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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 28.10.03 03:21. Заголовок: 9 x 01 CHAOS THEORY

Поскольку НТВ нам все равно ничего не кажет и обсуждать вроде как нечего, а у почти всех обитателей нашего форума (ну кто захотел конечно) уже есть или вот-вот будет 9-й сезон, то давайте хоть его обсудим...

Заодно для тех у кого сложности с переводом - можно всем форумом уши растопырить и все понятно будет

Как Вам эта серия?
Ну и по мере просмотра остальные тоже обсудим...

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.11.03 14:21. Заголовок:

Для Remi: Фуу, ну слава богу!

непонятно, зачем сценаристы этот кошмар придумали. Ведь он хирург! А выбор пал на Маккрейна, как я думаю, из-за его ужасного персонажа в Секретных...., он там такой СТРАШНЫЙ

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.11.03 18:14. Заголовок:

как я думаю, из-за его ужасного персонажа в Секретных...., он там такой СТРАШНЫЙ

Сразу вспоминаю как нам учительница говорила иногда:
«У вас будто бы голова продолжение шеи» это она про то что она считала нас ни к чему не способными

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.11.03 18:23. Заголовок:

Irina пишет:
А я вот вчера 20 серию посмотрела, там Роману еще жалче.......

в 1003 его еще жальче.... из-за Лизки

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.11.03 22:47. Заголовок:

Так и хочется спросить,что да как,но не буду, сама посмотрю

Человек рождается усталым и живёт для того,чтобы отдохнуть Спасибо: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.11.03 05:41. Заголовок:

Remi, ага, у меня тоже первый порыв был спросить - почему, что там с Романо и Лизкой? Но не спросила... и не говорите!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.11.03 13:59. Заголовок:

что там с Романо и Лизкой?

ой, что быыыыыло, что быыыыыыло......там такое было....ТАКОЕ было.....

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.11.03 19:14. Заголовок:

А...Дразнитесь Но мы всё равно не сдадимся,не будем спрашивать

Человек рождается усталым и живёт для того,чтобы отдохнуть Спасибо: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.11.03 19:22. Заголовок:

Докуда досмотрела уже? скоро сама дойдешь наверное, а там ТАКОЕ... ТАКОЕ... Жалко Роману все равно

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.11.03 19:42. Заголовок:

Девочки,я совсем мало посмотрела. Только сяду:мама то,мама сё.(У сыны каникулы)Потом муж приходит...А я хочу сесть и по-человечески посмотреть Вот на эти праздники оторвусь,отправлю своих мужиков на какую-нибудь демонстрацию

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.11.03 00:46. Заголовок:

А я вместе с дитем смотрю. Она мне переводит :)))

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.11.03 02:48. Заголовок:

Haily пишет:
Она мне переводит :)))

Ого! Мне бы так!

Человек рождается усталым и живёт для того,чтобы отдохнуть Спасибо: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 15:00. Заголовок:

кто-нибудь на родном видел?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 15:34. Заголовок:

я на запись поставила, но еще не смотрела.....
НТВ-шники все-таки уроды, они начали показ минут на 7-8 позже объявленного времени (у нас это 2.05), ну я пару-тройку минут добавила при записи, но все-равно серия оборвалась на моменте общения Лизки со своим папой..... уррроды

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 16:08. Заголовок:

ох, даже так. уроды, мягко еще сказано.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 16:16. Заголовок:

Уф, кажись Москва посмотрит 902 . 25 октября показывают в 0.45. Но теперь я даже не знаю с каким запасом времени записывать.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 16:24. Заголовок:

кажись Москва посмотрит 902

ну, слава богу

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 16:25. Заголовок:

Irina пишет:
ну, слава богу

тьфу-тьфу и где тут дерево

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.10.04 23:10. Заголовок:

Любаш, а ты сделай, как моя сестра. Запас - 2 часа! Не промахнешься!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.10.04 02:51. Заголовок:

Starley пишет:
Запас - 2 часа! Не промахнешься!

на 816 сделала, промахнулась на 2 минуты.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.10.04 23:05. Заголовок:

Опять нас обломали.....Ща кого-нибудь убью!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.10.05 14:33. Заголовок: Re:

Нашла всего один американский форум обсуждения этой серии (все остаольные обсуждение начали с 10 или с конца 9) Может будет интересно.

Associate Scholar
(9/26/02 10:16 pm)

Lemurs? There aren't lemurs in Central Africa...are there?

Okay, Luka rocked. He just kicked a**. Too bad he disappeared after Romano was carted away. Though Kerry was good enough to mention that without Luka, Romano would no longer have an arm. Just sayin'. (Oooh...and his new shot in the credits was just...umm...) And he did absolutely nothing that can even be remotely construed as having caused Romano's accident. Though, of course, history is against Luka here.

Carter and Pratt's rather vulgar discussion about losing body parts was a bit...well, silly. But boredom creates silliness. And more broken glass, apparently.

So Carter and Abby have already Done It? Whew, they move fast these days!

Susan. Poor Susan. She tried so hard. No wonder she went to Barbados. Where'd Luka go? A strip joint? ::sigh::

I guess if you're stuck in a hospital for two weeks, you do things like bleach your hair.

Kerry. It's nice to see her compassionate side, and even better to not see Sandy. That she's even nice to Romano is a sign that perhaps she has at least one claw left.

This was actually one of those episodes where I never looked at the clock. It was pretty good, as premiers go.


Northern dancer1
Vice Chair
(9/26/02 10:38 pm)

- Too much damned yelling and screaming. Half the time I couldn't make out a thing they were saying, and even if I had the time, I couldn't be bothered to rewatch just to figure it out.

- The spoilers about Kovac being blamed, in trouble etc. are all a load of bull droppings. He saved Romano's arm, got credit for it, and that's about it. Other than the nice new shots of GV in the credits, in this episode it was blink and you missed him.

- Same for Susan. Why the hell did I have to get an overdose of POOR ERLIZABETH trapped in that awful place, England, with all those awful, nosy, stuck-up people, when I could have had more of Susan!! ND not happy, not happy at all

- I love Carter and Abby together. All their segments were great. Dynamite chemistry, very sexy, just a little angsty, and lots of potential for future stories.

- I like Pratt and Chen together. They've got chemistry, and I'm warming to Pratt as a character.

- God, Kerry grated on my nerves tonight, especially when she was yelling. They're trying to show her as the "fulfilled woman" (her concern for Romano, her attempts at humour) and I just don't care anymore.

- Gallant is great. Why didn't we get more Gallant. Again, I'd have traded ALL of Corday's scenes for more of Luka, Susan and Gallant.

- Paul mcCrane was fantastic. I'm glad they've decided to flesh out his characters (yuck, that sounds like a bad pun, sorry, no time to edit).

- The opening credits are really great. Nice shots of everyone, and both Luka and Susan get two nice shots (as do most of the others, but I noticed them more, because I was watching for them).

- I'm with Freya, in that after watching Precidio Med the last two nights, I found myself preferring it to tonight's ER.

Sorry to sound so pissed off, but they really did piss me off with their Brit bashing. Some of the sexiest, sweetest, kindest men I know are British and it OFFENDS me to see them caricatured. (edited to add: NOBODY talks like that damned surgeon, the writing for him was stilted and atrocious!) Like I said, it ruined the episode for me.

Oh and Romano's accident was pretty stunning, but it was really "blink and you missed it". I'll bet quite a few viewers probably did.

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll enjoy the next episode more. Lesson Number One, ER writers, and it's a rule of thumb good writers stick by: don't ram your private peeves down my throat with the carrots, cause it'll make me throw up the whole dinner. Over and out.

"Улыбаемся и машем!" Спасибо: 0 
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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.10.05 14:37. Заголовок: Re:

Chair, Faculty Senate
(9/27/02 8:40 am)

Things I like were mostly little touches – Kerry’s supportive words to Susan about how they handled the evacuation; the music reprised from Mark’s funeral while Elizabeth was reading the sales contract; the fact that Kerry stuck up for Luka to Romano. I liked Luka’s immediate response to Romano’s accident;

Susan’s solo efforts to save the heart patient. I liked Abby’s hair, and the general chemistry between Carter and Abby because I think there is more to discover about their relationship – i.e., learning to trust each other. I liked Carter’s direct statements of his interest in Abby, how he has been interested for two years, how it wants something long term with her. I like the final scene and the conversation about the Chaos Theory, and I do think it portends to the next episodes as a general theme.

Overall, though, I have some major concerns about the writing and pacing. That started with the opening and all the precious seconds spent in Africa. While interesting and, I guess, best placed at the opening, my lingering impression was that it wasted time that could have been spent on our characters. I also appreciated but think felt flat TPTB’s attempt to create a different feel for the show – something I’m having trouble describing right now and perhaps can do better when I see it again.

Most of the writing did not grab me, I think because of its minimalist approach and overall choices of plot direction. Elizabeth’s decision to return seemed based on reasons too easy – a hard time adapting to her home country (I don’t think all English doctors like that) and her overbearing parents (which was so brief). The writing for Carter and Abby was too disjointed – I want to know what else was said in these two weeks, particularly after she walked away saying she wasn’t broken. What did they say to each other next? It must have been something that allowed them to continue. I didn’t like Carter’s answer to Abby’s question about the pox, “what does it matter?” Abby seemed hesitant yet pleased about the relationship with Carter, and I wanted her to say something along the line of how scared she was about entering into it. I think that would be in character for Abby, given her reaction to things over the last two years, and I want to explore that. I guess/hope they will do that later.

I question trying to have the episode cover 14 days – which ended up giving us too little a glimpse into what happened between all these folks over that enormous amount of time. I think it should have just covered the 24 hours and we could have left the rest till later.

So, I was looking, and maybe missed, one lingering shot of Luka’s emotional reaction to Romano’s trauma, just like we got one for Susan after she lost the heart patient, and I am concerned he was not there as the ER opened again, two weeks later. I do think it is dangerous of TPTB to string Luka fans out so long like this – all of S8 without significant characterization, minimalist treatment here, not to mention the coming episode spoilers. At least he was excellent in his reaction to the trauma.

"Улыбаемся и машем!" Спасибо: 0 
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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.10.05 14:42. Заголовок: Re:

Vice Chair
(9/27/02 11:21 am)

What I did like: The scenes with Susan, Luka, Kerry, and Romano. I particularly loved Susan's heroic attempt to save the elderly man, culminating in her physical exhaustion from the effort. Of course, Gallant's tardy arrival and the look of frustrated disappointment on his face was so telling. While Luka was a bit frantic in trying to get Romano stabilized in the beginning, I loved how he kept his cool and his head while trying to save him. Experience. The most telling clue of his cool was the exchange with Chen when she made the statement, "I think I lost his pulse," and Luka calmly replied, "Either you did or you didn't." That was a teaching moment, and showed the difference between their confidence level and experience.

I liked the exchanges between Romano and Kerry, and I know that "Lucky" line, which went led to Kerry's defense of the staff and Luka is coming back. Remember when Romano asked about the meaning of Luka's name (paraphrasing), "What does that stand for, Lucky, what.....?" We do see poignantly that Romano is alone in the world, and that he has not had any family visit him. I thought that it was a significant revelation.

I loved the scenes between Carter and Abby, but what I liked the most was Carter's summary of the statement of his feelings and the nature of their relationship the last two years, " and didn't we see it two years ago, when everyone thought we were nuts. I think that either ND or Stormwatcher nailed it two years ago in comparing Luka and Abby to Carter and Abby, in saying that Luka and Abby's relationship was moved along only by external events, not through acquired understanding of each other, while at the same time, Carter and Abby's relationship was moved forward by acquired understanding as the result of external events. I thought that Carter summed up the second relationship nicely.

That said, the writers did a nice job of showing us that this couple still has a lot of ground to cover, and Abby has some serious issues to deal with. She has to admit that she is broken, and that she needs to accept support from the people that love her. Oh, it's so refreshing to have this couple verbalize their fears and desires after having suffered through Luka and Abby.

Opening credits: I don't know how Mekhi Pfieffer got placed in front of the rest, but I'm sure TPTB had to do some fast talking to get him to come to ER, and that was part of it. I'm so glad that they finally changed Luka's picture, and it's a good one. Yes, ND, I'm glad that the scene from The Crossing was put back in, along with an extra scene for Susan. Romano at the end, with the shot of him coming through the doors is well-placed. Carter and the rolling chair? Too much for me.

Visiting Scholar
(10/28/02 9:25 am)

Carter/Abby: (I apologise for the over-exuberance here by the way! I edited it as much as I could but my joy of them interlinks so much with the review that it was kind of hard!) I just LOVE 'EM! I literally cannot express in words how much I adore these two both together and seperatley. All their scenes together oozed chemistry IMO. My favourite scene of theirs has to be the bathroom scene. After Abby says he was "a little loud" and is moving behind him to get to the poster, the way she touches his back and smiles up at him is adorable. Never saw her smile that way with Luka. They really are it. ER's next Doug and Carol. LOVE when he throws the towel at her and she laughs. They're comfortable, relaxed, they banter, they're happy. I love them. I keep saying it but I can never express fully enough how I feel it! Also adore how Abby is taking care of her appearance now. I think the blonde thing happened the same way Carter's beard did. Maura said before they started filming that she'd be back to brunette by the time the season started, but I think that the producers thought it fitted in really well with her character being happy now and asked her to keep it. Hee, when Stan pays her the compliment about the hair and she doesn't quite know what to say. "Thanks..." I love her. Me one big, big Abby fan.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.10.05 14:43. Заголовок: Re:

(1/12/03 6:05 am)

Paul McCrane is quite brilliant. Nobody delivers outrageous lines like that man, even when he’s bleeding to death on a gurney (‘Ooohhh, I’m at County…’ , ‘….treat them like his mother but without the inappropriate touching.’ Ha!)

Nice to see Luka in charge and in control. And that the others just went with it instead of interrupting or second-guessing – Pratt’s simple ‘What do you need?’ as he and Chen rush into the operating room and Luka’s ‘Chen! I need ice, lots of it. Now!’ and his response to her losing Romano’s pulse, ‘Either you have or you haven’t’. Chen was off her game – typically, IMVHO, as she’s always shown to be slightly hesitant in major trauma scenes.

I think I was also blindly holding out for a sign that events in this epi would give some clue as to Luka’s subsequent nosedive into depression. I suppose I was hoping for some kind of conversation or comment after it was over about how awful it had been for them, left in an abandoned hospital, fighting to save patients in dire circumstances (circumstances that Luka probably didn’t think he’d face again in the States). Too obvious, perhaps.

Susan’s desperate attempt to save the old guy on the roof was done so well – I really felt her desperation, her isolation, the tension and increasing exhaustion. See, both of these scenes may well have been as inaccurate a portrayal of the medical procedures as the whole ‘quarantine’ debacle, but they convinced me utterly in these cases, where they so did not convince me about that one.

Elizabeth in London. Ho hum. I think I have been saved from outrage by the fact that I had already read ND’s comments on how the English doctors were portrayed. So, I just grimaced rather than got angry about it because I knew it was coming. And I once had a very brief sojourn in hospital where I was subjected to ‘Virulent Ponce’ – nice one, Lizzie! - behaviour from a consultant so I think I was projecting a little……. Plus, I have a bit of a thing for the way TPTB portray foreigners in ER anyway – they always sail very close to the wind for me in making them caricatures (and I include Luka in that theory). They obviously had to find a way to get Elizabeth back to Chicago as quickly as possible without spending too much time showing us why……so bring on the stereotyped obnoxious English snobbery factor and pour thickly over every scene. Oops, I said ND had saved me from outrage, didn’t I? Moving swiftly on………..

Abby and Carter. Hmmm. If I hadn’t already seen the rest of the season up to Hindsight, I would have to say that I’d have been woefully misdirected by their interactions in this episode – we’ve seen them ‘doing the dance’ for so long now that I know they can, so I’m not blaming the actors or the much-discussed ‘chemistry’ factor (like I’ve said before, IMO, actors can turn this on and off like a tap if they’re any good and these two are). So I’m left thinking that it was either bad directing or an attempt at portraying Abby’s trepidation that didn’t come off that well, IMHO. The one scene where Carter tells her why he wants to help her and she says she’s not broken so doesn’t need fixing rang true, but the rest didn’t for me. Don’t know why, exactly, but they just didn’t convince me. But, like I said, the rest of S9 so far has shown this couple reaching out, faltering, but struggling to stay with it and that, IMVHO, is a wonderful thing

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Безумная фанатка

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.10.05 20:24. Заголовок: Re:

Все то ты найдешь, Любаш!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 17.05.05
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.07 02:22. Заголовок: Re:

а вот и 901 обсуждение. Я ее тоже не люблю.(((

А для Карби наверное малина

Samka & Lullian Спасибо: 0 
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хранительница очага (moderator)

Зарегистрирован: 13.07.05
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.07 02:25. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:

А для Карби наверное малина

А для Маши - в рифму - серия параша

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 17.05.05
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.01.07 18:33. Заголовок: Re:

Серьезно никто, кроме нас с Машей, не смотрел эту серию? или она вам просто нравится?

Samka & Lullian Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Зарегистрирован: 29.08.06
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.01.07 20:04. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:

никто, кроме нас с Машей, не смотрел эту серию? или она вам просто нравится?

Я смотрела, только что-то совсем не помню о чем она..))

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постоянный участник

Зарегистрирован: 05.08.06
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.01.07 20:22. Заголовок: Re:

9-01 "Теория хаоса" - завершение истории с карантином в Окружной больнице; Романо отрезало руку винтом вертолета; "первая ночь" Картера и Эбби.

А почему Маше не нравится эта серия? Керри проявила там себя просто великолепно. У меня при виде нее в этой и предыдущей серии (с началом карантина) само собой возникло сравнение ее с капитаном корабля, который стремится быть со своими людьми, поскольку несет ответственностьза них - и не только по букве служебной инструкции, а всей душой...

Насчет "нравится - не нравится"... вопрос сложный. Множество трагических событий, но смотреть на них, переживать за героев... ну, слово "приятно" тут будет неуместно, но если бы трагические сюжеты в искусстве только отталкивали читателей и зрителей, то литература, кино, живопись и т.д. лишились бы массы великолепных произведений.

"Какова, однако, сила искусства? Изображено страдание величайшее, а нам на него смотреть - не скорбь, а блаженство. Когда б кто так в живой жизни устроил?" (о статуе Лаокоона - Ольга Форш, "Михайловский замок")

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