride in this film was clear, as was his excitement at the prospect of an Oscar nomination. He talked a bit about ER, and there were some oblique references suggesting Luka’s going to be around come September. After the Q&A, he hung around a while longer, answering questions, shaking hands and chatting about anything from the film to flying with the Blue Angels. I managed to summon the courage to go down, chat for a minute, and shake his hand, then later to get my ticket signed. He was friendly, pleasant, funny, and personable, with no celebrity airs. Guys, I’ve lived in LA my whole life, and we tend to trip over the film and TV industries pretty regularly. I’ve seen my share of the good and the bad of celebrity, and honestly, I’ve rarely seen anyone wear his celebrity as lightly as GV does. I’ve always said I don’t like to meet the actors I admire because I prefer to keep my illusions intact. Well, I met this one, albeit briefly, and my illusions are now firmly reality. And that’s a nice feeling.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.01.05 21:06. Заголовок:

Повезло ей, блин!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.01.05 02:59. Заголовок:

продолжение рассказа этой фанатки (см.выше)

Она сказала, что он собирается показать фильм Джону Уэллсу (глав. продюсера ER) в надежде для продвижения , но ничего не обещал точно.

Зал был заполнен полностью, а после фильма осталось 2\3 для задавания вопросов.(никто не знал, что он там будет, все узнали об этом перед началом фильма) Он болтал с наслаждением и об ER (сам первый об этом заговорил), и, конечно, о фильме, и о полете на самолетах-истребителях...

Также он сказал, что только ведет переговоры о следующем сезоне (хотя уклонялся от таких вопросов) и , что будет делать много фильмов.

При просмотре фильма ,ей показалось, что внешность Горана изменялась от начала фильма к концу. И спросила его, сколько по времени снимался фильм. Он ответил, что начал после окончания 7 сезона и до начала 9 сезона.

Dr 1600
1/16/05 2:24 pm

I wish I could remember what, specifically he said about himself and the show, but it seemed clear he’s negotiating and next year is likely. Something about making more movies is all I recall. Drat! He was being cagey, which isn’t surprising if nothing is firm yet. Mostly he talked about taking time off to film Long Dark Night.

He mentioned he was going to show the film to John Welles some time soon, in the hope of getting some help releasing it, but it didn’t sound promising.
He was just as willing to chat about ER (he brought it up first) or other things as he was the film, and seemed in no hurry to be anywhere else. He seemed to be enjoying the conversation and the moment. That was nice.
...the theater was full, and they were selling «rush» tickets. So every seat was filled. About 2/3 of the audience stayed for the Q&A, which was nice, considering they didn’t announce he would be there until just before the film started.

It was funny about that. As I watched the film, I could see his face change comparably to how we saw Luka’s change from late 7th season to early 9th season. They must have filmed fairly in sequence, because the changes followed Iva’s growing older. During the Q&A, I asked over what period the film was shot, and he said he’d started it in late summer after the 7th season, taken a long period of time off during the 8th (which we remember) to film the winter parts, and finished the summer prior to the 9th. I was a bit surprised how accurate my observations had been.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.01.05 20:42. Заголовок:

с 6 февраля на первом хорватском канале HRT1 можно будет смотреть телевизионную версию фильма «Длинная мрачная ночь» (13 серий по 50 минут). Этот канал можно посмотреть онлайн, но токо с выделенкой. И ОЧЕНЬ хочется это записать!
Кто-нибудь знает как «стащить» видео, которое идет в прямом эфире в формате RAM???А??

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.01.05 00:48. Заголовок:

Дала задание народу - ищут программу.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.01.05 15:47. Заголовок:

Любаша, я тоже постараюсь выяснить...
И, кстати, я не в первый раз уже слышу, что Горан — не звезданутый... Это не может не радовать

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.01.05 21:40. Заголовок:

хорватском канале HRT1 можно будет смотреть телевизионную версию фильма «Длинная мрачная ночь»

а хорватский язык вас не смущает? вы же там нифигушки не поймете.....или вы так - просто картинки посмотреть???

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.01.05 23:53. Заголовок:

Irina пишет:
а хорватский язык вас не смущает? вы же там нифигушки не поймете.....или вы так - просто картинки посмотреть???

Ну, это ты зря!!!! Я немного понимаю хорватский. это лучше, чем на английском! А картинки.... На ТАКУЮ картинку можно и просто смотреть!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.01.05 19:36. Заголовок:

спасибо, поспрашивай.

не смущает.

поспрашивай тоже, плиииз. Хотя это не факт, что онлайн будет . т.к. это премьера могут и перекрыть.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.01.05 18:55. Заголовок: Re: Lubasha Visnjic

Любаша, удалосьб выяснить вто что... Если вещание пойдет с помощью Windows Media Player, то нужна вот эта вот программа — Web Stream Recorder. А вот кряк к ней — кряк.
Если какой-то другой плэйер будет использоваться, REAL, например, то дела хуже... будем искать прогу к нему...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.01.05 22:49. Заголовок:

Надеюсь, что это Любаше поможет!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.01.05 22:53. Заголовок:

нет, в том-то и дело. Канал вещает в реал-плейере в формате RAM. То есть нажимаешь на ссылку и сразу вылезает реал-плейер, а не Виндоус Плейр.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.01.05 16:43. Заголовок:

одна американка решила написать письмо хорватской кампании, которая продюсировала фильм «Длинная мрачная ночь», чтобы фильм быстрее вышел на ДВД и просила фанов всего мира присоединиться к ней. Я уже отправила письмо , кому не жалко, отправьте по этому образцу, плиииз.


кому: marketing@hrt.hr
копия: hrt@hrt.hr
предмет: Duga Mracna Noc DVD

To whom it may concern,

I am a member of a Goran Visnjic Internet fan forum that has members all over the world. Unfortunately, the movie, Long Dark Night - Duga Mracna Noc, was only shown in the USA during the Palm Springs International Film Festival, and most of us could not travel there for the screening. Therefore, I respectfully request that you produce a region-free DVD of the movie, Duga Mracna Noc, with Russian subtitles. In addition, I hope you will put the entire 50-hour TV series on region-free DVD with subtitles.

Finally, I hope you will keep my email address and let me know where I can purchase these DVDs on the Internet.

Thank you, for your attention to this matter.


Mrs. ******
свой город, Russian Federation

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.01.05 23:07. Заголовок:

Я отправила!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.01.05 02:12. Заголовок:

новое видео и скрины клипа «Репортажа «как снимали этот фильм». на сайте Энзы. Репортаж 1 канала хорват. телевидения и , конечно, на хорватском языке.

интересное фото: форма 2 мировой, черные очки и сигарета.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.01.05 05:48. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:

А чё? курить нельзя?
Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
черные очки и сигарета.

Ему все можно!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 01:21. Заголовок:

в этом фрагменте Иво (Гори) и его друг Мато (друг-актер тоже Гори) скачут стоя на лошадях. Американцы гадают, он ли или дублер. Думаю, что дублеры, т.к. это очень опасно выглядит, но круто.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 01:47. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic
А у меня не открывается видео!!! Что делать?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 01:49. Заголовок:

многие жаловались тоже. У тебя реалплейер установлен? он только через него показывает. Если да, то нужен кодек.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 01:59. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
У тебя реалплейер установлен?

Was ist das?
С чем его едят? (Шутка). Где скачать эту фигню можно?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 02:03. Заголовок:

наверное на сайте real.com (я давно скачивала , не помню точно)

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.02.05 02:17. Заголовок:

М-да.. А это халява или как?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.02.05 17:57. Заголовок:

с форума imdb о выходе фильма на ДВД.

by - vrdo_pegasus (Wed Feb 2 2005 06:08:16) (он является внуком Антуна Врдольяка, не врет т.к. он еще написал личное письмо американке с теми же новостями)

The film will be released in March in the whole Europe and in April, I think, In Canada And USA. It was released yesterday in Croatia, and for Bosnia and Herzegovina in February.
(Sorry I couldn’t write it quicker, but I was on a vacation.)

Ура! Значит в Европе фильм выйдет в марте, в США и Канаде в апреле, в Хорватии вышел вчера, в феврале в Боснии и Герцеговине.


ps. хотя может быть он и соврал

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.02.05 21:03. Заголовок:

из журнала «Нови лист» 2005 февраль «Премьера телевизионной версии фильма». Подозреваю, что в инет он не пойдет..отрежут. Вчера хотела посмотрть по-этому каналу ихнего «Как стать миллионером»..ха, отрезали и пустили музыку..

на зэка смахивает

Ох, Иво то бишь Гори с бэби.

эх. статья прочесть низзя

военный здоровенный

таже с бэби , но больше форматом


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.02.05 23:54. Заголовок:

Классные фото!!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.02.05 20:58. Заголовок:

щас через минуту пришлю сюда сканы еще из одного хорват. журнала...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.02.05 21:02. Заголовок:

TV Story 2005 фев.

2 страница

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.02.05 21:03. Заголовок:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.02.05 21:16. Заголовок:

Милое название - партизан из Голливуда....

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.05 15:33. Заголовок:

перевод статьи «Партизан из Голливуда» (интересные выдержки из интервью Антуна Врдольяка о Гори)
перевод Мораны


“Q: What was it like for you to work with your son in law? Did you two had any fights on the set?

I would like you to show me a man who can menage to get in to fight with Goran. Not even my Ivana can accomplish that. On the set there was nor son in law nor father in law. If there was any intimacy, then that was the friendship that I have with all the actors and Goran as well. He is very talented and hard-working actor. I would have liked if this professional relationship that we had could have lasted more, but I hope we could refund that in our private life.

Q: For Croatian standards, Duga Mracna Noc was seen by a large number of people, Was one of the reasons that happened, Goran’s popularity?

Of course he was one of the reasons people came in to the movies, but not because of the fact that his name was on the bill board, but because of all he did for this movie. People love actors, actors are invitation for going to the movie theatres, but when the lights go off, the audience wants to see that actor did his maximum, they need him to be what they love most about him. I would say that in this case coincided Goran’s fame and his undoubtedly acting skill. In any other case there wouldn’t be so many people visiting movie theatres to see this movie.

Q: In what masseur did working in Hollywood changed Goran in professional way?

If you successfully replant a plant in another, bigger, garden, it doesn’t change it’s attributes, but continuous to grow and develop even more that it could the smaller garden. Goran continued his growth up there, in, much better climate conditions, though.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.05 15:33. Заголовок:

Q: Can you remember any anecdote from the set?

Well, it’s hard for me to abstract anything now, but here’s one. It happened when we were filming our last summer day with Goran Visnjic. We ware very tight with our schedule, but that day Goran Ivanisevic was playing his great Wimbledon finale. The whole crew is intently looking at me, and Goran approaches and says: “Sjor Tonci*(look at the end of translation with the star mark ) This is not about us at all, we can’t care less, but we thought that you, as an Olympic guy, would never wanted to miss this match, so we organized watching...”. I ask where, then I notice a big tent behind my back with antenna protruding out from it and a television under it. I know that we are short with time (...) ”
(Here the text stops in the middle of the sentence, the ending must be on another page, but I couldn’t find it among the scanned ones.)

*Sjor [sh-y(as in yellow)-o-r] Tonci[T-o-n-ch-y] – Tonci is a nickname for Anton in Dalmatia. Sjor is a sort of title used in Dalmatian speech, is a bit archaic, but still used in some rear occasions... It comes from Italian word “signore”(don’t know really how to spell it, but you know what I mean, “mister” in Italian). I don’t know how to explain it’s use, it is not just simple as “sir”, but similar, it is used when a younger person is addressing someone elderly out of respect sometimes... In this case it was used to accentuate his Dalmation origin and to tease him about that a little but in the funny way. I find it very funny that Goran is addressing Vrdoljak in that way :-D...


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.05 15:36. Заголовок:

т.к. онлайн канал HRT1 не показывал фильм, то вот описание первой серии от хорватки Мораны.

The first episode of Long Dark Night aired on HRT just finished... It lasted for 45 minutes, but I manage to properly watch only the last 20 minutes. I had unexpected guests, so I watched the first part only with one eye. Goran’s character doesn’t appear in the first 20 minutes, so I feel like I didn’t miss much.
All that I can say about the series so far is that I love the atmosphere that Vrdoljak build around his characters and the small but beautiful village in Slavonien in the snowy Christmas time...
In this first episode we are introduced with the main characters Iva and his friend Mata. Iva is a young student of Agronomy and he comes back home from Zagreb for the Christmas holidays. His reunion with his parents and his grandma is a touching moment. Mata is a perfect exemplar of what Slavonien people call “becar”[B-E(as in elephant)-CH-A-R], young man that loves women(and uses any chance to consummate that love), plays tamburica all day long and frequently falls into all sort of troubles. In this episode he comes in conflict with police because of the (justly) accusation for owning a rifle and he also has an incest intercourse with his cousin. What amasses me is the fact that everybody who means anything on Croatian acting scene is in this movie, from children actors to an elderly veterans of Croatian film and theatre! There was not even one unfamiliar face in this episode...
And I must point out one more thing that I couldn’t miss, and that is the fact that Goran Visnjic looks absolutely adorable! In this episode he’s done a lot of happy scenes with his “parents” and we all know how good he looks when he is laughing and smiling...

рs. My genuine impression of the film is very positive...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.02.05 00:51. Заголовок:

А как насчет перевода серии?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.02.05 01:21. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
А как насчет перевода серии?

в смысле перевода?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.02.05 18:32. Заголовок:

комментарии муз. клипа (на сайте Энзы) человека. который видел фильм целиком на фестивале в США



Everything in the video is also in the feature, I’m happy to report. I sat watching it grinning like a fool. The boy is Iva’s son, Luka. What you see is near the end of the film, when Iva has been imprisoned (thus the welts on his wrists). Luka becomes ill, and Iva is taken to the hospital to see him. I won’t give too much away so I don’t spoil the story, but I cried a good bit through that part of the film. The relationship between Iva and Luka is lovely, and is a pivotal part of the final third of the film.

The doctor with the glasses is Iva’s friend, Robbie. Robbie is a Jew, and Iva protects him during their student days. That comes around later in the story. I think GV said he’s played by his real-life best friend. The older man with the bandage on his finger is Iva’s father, aslo named Luka (do we detect a trend here?) In my «when we finally see Kovac’s father» dream episode, that actor will play him. He was fabulous, and they had a lot of familial chemisty onscreen.

ps. так трогательно было видеть как Иво сжимал своего сына в больнице. ууууу,

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.02.05 01:11. Заголовок:

Я имела ввиду перевод на русский. Ты же знаешь, что у меня с английским проблемы. Лучше уж на хорватском читать...

А ты видела обновления фоток?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.05 12:57. Заголовок:

скачать два клипа из 2 серии на сайте Энзы. (Горан там поет и пьет )


описание второй серии


This episode is divided in two thematically different parts. In fist part we are following two parallel stories. Iva and Mata with his companions are reveling in the local tavern, and, on the other side, in the same tavern but in another room, there is a meeting of a German majority for the propose of devoting Hitler’s activities, it is obvious that few of them are against that, one of them, Bartol, revolt and the majority through him out and start beating him, he is aparently Mata and Iva’s friend and they jump to help him. After they chase away the bullies, Bartol joins them in the tavern. They continue reveling until the dawn(a lots of slightly boozy Iva singing :-D). In this first part of the episode we are also introduced with two characters belonging to village’s German majority, Joseph (wonderfully played by an actor from national theatre’s ensemble of my town, Rijeka – very proud of him), who is infatuated with Hitler, seduces barkeeper’s daughter(also German) and spends the night with her, the other character is Franc, who, after the tavern’s meeting returns to his family idyll, wife and little boy, although he is German by his origin he feels like a Croatian and when the war begins he joins the partisans.

The second part of this episode is taking place few months after, in spring of 1941. The train filled with soldiers (that ware mobilized in the army of Yugoslavian kingdom because of the war against Germany and it’s allays in which Yugoslavia capitulated after only 10 days) returning from the war, arrives in the village. Mata comes along with them. On his way back from the train station he is explaining to his father that Yugoslavia has fallen apart and that Croatia is now free. His father is a bit septic and asks how come he came with a German train. Mata answers that he wouldn’t mind traveling in devil’s bag if that means Croatia will be free. At this point we’re still not introduced with Iva’s part in the war.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.02.05 15:57. Заголовок:

Скачала один клип.Спасибо,Lubasha Visnjic,душевно они там сидят,такой чисто балканский колорит

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.05 00:53. Заголовок:

Класс... Вот еще бы посмотреть все это!!

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транскрипция из клипов , автор Морана .
As you can see the clip begins with chaotic band playing and dancing with Mata in the middle. After a while we can see Iva talking to Bartol(the one that was beaten a few minutes ago by the German majority of the village): “Whenever I think of home and village, the first thing that bumps in to my mind is him[Mata] playing tamburica! Observe, he is never without tamburica”.
Mata shouts: “Stop! A Break!” then he aproches the table where Iva and Bartol are sitting and says:”And what am I without tamburica, my Iva? Just like Ana[the waitress, barkeeper’s daughterg] said, without tamburica I’m just another yokel. I would die without it, I swear...(kisses the tamburica and sits) And I almost crashed it on that big, stupid, Stefan’s head(little earlier in the fight). Dear mother of God, am I stupid... (refers to Iva) And you gave him a nice pounch (Iva just shrugs and smiles). Wait, why did we fought them in the first place?”
Iva: “How can you ask why! Bartol alone and a whole herd against him!”
Mata :”Oh, yeah, that’s right....”
Iva: “And Bartol is a neighbor....and a fine young man....Eh....And look what did they do to him!”(takes Bartols face teases him by showing his wounds. all laugh)
Bartol:”God knows what would had happen if you weren’t there to help me. They would beat the hell out of me!(takes the empty bottle in his hands ) Oh this needs to be replaced!”
Iva: ”Smart one, neighbor! Smart one!” (knocks whit his fists on the table )
Mata(refers to the band):”Come on, lets play.....that one...with birds....you know....Eh” (they start playing, when he wants to take a glass he tells to Iva)”Hold this”(drinks out of glass a little, then he starts using the glass as fiddlestick)
(after a while Iva takes a glass out of his hand and drinks it out)Iva: “Pooh, this is a brandy, ####!”
Mata:”Eh, you never change! You’re still the same Iva from the pasture, from the stream...The same one!”
Iva:”Well, the first one of us who forgets pasture, stream, first sweet cherrys in the spring, first snow in the winter...well, that’s the one who first died, even if that same one lived longer then all of us standing here! The hell the man who don’t remember his past!”
Mata(kiss Iva in his forehead): “Well the hell with him!”
Iva:”Come on, play Mata, that will be the best thing that will happen to me this night”
Mata(takes his tamburica, and say to the band):”Let’s play that rehearsed one!”
Iva(shouts):”Play Mata! Play! The whole night is ahead of us!”(smashes the glass on the floar)
The song lyrics:
“The fall comes, oh, my quince*
The flowers don’t smell as nice any more,
hyacinths, violets...”

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уточнение по-поводу песни.

*the song could be referring to quince as a fruit, as a tree or a woman – “Dunja” is also a very common Croatian female name. It is very common used metaphor in Slavonian traditional songs to refer to fruit trees as they were a person. In this song it is probably left to a interpreter to interpretative this as it suits him best.
This song is kind of a “light motive”(I don’t know if this expression is used in English too. In Croation it means a motive which appears from time to time constantly during the whole artwork – it is used most commonly when interpreting literature) for this series so far. It is sang few times during the first episode, and also four or even five times during the second episode. This song sang by Croatian singer Oliver Dragojevic plays in the background on the end of each episode while the actors and producers names are displayed, and it is also a part of a soundtrack.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.05 01:58. Заголовок:

Также Морана сказала, что в Хорватии фильм уже вышел на ДВД,

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.05 02:17. Заголовок:


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.05 17:28. Заголовок:

ДВД!!!ОХРИНЕТЬ!!!! 150 баксов!! Уже 2 желающих (причем одну я знаю, она из Англии) до 23 февраля с англ. субтитрами и токо в Европе!! на аукционе Ибей!

Думаю, что раз на Ибей появляется, значит скоро можно и у пиратов или в инете


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 18.02.05 01:20. Заголовок:

150 баксов. Круто! Но я бы все-равно купила бы!!!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.02.05 15:17. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
150 баксов. Круто!

а 202?!!! не хочешь? Кошмар!!!!!! до конца еще 2 дня. так и до 500 вырастет, но это безумие!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.02.05 16:32. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
это безумие!!!

Гори- вот наше безумие.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 00:32. Заголовок:

Энза добавила еще 3 клипа из третьей серии фильма. а также скрины из этих отрывков.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 01:02. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 15:48. Заголовок:

МАМА!!! ДВД ушел за 513.76$


User ID: Bid Amount Date of bid

butinabalaban ( 0 ) US $513.76 23-Feb-05 06:58:07 GMT Из Бельгии
butinabalaban ( 0 ) US $511.00 23-Feb-05 04:54:34 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $503.76 23-Feb-05 07:00:41 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $491.76 23-Feb-05 07:00:27 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $476.76 23-Feb-05 07:00:11 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $450.76 23-Feb-05 06:59:56 GMT
bronte. ( 83) US $430.51 23-Feb-05 04:16:16 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $425.00 23-Feb-05 03:08:50 GMT
bronte. ( 83) US $420.00 23-Feb-05 04:15:46 GMT
butinabalaban ( 0 ) US $408.00 22-Feb-05 16:13:41 GMT
hollycatmom ( 420) US $376.76 23-Feb-05 03:07:10 GMT
bronte. ( 83) US $285.00 22-Feb-05 23:56:11 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $275.00 22-Feb-05 21:49:14 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $250.00 22-Feb-05 21:48:50 GMT
bronte. ( 83) US $230.51 22-Feb-05 07:24:39 GMT
hammycatt ( 0 ) US $227.50 22-Feb-05 04:11:33 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $225.00 21-Feb-05 19:20:32 GMT
hammycatt ( 0 ) US $212.50 21-Feb-05 19:04:08 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $210.00 21-Feb-05 18:55:58 GMT
hammycatt ( 0 ) US $210.00 21-Feb-05 19:03:40 GMT
hammycatt ( 0 ) US $205.00 21-Feb-05 18:42:23 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $203.00 20-Feb-05 00:35:53 GMT
blueswoman379 ( 1 ) US $200.00 17-Feb-05 03:39:04 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $200.00 20-Feb-05 00:35:20 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $180.00 20-Feb-05 00:35:03 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $175.00 20-Feb-05 00:34:35 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $170.00 20-Feb-05 00:34:04 GMT
sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $160.00 20-Feb-05 00:33:47 GMT
debz1616 ( 5 ) US $150.00 17-Feb-05 09:52:15 GMT
debz1616 ( 5 ) US $125.00 17-Feb-05 09:47:28 GMT

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 15:53. Заголовок:

интересно, что в одном из клипов на сайте Энзы актер Рене Биторьяк (Нино в «Ничьей земле» и друг Горана) играет фашиста. Он похож манерой на Гитлера.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 16:23. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic
Есть что-то...
Ничего себе ДВД ушел за сколько!!! Вот это я понимаю чекнутые! Все. Пошла звонить в Озон.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 16:27. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
Есть что-то...

а ты его видела??? На скринах его нет.

Starley пишет:
Вот это я понимаю чекнутые!

это же на рубли....окло 15 тыс. рублей

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.02.05 16:31. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
а ты его видела???

Я его только в «Ничьей земле» видела. Но если присмотреться, то...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.02.05 01:03. Заголовок:

Любаша!!! Все супер!! Посмотрела все с реалмедиаплеером... Это круто!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.02.05 18:32. Заголовок:

3 серия от Мораны


Posted by morana on 2/25/2005, 11:24 am

The third episode starts with cold-blooded murder of Franz Kirchmeier, one of the Volksdeutschers(German majority in Croatia)who joined partisans in last episode. Short after he returned home (he fought in 10 day long war in old Yugoslavian Army) to his loving wife and son, Gestapo supported with local Germans bumped in to his house, he tried to run, but they cached him by the stream and shoot him with no hesitations. The local Nazis ordered his murder, because they consider Germans who think different then they do to be the biggest threat to Nazi philosophy. Joseph, the character that we ware also introduced with in last episode, (he is Nazi and he has a relationship with barkeepers daughter, Anna) is also Franz’s brother in law (Franz’s wife is Joseph’s sister) but he was also involved in ordering his murder.
Back in Zagreb Iva meets his friend Robert in Academic library and Robert tells him how he’s been thrown out of his rented room because the lady he rented it from find out he was Jewish. Iva told him that he has an extra couch in his room and offered Robert to move in with him. Then they received a notification to join the gathering organized for all students on the Academy’s sport stadium. They couldn’t know what was gathering about, but soon they realized that it is an Anti-Semitism motivating speech organized by the Ustasas. The orator (played by Rene Bitorajec, Goran’s good friend) demanded from all Jews to step out. After few moments of hesitation they started stepping out to prove that they are not ashamed of their nationality. Iva apprehended that nothing good can come out of this and he tried stopping Robert from stepping out, but Robert told him that his place is with his people and that he would feel like a traitor if he wouldn’t step out. When he stepped forward, Iva decided to sabotage whatever Nazis are trying to do and started yelling and encouraging crowd to step out along with their Jewish colleagues, and he seceded in his mission. After stepping out they spontaneously started singing “Gaudeamus”* the hymn of students. Iva and Robert escaped and hided in park. Iva offered Robert again to move in with him, but Robert told him that he has found a shelter and that now Iva is also in great danger because of what he did at the gathering. Robert proved to be right. When Iva went back home, the women that he rented room from, warned him not to go up in his room because Gestapo is already waiting him there. He didn’t see other way out of this situation but to run back home in his village and hope that the words of his deed wont reach that far. But he was wrong; in the train he meets Bartol (Volksdeutscher that was beaten up in the first episode by his people when he objected their opinion on Hitler) who tells him that he has find out that Nazis are waiting them on their village’s train station and that the smart thing to do would be to jump out of train before train reaches the station.


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They manage to escape the train station ambush, but the Ustasas police captured Iva as soon as he came home. Luckily Mata find out that Iva’s captured and reacted instantly. He used his high rank in Ustasas hierarchy both to free Iva and to revenge to the Ustasas police officer who arrested Iva and who harassed him (Mata) in first episode as Yugoslavian police officer. After he rescued Iva they are saying goodbye to each other and recollecting their childhood memories, they also come to unavoidable conflict because of their different points of view on current the war situation. But in the end they concluded that their friendship is stronger then anything, they said goodbye to each other and then Mata went to war. In the last scene of the episode Iva is asking his father for his blessing to quit collage for now and to go in to hiding.
*Gaudeamus – This song is considered to be a hymn of students and pupils in general. I don’t know if Latin tradition of singing this song is also preserved in other countries. In Croatia students are used to sing this song in some ceremonial events such as graduation parties and gymnasium proms. The song is written in Latin language and celebrates youth (but also admonish about the shortness of life and the necessity of living the quality life), Academy in general and professors.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.02.05 01:16. Заголовок:

Спасибки, Любаша!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.05 19:13. Заголовок:

4 серия (Ивы было очень мало)

I must say I was a bit disappointed at first when I realized that in this episode there is only one short scene with Iva, but the episode is still more then worth mentioning. This episode’s purpose is for us to see the war from German’s angle, from their point of view. The main characters in this episode are Volksdeutcher Joseph and his family; his father, sister (who has lost her husband, Franz, in the last episode), and nephew. I’m glad to see that writers also used this episode to bring Joseph’s character to another level. Until now Joseph has been a “black an white” kind of character (“blind” follower of Nazi philosophy), but now the writers are reviling his hidden motives and his complex personality. He has grown up in this small Slavonian village and came from the family of Volksdeutchers, the Germans who came to this territory long time ago and during time melted with the local inhabitants. His father was primary a tradesman, but since it is impossible to make a decent living in Slavonien(it is a low land with a lot of arable mould) if you don’t do field work too, Joseph grow up in the field and also grow up to hate it, and the village way of living in general. As soon as he could, he convinced his father to let him go to Germany to study and live with his relatives and didn’t come back until the war started. He was infatuated with Nazi philosophy (although he grew up in Croatia, he always felt like a true German, un like his father) and he became a German officer. He always had a fear of growing up to be a nobody (a village tradesman like his father or just a regular villager), and he compensated that fear with becoming an officer. He enjoyed the importance that a uniform implies, and he couldn’t let anything endanger that, even if that means doing nothing while your coworkers are planning to murder of your brother in low.
He took pretty hard the fact that his family isn’t supporting Nazi ideology, and that they all stopped talking to him after Franz was murdered. He tried to justify himself by lying that he wasn’t in the village at that time, but they don’t believe him. Elza, Joseph’s sister had taken her husband’s death really hard, spatially after Nazis build some kind of military camp, headquarters right next to her house so she is forced to face her husband’s murderers everyday, eventually she starts losing her mind. One of the German officers starts to hit on her pretty aggressively and at the end of an episode he attempts to rape. Provoked by his aggression and the fact that he was one of her husband’s murders (I believe her mental health was also one of the factors) she shoots him at the same spot her husband was murdered.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.05 19:13. Заголовок:


As for Iva, he has joined the partisans in this episode. At this point in the war partisans ware an illegal movement with small number of men hiding in woods and making all sorts of ambushes and sabotages for Germans and Ustasas. After one ambush in which three Germans lost their life and their truck was confiscated by partisans, in headquarters that are situated in Elza’s courtyard, high commander made an order to destroy neighbor village and to kill all 800 villagers. Purpose of this slaughter was to send a massage to partisans that their guerilla attacks wont work. In this episode we are witness of shocking execution of 20 men and women all ages that ware nailed working in the field. They ware tided up and then burned on the haystacks they were making. The worst thing is that this is most probably not a fiction, but an historic event…


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.05 23:07. Заголовок:

Пошла переводить!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.03.05 18:41. Заголовок:

второй аукцион ДВД, так как первый был продан очень дорого и вызвал большой ажиотаж.

Posted by Kimberly Maggio on 3/4/2005, 3:08 pm

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that we have another copy of «The long dark night» starring Goran Visnjic, on Ebay for sale. Since we had so much interest in the first copy. A wonderful woman from Belgium won the bid, we sent her the Euro version. Goran has been very generous in donating another DVD to our rescue group, and will again include a personalized note for the winning bidder. Goran and his wife Ivana, have donated generous amounts of time, money and help to the Perfect Paws organization. If you have any questions you can email me at perfectpaws@dslextreme.com or call 661-565-5525.
Thanks again for your support

202.50 $ до 11 марта 2005 будет аукцион.


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.03.05 23:28. Заголовок:

Ванька что-ли продает ДВД с фильмами мужа?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 00:06. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
Ванька что-ли продает ДВД с фильмами мужа?

тетке из благотворительности понравилось. когда за ДВД дают полтыщи баксов.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 01:35. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
тетке из благотворительности понравилось

Еще бы ей не понравилось!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 19:19. Заголовок:

три новых видео из 1 и 4 серии на сайте Энзы.


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 20:12. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic
Ты их мне перепишешь?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 20:14. Заголовок:

обязательно. мы увидим с помощью Энзы (боже храни ее!) все! сцены Горины в этом фильме.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 20:28. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic
А по ссылкам сразу на новын попадаешь? А то мне рыться там не хочется...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 20:34. Заголовок:

зайди на фоты, скрины и сканы, где написано «нью» и скачивай.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.03.05 20:42. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
и скачивай.

Я что делаю?!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 14:51. Заголовок:

мама! народ сошел окончательно с ума! ТАк ведь нельзя, это помешательство, если , конечно, выигравший не миллионер.

второй ДВД ушел за 860$!!!


User ID Bid Amount Date of bid

hollycatmom ( 427) US $860.00 Mar-11-05 03:16:21 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $850.00 Mar-11-05 12:58:05 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $825.00 Mar-11-05 12:57:54 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $800.00 Mar-11-05 12:57:40 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $701.00 Mar-11-05 12:57:26 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $650.00 Mar-11-05 12:57:15 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $600.00 Mar-11-05 12:57:05 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $550.00 Mar-11-05 12:56:58 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $500.00 Mar-11-05 12:56:46 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $275.00 Mar-09-05 19:22:26 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $250.00 Mar-04-05 16:49:26 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $250.00 Mar-05-05 17:51:11 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $245.00 Mar-05-05 17:51:01 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $240.00 Mar-05-05 17:50:16 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $235.00 Mar-05-05 17:50:06 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $230.00 Mar-05-05 17:49:54 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $225.00 Mar-05-05 17:49:00 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $220.00 Mar-05-05 17:48:42 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $215.00 Mar-05-05 17:48:23 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $210.00 Mar-05-05 17:48:08 PST

hammycatt ( 0 ) US $205.00 Mar-05-05 17:47:55 PST

sharonvetwife ( 0 ) US $200.00 Mar-04-05 13:56:54 PST

blueswoman379 ( 2 ) US $200.00 Mar-04-05 16:17:54 PST

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:35. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
второй ДВД ушел за 860$!!!


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:36. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:

Клиника, и понятно какая.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:37. Заголовок:

Пересказ 5 сериии от Мораны.

Posted by morana on 3/11/2005, 10:47 pm

In this weeks LDN episode Iva finally meets his future wife. Her name is Vera and she is a member of the partisan antifascist movement too. I was expecting a bit more of seducing rituals between them; in one scene they are flirting and in the second they are putting their cloths on… Well, what can you do, it is wartime, and they could both be dead tomorrow, so I guess there is no time for romance… But I better start from the beginning…
Most of the events in this episode are taking place in the improvised partisan headquarters (the whole facility looks more like a big old barn). In the last episode Elza had murdered German officer Stephan, and now she can’t go back home anymore, so she takes her son, runs to the woods and joins the partisans. Namely, since her husband was murdered by Nazis, who shortly after, build their headquarters practically in her front yard, she becomes a partisan spy, we can also see that her maddens which was so obvious in last episode was just a cover up, so the Nazis wouldn’t find her suspicious.
In partisans headquarters the first meeting of a new formed German partisan squad »Ernest Thellman« is being held. This is the first formed antifascist German squad in Europe; all members are Volksdeutchers from Croatia who decided to prove that not all Germans are Nazis.
Elza had provided classified information from the German headquarters about a train that arrives in the neighboring train station in the middle of the night with a very important shipment. The “Ernest Thellman” squad disguise themselves in Nazi solders and took over the station; they welcomed the train, evacuated it and then blow it up with explosive. This was a big box on the ears for the Nazis, they ware shocked when they found a ruins of the train in the mourning along with a big inscription on the wall that read: “German antifascist squad”.
Iva is still a newcomer among the partisans, but he yet in the beginning comes in to confrontation with one of the senior officers. Partisans captured two extremely young ustasa soldiers, and it is decided without any hesitation that they should be executed immediately. Iva strongly disputes with that decision and demands at least a fair trial for the two unfortunate soldiers. The promise him a trial but a half an hour later when he comes back from a short walk he finds out that they had held a “trial” without him and that the privates are already executed. He is shuddered with how ease are these men being executed, but he can’t do nothing about that. At this point he meets Vera. They started exchanging glances yet on the meeting. He’s been assigned to sleep in a room (barn) with her and two more solders (who ware on the watch that night). He walked in the room while she was washing her self and was naked from the waist up, at first he was spellbound but she didn’t felt awkward at all so they started to flirt, and one thing lead to another…(I’m hoping that Enza will up load that scene on her site).
Sorry for this weeks review being so short and confusing, but I had a tough weak and I wrote this in a hurry. I had a problem with inspiration and concentration, as well…

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:39. Заголовок:


There was something that I wanted to write when I was writhing a third episode review, but I didn’t manage to catch time and enough motivation to write it. When Nancy Lionstorm wrote her reply on my last review about this series being controversial in Croatia for allegedly equalizing sufferings of Volksdeuters and Croatian Jews, that motivated me to start writing my comment on that subject. I started writing it few days after my last post, but I didn’t finished it until now, so I’ll post it along with this review.
(I’ll first quote Nancy’s massage so my answer would be clearer)
Nancy Lionstorm: “Now I understand an earlier message you once wrote, telling us that the movie, LONG DARK NIGHT (2004) was controversial in your country and that Antun Vrdoljak was criticized by one professional movie critic for supposedly equating the Volksdeutchers’ suffering with that of Croatian Jews. I mean no disrespect to Croatian sensibilities, but as an outsider I must disagree with that film critic’s assessment. I think it was both brave and necessary for Mr. Vrdoljak to depict the experiences that motivated Croatian Volksdeutchers to embrace Nazism, as it was for him to depict the motivations of the Partisans. This bravery perhaps makes the director a “man ahead of his time” but I applaud Antun Vrdoljak for giving us a multi-dimensional picture of the time period.”
Critics didn’t criticize Vrdoljaks presentation of Volksdeuters, but Ustasas. Joseph is not the controversial character, Vrdoljak gave him a personality, but, by doing that, he didn’t justify his deeds in anyway (in the slaughter scene the women carrying the baby on her chests is screaming and begging, him particularly, to spare her child, but he doesn’t do a thing). The controversial character is Mata! I’m all for freedom of speech, but there is a certain atmosphere in Croatia at this time and that’s why I thing that his character is very dangerous. There are strong neo-Ustasas tendencies in Croatia at these days, and they are the strongest among young generations, which are easy to be manipulated with. When teenagers in America what to do something out of revolt they listen to Marilyn Manson or something similar, and in Croatia there is Thomson. He is the man who can gather the largest number of Croats on his concerts then any other Croatian musician, and I consider this to be a very disturbing fact. On his concerts, every other man in a crowd is warring Ustasa symbols including Thomson himself, he starts his performance with shouting Ustasas slogans and in his songs he directly promotes violence and xenophobia primary against Serbs. His songs contains lyrics like “We’re going to slaughter Serbs, they are going to float in Neretva(the river) to the Adriatic sea” and he is glorifying fascistic concentration camps as Jasenovac and Nova Gradiska in one of his songs.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:43. Заголовок:

Скажи Моране спасибо!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 16:44. Заголовок:

Thomson and neo-Ustasa followers are mostly war veterans, persons who had been hit by the war in all sorts of ways. Majority of his followers are low educated people that aren’t familiarized with all aspects of what Ustasa ware, all they know (or want to know) is that Ustasas ware constituted “Independent state of Croatia” 50 years ago and that they wanted to exile Serbs from their (Ustasas) country, when you look things from that perspective this has some since to a traumatized person who had lost a lot (so many people lost their dearest ones – fathers, husbands, brothers, suns…) in a war ten years ago because of the disputable Serbian aggression… There is a detail article about Thompson phenomenon here, I agree with every thing that is said in there but the writer’s conclusion that Croatia is a small, dark, fascistic Balkan state.
As for the series, I must say that I agree with that critic. Though I have seen only 5 episodes of the series, I haven’t seen nor one Ustasa doing anything wrong. All crimes, murders, incursions, fascistic proclamations, ware made by the solders warring Nazi uniform, all that we could see of Ustasas for now is Mata and he is presented as a nice guy full of life and a big patriot. There is one very important dialog between Iva and Mata in the end of the third episode. It goes something like this:

(Mata just rescued Iva who was arrested by the Ustasa police because of his engagement in that incident on university stadium. Standing on in a meadow, and saying goodbye to each other)
Mata: Watch your self, Iva. They’ll go after you again and then I wont be here anymore to help you. Aren’t you going to tell me why you have been arrested?
Iva: I’ve helped a friend.
Mata: A Jew!
Iva: Does it really matter?
Mata: You have betrayed your country because of one Jew?!
Iva: Because of a friend, Mata!
Mata: For me a homeland comes first!
Iva: Well then, I guess I’m more a people kind of person…
Mata: If I ware a proper Ustasa I would shoot you right now for saying things like that!
Iva: Then what are you if you’re not a real Ustasa?
Mata: I’m a Croat!
Iva: And I’m not a Croat?
Mata: No, a real Croat wouldn’t trade his country for a Jew!
Iva: For a man, Mata, a man!!!

And so on…. Finally Mata says to Iva that he loves him no matter what are his beliefs, and then a touching goodbye scene follows. Anyway, Mata’s point of view is exactly that today’s neo-Ustasas wants to hear….


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.03.05 17:01. Заголовок:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Iva: For a man, Mata, a man!!!

Супер фразочка!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.03.05 00:41. Заголовок:

Энза выложила видео (3 штуки) и скрины из 5 серии.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.03.05 01:11. Заголовок:

Помчалась скрины скачивать!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.03.05 00:16. Заголовок:

Скачала фотки. Супер!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.03.05 00:25. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
Скачала фотки. Супер!!!

а видео- ням-ням

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.03.05 00:46. Заголовок:

Видео у меня не скачивается. Перепишешь?

На фотках этот милашка-партизан постоянно улыбается. Веселая жизнь у партизан была!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.03.05 05:28. Заголовок:

итак, в рамках «Кино Хорватии» фильм покажут в США в кинотеатре 2 апреля . Горан будет там!!! Новость хорошая. т.к. это продвигает фильм дальше к ДВД и к нам.
Saturday, April 2 - 7:30 PM

Los Angeles Premiere:

THE LONG DARK NIGHT (DUGA MRACNA NOC), 2004, HRT/ Mediteran Film, 200 min. Dir. Antun Vrdoljak. Croatia’s official submission for the recent Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film, LONG DARK NIGHT is a sweeping, emotionally overwhelming portrait of an entire country caught in the devastation of WWII, and the irreversible changes wrought on one small village and its inhabitants. Heart-throb Goran Visnjic (SPARTACUS, «E.R.») delivers a stellar performance as Iva, a college student devoted to his family and friends, who finds himself forced to fight with the Communist partisans when war erupts in his homeland. Goran Navojec co-stars as Iva’s hellraising buddy, Mata, who winds up fighting on the opposite side with the Nazi-allied Ustasha troops. The tragic path followed by these two former best friends - both troubled by their respective choices, but determined to push forward to the end -- mirrors the complex and difficult transformation of Croatia itself in the 1940’s. Actor Goran Visnjic will introduce screening.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.03.05 00:48. Заголовок:

Горан!!! Вперед!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.03.05 16:33. Заголовок:

Морана рассказывает 6 серию.

Posted by morana on 3/19/2005, 8:47 pm

Here’s another Long Dark Night’s episode summery.
The sixth episode is divided in two thematically different parts.

The first part’s story is taking place in Iva’s home village. We are witnessing the destruction of Ernest Thellman’s partisan squad (the first German antifascist squad), and another tragic event in Joseph’s family.
In the second part we are marching up north with Iva’s squad, and following a few interesting discussions between Iva and his commandant while he bravely expresses his antiwar aspirations.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.03.05 16:33. Заголовок:

The Ernest Thellman. squad is making local Nazi commanding officers terribly upset. They are trying to cover this up so it wouldn’t get to their superiors. This squad is a big disgrace to German “superior race” philosophy, like a virus or bacillus that had to be thrown out of the system as soon as possible. The problem is they don’t know their hiding position. The Obersturmfьrer (a some kind of higher rang commander title) is making a lot of pressure on Joseph, because he knows his sister joined the partisans and he believes his father should know where his daughter and grandson are hiding, he expects Joseph to find this out from his father. Joseph knows his father doesn’t have a clue where Elza and her son are (he is also desperately trying to locate them, he terribly misses his grandson), and even if he knew he would never tell him (he is horrified with a monster his son has became since he put Nazi uniform on), that’s when he comes up with a “brilliant” idea. He somehow guesses where partisan vanguard is. A perfect vanguard is a house standing on an important crossroads. This house belongs to an old village “witch” called Marijana. Of course she is not a real witch, but just a bitter old (but good in a heart) lady that lives in a hut and makes a living by selling her unusual herbal products (this is probably why the superficial and primitive villagers call her a witch) on a stall right on the crossroads.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.03.05 16:33. Заголовок:

This is a perfect spot to oversee all German actions and to supervise throughput of so many important information. She stood on the side of the partisans yet in the beginning of the war and she became their spy. Joseph somehow saw through this paravan and he decided to use her to find E.T. partisan squad. He provokes her sympathy by weeping and regretting all monstrous deeds he committed, he confounds to her how they (his superiors) want him to hand them his sister and how desperate he is because he could never hurt his sister and that innocent child (of course, all of this is just an act). In this “desperate” state he tells her that Nazis know where partisans are hiding and that they are planning on attacking them in the mourning. Mariana let her self believe this convincing Joseph’s bluff and as soon as he walked out of her sight she sends a messenger with a note about the Nazi attack in to the woods. This was exactly what Joseph was hopping her to do so he fallows the messenger and reviles partisan position to his superiors. In less then an hover a terrible battle occurred in which partisans ware highly outnumbered and they all died in a fight. The tragic fact is that in this partisan cam there ware not only soldiers, but also a lots of women, children and old people hiding from the Nazis among which Elza and her son. These people started running when they realized they ware under attack. Their only getaway chance was to cross the river in boats. Many of them died and drowned in that river, but we don’t see what happens with Elza and her son. Maybe the next episode will reveal this misery… Mariana, the witch, soon realizes what happened and that she was to blame for the death of so many people. Incompetent to carry this burden, she hangs her self before the evening. Josephs father leaded by the tank fire comes to the battle scene in the end, when all partisans ware already dead. He hides in the corm field and overhears a conversation between senior officers and Joseph in which they are congratulating him on successful mission. When they leave he comes out and just stands there terrified with the sight (dead people and body parts are just lying all around him) and the thought that his son was the one who caused all of this. Decisive to give these men ad least a little dignity that they had more then deserved he spends a whole night bearing them in agony. In the dawn he goes in to church and asks god for help and understanding for what he’s about to do. Namely, he decides that his son needs to be stopped before he does something like this again, and he, as his father, felt an obligation to stop him. When he steps in Josephs room with a machinegun he sees a sight that shocks him; his son, a fiancй and Obersturmfьrer lying in the same bed half-naked, dead drunk and exhausted from the whole night celebrating the great victory. He kills all three of them and then, in desperation he digs his eyes out.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.03.05 16:34. Заголовок:

After a three-day march through a deep snow, Iva’s superiors decided that their squad should rest for one night in some old abounded building that they came across. We can see an interesting dialog between Iva and Brko (This is probably a nickname because he has sticking mustache - it means “a men with mustache” but in a funny, satiric way). I think Brko is Iva’s superior (but I’m not completely sure, he could be just his fellow solder), he was the one that executed (and even seam to enjoy that) those two young ustastas in last episode without a fair trial that Iva demanded. In the end while most of the partisans ware sleeping ustasas attacked them from an ambush. The last scene in the episode is a quick execution a dozen partisan solders that ware captured by ustasas. We will obviously have to wait till the next episode to find out what happened with Iva.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.03.05 22:24. Заголовок:

Achtung! Partisanen!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.03.05 20:52. Заголовок:


интересно, а в Россию они продадут?? Хочу. даже на хорватском.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.03.05 00:29. Заголовок:


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.03.05 01:46. Заголовок:

Еще до начала Второй мировой войны в Югославии действовала сепаратистская хорватская группировка Ustasha («Мятежник», «Повстанец»). Группировка добивалась независимости Хорватии. Финансовая помощь из Италии и Венгрии однако не помогла группе добиться значительных результатов.

В апреле 1941 года немецкая армия вторглась в Югославию, армия этой страны сражалась только благодаря солдатам-сербам - хорваты и боснийцы убегали из частей десятками. В это время сепаратисты решили воспользоваться ситуацией и объявили независимость. На карте появилось новое государство - Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska. Во главе государства встал Ante Pavelic, а главнокомандующим Slavko Kvaternik. 11 апреля 1941 года был подписан указ о начале формирования Hrvatsko Domobranstvo (хорватские войска). Предполагалось создание сухопутных сил, флота, ВВС, жандармерии, железнодорожных войск, службы трудового обслуживания.

Новая армия не имела достаточного количества обмундирования, оружия. На вооружении бронетанковых войск имелись только старые танкетки и бронеавтомобили. Количество артиллерийских орудий позволяло создать только по 2 батареи в дивизионах. Комплектование армии производилось за счет призывников, чьи боевые способности были незначительны. Кроме того, значительная часть опытных офицеров поступило на службу в немецкую и итальянскую армии и партийное вооруженное формирование Ustasha Vojnica.

После нападения рейха на СССР Хорватия также направила на Восточный фронт некоторые свои подразделения. В Россию отправили 369 пехотный полк и незначительные силы флота. Более значительное число хорват служило на Востоке в униформе вермахта и итальянской армии.

За свою короткую историю армия пережила несколько реорганизаций: 1 ноября 1941 года и 1 мая 1943 года. Кроме того, в апреле 1942 года была сформирована 1 горная дивизия (около 17000 человек). 20 ноября 1944 года войсковые подразделения и Vojnica были соединены в Хорватские Вооруженные силы - Hrvatske Oruzane Snage. Это было сделано для поднятия боевого духа и усиления армейских частей партийными фанатиками. К этому времени наиболее сильным соединением армии становится 1 ударная дивизия.

Весной 1945 года части Красной Армии врываются на территорию Хорватии. Подразделения Hrvatske Oruzane Snage отступают вместе с немцами. В мае 1945 года значительная часть хорватских дивизий сдается в плен союзникам в Австрии в районе города Bleiburg. После короткого перерыва союзники выдают пленных правительству Югославии. Здесь многие хорватские военные были казнены.

Хорватская армия показала себя как слабая сила на фронте. Но в значительной степени хорваты «отличились» в борьбе с партизанами, когда «храбрые вояки» выявляли целые сербские деревни.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.03.05 01:47. Заголовок:

Подразделения Хорватской армии

Организация после 1 мая 1943 года изменилась. образовали 3 корпуса из бригад. Добавились гарионные бригады.

20 ноября 1944 года созданы Хорватские Вооруженные силы. Организовано 5 корпусов из 13 пехотны, 2 горных, 2 ударных дивизий, дивзии охраны (+ Replacient Division):

К апрелю 1945 года основу армии составляли подразделения Ustaha.
Корпус охраны «Poglavnik» (командир - генерал Ante Moskov)Охранная дивизия «Poglavnik«1 Ударная дивизия2 Пехотная дивизия5 Пехотная дивизия16 Резервная дивизияМобильная бригада
II Ustashe Корпус (командир - генерал Max Luburic):

Флот имел на вооружение в основном торпедные катера, которые составляли таможню и береговую охрану. Все корабли были поделены на три группы: Северная, Центральная, Южная. На Дунае и Саве была флотилия, в состав которой входил и батальон морской пехоты. После капитуляции Италии в 1943 году почти все корабли Хорватии были захвачены этой страной.

На вооружении ВВС имелись старые югославские самолеты, а также трофейные французские. ВВС имел три округа (в районе Загреба и Сараево). В основном авиация использовалась для борьбы с бомбардировщиками союзников.

Жандармерия создавалась как сельская полиция, но выполняла и функции борьбы с партизанами. К концу войны насчитывала около 18000 человек.

Служба Трудового обслуживания была создана в августе 1941 года по немецкому примеру. Все мужчины до призыва на военную службу должны были 12 месяцев прослужить в этой организации. К лету 1942 здесь насчитывалось около 90000 человек.

Помимо этого создавались батальоны сельской милиции, охранные батальоны, мусульманские батальоны, незначительные партийные формирования и т.д.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.03.05 01:52. Заголовок:

Любаш, посмотрела сегодня клипы из фильма. Класс!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.03.05 13:36. Заголовок:

Историки говорят,что самая жестокая оккупация была финская ,венгерская и хорватская,хуже немцев

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.03.05 14:16. Заголовок:

Ну, что сделаешь.... Такова история.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.03.05 15:15. Заголовок:

Описание от Мораны 7 серии.



I was so eager to finally see the seventh episode. I was wondering what happen with Elza and her son, and I was curious to see the development of Iva and Vera’s relationship because there was no mention of Vera in sixth episode. As for Elza and Emil (her son) I must say that I’m pretty confused. There was no mention of them in seventh episode at all, so I’m beginning to think they may have died in that German invasion in sixth episode… If that’s what happened then that is a pretty big directors oversight; there should have been a scene where we see them dead, or someone saying they ware found dead, they ware one of the leading characters, after all… Well, maybe their fait will be finally resolved in the next episode… This whole episode story is taking place somewhere around today’s Croatian border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, if I comprehend that correctly, and we don’t get to see what happened with the people of Iva’s village.

The last scene in the sixth episode was the Ustasa’s attack on the building where Iva’s battalion was resting. The first scene in this episode is reunion of Iva and Spanac who came with enforcements and saved Iva’s battalion from unavoidable capitulation. Spanac (beautifully played by Mustafa Nadarevic) is one of the founders of the partisan movement in Slavonia and has a high position in military hierarchy. He is also Iva’s friend as well as his superior and one of the most educated, reasonable, moral, and down to earth partisan officer that we had a chance to meet. He is the only one among partisans that understands Iva’s moral and antiwar principles in this wartime. They highly respect each other. Spanac appeared in each episode since the second episode but as secondary character. I never mentioned him because I evaluated his part not to be important for the story line at the time, but now I see that in each following episode his character is given more space and importance and now I feel obligate to mention him.

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Along with the enforcement he brought Iva a surprise. The surprise was it was Vera. They ware very excited to see each other again. It seams that they didn’t had chance to see each other since that first night in the barn that they had spend together. They went for a walk and that’s when Vera confessed Iva that she is pregnant and judging by the size of her belly (she was hiding it the whole time under a large sized uniform) she was in the last trimester of her pregnancy. She told him that she doesn’t expect anything from him and that she just wanted him to know that his child will be born. He strongly objected that by saying that his child won’t be without a father, he offered her to marry him and she said yes. They ware afraid what would their superiors have to say about that because in partisans any intercourse among sexes is forbidden and if they ware caught in the act that night in the barn they could be executed. But Spanac knew about Vera’s pregnancy for a long time, he supported her like she was his daughter and he was delighted to hear that she and his favorite inferior are getting married. He see to it that the partisan authorities have understanding for this “incident”, he offered Iva to be his best man and he throw them an improvised but joyful wedding party. Iva wasn’t thrilled about this weeding party because he thought that it was disrespectful towards the recently desist in the recent Ustasa’s attack (among the dead was also the battalion commander Brko, so Spanac putt Iva in command now), but Spanac thought that the party was just what was needed to bring the moral of his men up. Iva was very surprised when he realized that his friend, fellow combat and his new deputy, Joka (played by Tarik Filipovic, GV’s good friend) is in fact Vera’s brother. That was the moment when he realized that he knows practically nothing about his new wife, and that’s why they spent their first wedding night talking and getting to know each other. She confesses to him that she didn’t want to have this child, but she had to keep it because God knows what would partisans do to her if she had made an abortion, but with time as the baby was growing in side of her she learned to love him. He finds out that Vera’s father was a police officer (actually more like a sheriff in his district) of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia; he was very concern when he heard that because these police officers ware known to be cruel and insensitive. It was obvious that she is a goodhearted, intelligent, and loving women but he was afraid that the upbringing in that kind of family had to make some trace on her way of thinking, especially because he knows Joka, her brother, like a primitive, small minded young man with low moral principles. The next day they had to be separated because one of the partisan regulations is that husband and wife can’t be in the same battalion. Vera stayed in the station building and Iva went on the battlefield with his battalion.

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On the field he meets an interesting character (one of the rare comic scenes in the whole series – the character is played by Edo Vujic one of the Croatian comedian and excellent joke tellers), a simple villager with unique life philosophy who was forced to become a soldier. He changed all three sides (the Partisans, the Ustasa’s and the Homedefenders) in this war for many times; each time he was captured, he would simply surrender to the enemy and volunteered to join there forces in order to avoid execution. Since the beginning of the war he didn’t fire a single bullet; he thins he is a lousy shooter and he wouldn’t want to waste the ammunition. He had spent the whole war lying in the trench waiting for war to end or for another capturing and switching sides to happen… One can se him as a coward, but he is actually just a simple and outspoken villager who doesn’t see a point or purpose of this war, and just tries to survive and go back to his wife and children. He has said one big true about World war 2 on this territory; he said something like this: “I’m just waiting for Americans to invent some big bomb and throw it on Germans or anything to make this war over, so that we here, small people, can stop killing each other for no purpose at all and go back to our old and useful life…”
A month or two after Iva goes back to see Vera and realizes that he has become a father of a son. That’s how the seventh episode finishes.

- Morana

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.03.05 15:17. Заголовок:

8 серия от Мораны

In the beginning of the episode we see a few scenes in the partisan station building (I’m not very good with military fazes). Iva gets in another argument with his superior about war moral. We see officers (Iva among them) planning the military action to reach Zagreb. Iva and Vera, just reunited, enjoy the family idyll with their just born son.
Approximately two years after Iva comes back home in his village with his wife and son. His parents can’t be more excited to see their son coming back alive with their grandson and daughter in low. The dialog between Iva and his father when they first meet is very meaningful:
Iva (the father took his grandson in his arms): See, papa, this is all that I have brought You (at that time it was a custom to address your parents out of respect in plural) after four years of war…
Father: And did you come back with clean hands, son?
Iva: And how else could I come before You… (they hug)

Soon after the joyful meeting, Mata’s mother runs in to their courtyard and starts to hysterically, on her knees, beg Iva to help her son who is captured and waiting execution in the local wood. With no hesitation Iva went to help his friend although Vera begged him not to go. She was afraid that he might endanger his carrier and reputation as an officer or even his life. She also thought that no Ustasa was worth that kind of sacrifice and she threat Iva that if he goes he may not find her and Luka when he gets back, but he went anyway. The wood was full with partisans and captured Ustasas waiting to be executed and the machineguns ware firing all the time caring on the executions. Iva found Mata and acted in front of his superior that he has some personal due with him and that he wanted to execute him personally so Iva pointed a gun in Mata’s back and took him in deserted place in wood where he shot a few bullets in the air, said him to run through wood and wait for him on the road because he has to go back in order to not be suspicious. Mata had just lost his fist in the last battle and he had an infection. Iva decided to pull some of his strings in order to get him a doctor. He went in to the partisan hospital and tries to find a doctor and he was very surprised when he bumps in to Robert, his Jew friend, which he saved from Ustasas four years ago. He asks for his help. Robert didn’t want to have anything with Ustasa but he felt obligated to return a favor and eventually he agreed to treat him. The last scene in this episode is a dialogue between Iva and Mata. Iva sends Mata home and advises him to stay there for a while while the whole situation settles down. He remind Mata what he had said to him when he saved Iva from Ustasas four years ago: “Now watch your self because I want be here to watch your back again tomorrow”. Their relationship has changed drastic since the last time they spoke before the war. Now they are both full of despair, rage and frustration over this war that just ended. Mata is traumatized because losing his right hand means he’ll never play tamburica, the only thigh that made him happy, ever again. During war he never part from tamburica, not even when he had lost his hand. Iva reminds him again to watch him self and took off in his jeep, while Mata shouts to him full with emotions: “I knew you loved me, but I didn’t know just how much!”

- Morana

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.03.05 23:22. Заголовок:

Чё там, Любаш?
У меня времени нет для перевода.
Позвони мне завтра на работу и расскажи, если сможешь. Ладно?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.04.05 00:21. Заголовок:

Любаш, спасибки за перевод!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.04.05 23:48. Заголовок:

Надеюсь это не гроб???!!!
(его жены Веры??? )
из 10 серии

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.04.05 00:05. Заголовок: Re: Lubasha Visnjic

А кто его знает?!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.04.05 15:43. Заголовок:

Описание встречи Нэнси с Гораном 3 апреля вечером на Лос-Анжелеской премьере «Длинной мрачной ночи».
Фоты обещала позже. Автографы официально брать было нельзя. Нэнси столкнулась с ним случайно, и попросила автограф, но он искренее сказал «Мне жаль, я не могу». Вопросы были о выходе фильма на ДВД . Он будет выпущен в США и даже может быть показал по ТВ его длинная версия. Еще она заметила, что он очень спешил и постоянно смотрел на часы. Более подробно она и ее подруга расскжут позже, т.к. сейчас они полностью под впечатлением!

Posted by Lion-Storm on 4/4/2005, 12:05 am

Saturday I drove down to Santa Monica and met up with another GV internet fan. We had dinner together and then went to the Cinema Croatia Film Festival at the Aero Theatre. The lobby walls were covered with «NO AUTOGRAPHS» signs.
We arrived early and sat in on the end of the question and answer period of the earlier shown film, but I must admit that I didn’t listen to a thing that was said. I only know that one of the two men answering questions was Branko Lustig (producer of SCHINDLER’S LIST).

We sat in the third row back from the stage in the dimly lit theater, and took photos of Goran Visnjic. Mr. V. appeared rushed for time (kept looking at his watch) and his introducer (I forget her name) asked him a series of questions about the film and TV series. One of the things he explained was that the director’s cut of LDN was 5 Ѕ hours long, but that the movie had to be cut down - thus the 3-hour version that was submitted to the Oscar nominating committee. He then went on to say that it might be shown on American TV as a mini-series, but it was not clear to me which version he was referring to: the 3-hour movie, the 5 Ѕ-hour original director’s cut, or the 13-hour episode TV-version.

Then his introducer asked if anyone had questions and I asked the first two.

I asked if the European PAL DVD had subtitles. Goran said, «Of course, any Croatian movie coming out in DVD is going to have English and French subtitles.» Second, I asked if the TV series was scheduled to come out on DVD and would that have English subtitles, Mr. V. didn’t say yes or no, but answered that IF it comes out on DVD, it will have subtitles.

Then Margi asked him the next question, and you know, I don’t remember what the heck that was because I was in a kind of daze and then (I don’t remember if there were any more questions) the introducer thanked Mr. V. and said he had to leave.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.04.05 15:44. Заголовок:

Продолжение рассказа
As Mr. Visnjic came down the aisle I leaned out with my program and asked for his autograph. Goran Visnjic, with a look of pained regret, leaned down and gave three gentle tugs in quick succession to my sleeve (at the elbow), and looked straight into my eyes while saying softly, «Sorry, I can’t.» And then, he was past me, striding rapidly up the aisle. What struck me most about that all-to-brief encounter (besides the fact that one can get lost looking into his incredible eyes) was his genuinely sincerity.

As soon as I get the photos from my ’toss-away’ camera put onto disc I’ll try to put them on the Internet for you to see.

After the movie, a Croatian man sitting directly in front of us said he had a conversation with GV about the movie, but I’ll get back to you about what he said after I confer with Margi, or maybe she’ll write about it herself (like I said I was in such a daze).

BTW, as I watched the movie I was doubly glad for Morana’s LDN episode summaries, they made watching the movie much more comprehensible.

- Nancy

этот Бранко Ластидж (хорват) - большая шишка в Голливуде.


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.04.05 23:29. Заголовок:

вот эта дама, купившая ДВД за 800 долларов.

I won the bid on e-bay. The proceeds went to the Perfect Paws Rescue Group. Ivana Visnjic is one of the volunteers of this animal rescue group. I received the DVD directly from Zagreb, Croatia, with the compliments of Andrija Vrdoljak, the producer of the film. I also received a photo and thank you note of Goran (with autograph ). The friendly lady of the Perfect Paws Rescue group asked me to send some photo’s of my cats (Chanelle, Winston and Bosko) in order to put them on their website. But she forwarded the pics to Goran and Ivana. They replied ’they were thrilled to hear such an animal lover won the bid’. They wanted to know why one of my kittens (Bosko) has a Croatian name. They also had a cat with the same name, they loved very much, but who died of kidney failure. I told them my youngest son named the kitten after Bosko Balaban, a Croatian soccer player, who plays with the favorite team of my sons.

Edited by: ELISABETH RENATA at: 4/4/05 11:11 am

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.04.05 01:31. Заголовок:

А пилотка у него вязанная? Что бы ухи не мерзли, да?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
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А пилотка у него вязанная? Что бы ухи не мерзли, да?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.04.05 01:34. Заголовок:

Как я Нэнси завидую!!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.04.05 20:01. Заголовок:

новые подробности встречи от Нэнси и Марты с Гораном 2 апреля 2005 в Санта-Монике.

Posted by Lion-Storm on 4/4/2005, 7:33 pm, in reply to «Re: Saw & talked to GV in Santa Monica»

Because Mr. Visnjic masterfully portrayed Iva Kolar and made the character so real that I was immediately drawn into the movie (I found myself moved to tears during several scenes – I say: yes. Goran’s talented use of body language and facial expression, as well as the particular way he conveys the spoken word, is nothing less than genius.
I think “Duga mracna noc” shows how friendship can ultimately bring personal happiness despite the ravages of intolerance, war, and political upheaval. As you know, Morana, in America we have our own terrible history of grave racial injustice (the enslavement of Africans), and genocide of the Native American Indians. That is why I found “Duga mracna noc” compelling: its message of personal honor and love of humanity is something anyone can relate to and learn from.

Regarding its qualities as a movie in general: it suffers greatly from inadequate English subtitles and drastic editing. Morana, since you don’t need to read the English subtitles, this won’t effect your viewing, but if one has first seen the TV series, then there is a strong chance that such a person will disappointed with the movie. This is because the movie is exactly taken from the series, but greatly cut down. I truly wish Mr. Vrdoljak had used the 5 1/2 hour version for the theatrical release of this movie, better yet I wish he had taken all 13 episodes and produced two or three movies (parts 1, 2 and 3) like THE LORD OF THE RINGS. So, while I enthusiasically give Mr. Visnjic’s performance 4 out of 4 stars, in all honesty I have to give the movie only 1 Ѕ to 2 stars.

Nevertheless, now that I have an international DVD player, and will soon purchase an international VCR player, I hope I can find a way to get both the movie and the TV series. From Enza’s film clips, as well as your episode summaries and dialog translations, I’m convinced I would give the TV series at least 3 or 4 stars.

- Nancy

Posted by Lion-Storm on 4/5/2005, 11:16 am, in reply to «Re: Saw & talked to GV in Santa Monica»

Another thing I remember, HGG, is that lady introducing GV spoke with heavily accented English, but it was very different from Goran’s accent, so much so that at first I thought was a French accent. But of course, I knew she was Croatian. So I wonder if she has a standard Croatian accent? If this is the case, then it explains why her accent was so clearly different from Goran’s Dalmatian accent.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.11.05 23:16. Заголовок: Re:

"Улыбаемся и машем!" Спасибо: 0 
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Безумная фанатка

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.11.05 15:22. Заголовок: Re:

Из хорошего фильма!

Volim Gorana i Hrvatsku! Спасибо: 0 
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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 17.05.05
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.03.08 23:17. Заголовок: 24 марта умер актер ..

24 марта умер актер Борис Дворник.1939 - 2008

Именно этого актера все прочили на роль отца Луки...Он играл с Гораном в фильме "Последняя воля" и "Длинная мрачная ночь", где он и сыграл отца персонажа Горана. После этого как раз и пошли разговоры о вероятном появлении отца Луки в исполнении Бориса Дворника, но он, к сожалению, заболел...И так получилось, что в "Скорой помощи" сценаристы умертвили отца Луки...

из "Последней воли" (2001)

из "Длинной мрачной ночи" (2004)

Горан и Борис Дворник на премьере "Длинной мрачной ночи" в Загребе (2004)

"Она спросила, что нового в духовном мире. Я на всякий случай ответил, что ничего" (Л.Добычин) Спасибо: 0 
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