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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.05 22:14. Заголовок: ER 1203 "Man with No Name"

пока известно токо название эпизода. Ждем-с.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.05 22:22. Заголовок: Re:

Luka and Abby are working on a woman who was run over by a kid on a scooter while she was rollerblading.

Dubenko is still around. So is Morris.

Dubenko is still around and acting like an ass to Luka again.


1Лука и Эбби вместе работают с женщиной. котоорую сбил роллер-ребенок.
2Дыбенко и Моррис в эпизоде.
3Дыбенко снова конфликтует с Лукой.


зы. НЕТ, ТОКО НЕ ЛУБИ!!! Или я паникую.

Кажись, Луки будет много. Это радует ,даже очень!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 18:36. Заголовок: Re:

Еще добавления.

1. Лука не следит за квартирой: пустые бутылки, коробки и сигареты разбросаны повсюду.
2. У Дыбенко - рак.
3. Новая старшая медсестра, которая придирается к Луке как врачу (он типа не успевает как старший врач следить за двумя тяжелыми случаями и не учит как следует Пратта). Она типа Керри.

4. Луку об стену трижды ударяет муж пациентки
5. Нила хочет послать Галланту в армию посылку.
6. Эбби занимается больной раком.
7. Пратт и Оливия целуются.
8. Керри и Рея нет в серии.
9. Сьюзан есть (она зашивает Луку), но теперь даже неизвестно, что будут делать с ее сценами.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:37. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
. Лука не следит за квартирой: пустые бутылки, коробки и сигареты разбросаны повсюду.

Zacem? Abby uberet!

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Луку об стену трижды ударяет муж пациентки


Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Сьюзан есть (она зашивает Луку),

Voslo v privycku?!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:39. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:

Voslo v privycku?!

могут ее заменить , если Шерри не будет вообще в 12 сезоне. И кто его будет зашивать неизвестно тогда. Кстати ,губу ему зашивают. Ужас!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:43. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:


Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
И кто его будет зашивать неизвестно тогда. Кстати ,губу ему зашивают. Ужас!


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:43. Заголовок: Re:

Travmaticny nas Lukocka!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:52. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Travmaticny nas Lukocka!

могли бы и сотрясение сделать. Все-таки трижды об стену, да еще на пол бросили. И всего лишь полоса крови на халате и губа.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:55. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
могли бы и сотрясение сделать. Все-таки трижды об стену, да еще на пол бросили. И всего лишь полоса крови на халате и губа.

Ni hrena emy!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:59. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Ni hrena emy!

но небритого, курящего и неопрятного Луку я хочу видеть!!!! Навеяло Африкой

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:00. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
но небритого, курящего и неопрятного Луку я хочу видеть

A kto skazal, sto on takoj?

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:02. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
A kto skazal, sto on takoj?

это я щас подробно перевожу первую сцену.

вот что успела

Утро. Квартира Луки. Орет телевизор. Лука спит на диване в одежде прошедшего дня. Он небрит и неопрятен. Всюду валяются пустые коробки и бутылки из-под пива. Он курил, т.к. дымящая сигарета лежит в пепельнице. Слышен бреначание ключей .которое будит Луку. Дверь открывается и на пороге Зойла, уборщица. Она удивлена, что Лука дома и вокруг такой беспорядок. Она думала, что Лука на работе. Сэм сказала ей прийти в первый четверг месяца. Лука отвечает, что ему сегодня на работу надо позже. Она осматриает комнату и видит полный бардак. Лука говорит, что ничего не надо убирать. Зойла хочет возразить, но Лука резко ее обрывает, сообщая, что Сэм больше здесь не живет."

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:06. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic

Krasavez Lukocka!!!!!!
Abby emy po see ne dala eze?

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:07. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Abby emy po see ne dala eze?

Она тут совсем не причем. Кажется ,ее будут сводит с Дыбенко , т.к. она первая увидела его в Онкологии как пациента.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:09. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Она тут совсем не причем

Eto my posmotrim ege!

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Кажется ,ее будут сводит с Дыбенко

Pomret ge skoro!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:11. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Pomret ge skoro!

уж точно не скоро. вспомни Марка. и не факт, что помрет. мы еще не знаем рак чего у него.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:15. Заголовок: Re:

Vse!!!1 Poka!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.08.05 21:16. Заголовок: Re:

Nu, kak tam LUBY?
Luku bolse ne bili ege? Togda ja v fanfe pojdz ego snova bit

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.09.05 12:10. Заголовок: Re:

а вот и старшая медсестра

У Эбби что на голове?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.09.05 20:29. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
У Эбби что на голове?

Я бы сказла, но....Непррилично будет!

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хранительница очага (moderator)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.09.05 00:10. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
а вот и старшая медсестра

Салли!!! Милая-милая Салли))) И ни фига не изменилась!
Правильно я сделала, что кое-кому заранее ее показала, чтобы не мне одной было смешно на нее смотреть в драматической роли

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
У Эбби что на голове?

А я бы сказала, горшок у нее на голове!
Лучше ответьте мне, это Пратт с ней рядом стоит?!
Ну он себе ряху наел! Обрюзг весь как-то...
Или просто фотка такая мало-удачная? Или я ищу к чему бы придраться?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.09.05 21:45. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
А пусть бы у нее был роман с Лукой?


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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:38. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
зы. НЕТ, ТОКО НЕ ЛУБИ!!! Или я паникую.

сама себя процитирую. Без паники, Любаша.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:41. Заголовок: Re:

Spoilers for 12.3 - "The Man With No Name" - are trickling through at AEB.

From Daisy

Luka and Abby are working on a woman who was run over by a kid on a scooter while she was rollerblading.

Dubenko is still around and acting like an ass to Luka again.

Oh dear, it looks like Dubenko has a good reason for being in a bad mood and it has nothing to do with Luka. Think Mark Greene.

Sit down and prepare yourselves, darlings, I have dire news about Luka. It involves hitting and stitches and a patient's father. I'm afraid, someone damaged that pretty, pretty face.

But Sam is being nice to him about it.

Abby's rollerblader is at high risk for breast cancer, Abby takes her upstairs for treatement in Oncology (very conplicated and someone will explain it better later) that's where Abby sees Dubenko as a patient. The case goes badly and the woman freaks out and blames Abby, then bangs her over the head with baby/barren/life changes/adoption anvils for a few scenes.

Neela is trying to put together a package for Gallant and can't think of what to send him. Well, she thinks of plenty of things, but Abby doesn't like any of them, probably because she doesn't think they're sexy enough for the long-distance lovebirds.

Sam is waiting in the ambulance bay for the babysitter to drop off Alex.

Luka gets picked up and slammed into the wall and thrownacross the room by a man trying to get to his ex wife. It's awful.

Luka and .... Lewis work on a burned man who walks into the ER. Oh, I smell rewrites as well as crispy critter.

There's a new Nurse Manager named Eileen Cimperman and she's a holy terror to all the doctors, especially Luka, but she also seems supercompetant. If the actress doesn't look like Rosy O'Donnell, expect her to get a little mad Croatian lust in the drug lockup by November.

Eileen is taking Luka to task over something that happened with Sam. Luka tells her they're a couple, then realizes he used the wrong tense. Eileen nicely says she overdid it and will focus on just watching the nurses.

Abby is taking pictures of Neela in the staff lounge to send to Iraq. Neela in fishnets and stillettos, licking a lollipop. In the hospital. Morris hears them, climbs on a chair to peep. As Spike would say, hilarity ensues.

Looks like it is Pratt and Olivia who kiss by the river. Poor Luka is having a terrible day and there's no one to kiss him better, that's just wrong darlings.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:42. Заголовок: Re:

From Mrs V

Teaser: Morning, and we’re in Luka’s apartment. The TV’s showing High Plains Drifter (starring Billy Curtis and Clint Eastwood). Luka’s asleep on the sofa, wearing last night’s clothes. He’s unshaven and unkempt. There are takeout cartons and empty beer bottles sprawled everywhere. Guess he’s smoking, too – we see a cigarette burning in the ashtray, which is now “a long stick of ash – an opportunity missed”. We hear jangling keys, which wakes Luka. The door opens and we see Zoila, the cleaning lady. She’s a bit shocked, probably because of the mess and because Luka’s there. Zoila says she thought he was at work. Sam told her to come over on the first Thursday of the month. Luka says he’s running late. She takes a look around and sees that the place is a dump. Luka says she doesn’t need to clean today. Zoila tries to say that Sam told her to, but Luka cuts her off and says that Sam doesn’t live there anymore. He’ll have Sam call her. Zoila hands him a stack of mail, telling him that she saw the mail in the lobby. Luka thanks her. She sees all the dirty dishes, etc and tells Luka that he should clean them or he’ll get bugs. He nods. She leaves. He just looks at the mail as we hear gunfire coming from the TV set.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:43. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to a Power Ranger shooting some Nerf stuff in the Admit hallway, going, “Pow! Pow!” Susan, who is dressed nicely, is walking down the hall with 2 grant officers from Medical Informatics, a med equipment manufacturer. Their names are Shoud and Freund. As Susan tells the 2 that patient through-put is 8.7 hours, she gets hits in the arm with the Nerf thing. She ignores it. Morris and Rosales show up, chasing the Power Ranger. Morris doesn’t know what to do and is about to complain to Susan, but she says it’s a bad time and she’s really not there. She turns to S&F and says that if patients are admitted, the through-put # is 19 hours. S thinks there’s room for improvement. Susan says that that’s where their company comes into the picture. Morris says, “Houston! We have a problem!” Susan asks S&F to give her a moment and gives them something to go over. She goes to the desk to talk to Morris. Abby’s there, too. Susan asks Morris to keep it down – S&F are grant officers and they’re considering funding a pilot study at County. Morris says Ka-ching! Abby asks Susan if she’s back on “the tenure train”. Susan: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”. Morris congratulates her, then asks about the new Nurse Manager, whose name is Eileen Cimperman. We see her, and she’s conducting a meeting w/ Sam, Malik, Marquez, etc. Susan says Eileen’s great. She met with the Emergency Services Committee, and they loved her. Morris wants to know if it’s Eileen’s job to slow the floor down to a crawl. Abby cracks that she thought that was Morris’s job. Morris says his point is that all the nurses are in the meeting, gabbing away. Abby says they’re entitled to have meetings. Morris says not unless he says so. He looks at Susan and amends it to “we say so”. He looks at Susan and changes it to “she says so”. Susan says, “Exactly”. She ends the conversation and asks Abby if she knows which attending is on today. Abby says it’s Luka, but he’s late. Susan says, “What else is new?” F calls her over, and Susan quietly asks Abby if she knows how much a**-kissing she’s going to have to do to get $200K off them.

Pages later, and a note says, “The Figure’s POV”: we see a Mom grab her kid and move away. A worker, who’s out smoking, hurries away. Someone leaving almost bumps into this figure, which “barely averts him”.

We switch back to Luka and Susan. Their attention’s being drawn by a police car with sirens wailing. The car is behind The Figure. The cop gets on the loudspeaker and tells The Figure to stop. Now. As Luka and Susan are trying to take in what they’re seeing, other people come up from behind them and they see a man who’s horribly burnt over 90% of his body. The only thing that remained intact was his boots. A note says that him being able to walk makes the scene even more disturbing. The man tries to speak, and his voice comes out wet and pained. He asks for a doctor. Then he falls to the ground. The scene ends off Luka and Susan. End of teaser.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:44. Заголовок: Re:

Act 1: Abby, Pratt and Morris. Morris has one of the nurses’ booklets. They “egg him on”. Abby, calling Morris “Chief”, asks if he straightened the problem out yet. Pratt sarcastically says that Morris needs to end staff meetings. Morris says that the nurses are autonomous professionals; if they want to have a meeting, there’s nothing they can do about it. Abby smiles and leaves. Pratt says to Morris, “Spanked you raw, didn’t she?” Morris is all traumatized. With quivering lips, he says that it was all a blur. At this point, Luka and Susan enter with Burnt Man. Susan says she can’t find a femoral pulse. BM says a word (“ayudame”) in Spanish. Pratt asks if they need help, but Susan keeps going. We see that the Nurses’ Meeting is letting out.

Pages later, Pratt just says, “Without a doubt”. Susan nods and goes.

Cut to the trauma room. Luka’s running the trauma. Sam’s trying to get an IV in, and a nurse named Inez is peeling the man’s pants off. A note says that this is a grim, eerie task. Susan says the man’s lungs are wet. Luka tells Sam that he needs her to get the line in, please. Sam says she’s working on it. Inez tells the man to calm down and asks him for his name. Luka tells Sam (again) that he needs a line, but she says that his “landmarks are fried”. Meanwhile, Inez is talking to the man and tells everyone that the man has no ID and he doesn’t know how this happened. Eileen quietly tells Inez that she should worry about getting an ID after she puts the man on a monitor. Inez is about to say that she was about to get something, but Eileen cuts her off and tells her to start a foley to document renal function. Sam and Inez look at each other. Then Sam hangs a bag of saline. As they work on the man, Eileen asks Sam what she’s doing now. Sam replies that she’s hanging saline. Eileen says she can see that, but she wants to know why she’s doing that. Sam starts to regurgitate the procedure about fluid requirements. Eileen says good and asks her if she knows the Parkland formula. Sam says yes. Eileen then says that Sam must know that “Lactated Ringers is the preferred crystalloid”. Luka says excuse me. Eileen introduces herself. Susan tells Luka that Eileen’s the new Nurse Manager. Luka “takes her in”, then checks his laryngoscope. Alarms start beeping; the man’s sats are going down. Luka tells Eileen that now is a bad time to “start pimping the nursing staff”. She argues that the best time to learn is usually at the worst time. She walks toward a suction cathether, trying to think a step ahead. Sam wisecracks to Inez, “Didn’t Yoda say that?” Luka’s about to say suction, but Eileen gives it to him before he can finish saying the word. Luka glares at Eileen. Susan can see the tension. Susan decides to get out of there and offers to introduce Eileen to the accountants. A note says, “She leaves, rescuing Kovac from Eileen.” Sam says that Eileen will take some getting used to. Luka tells Burnt Man that they’re going to help him. Sam asks Inez if Burnt Man wants them to call someone. Inez speaks to the man, and she tells us that the man doesn’t have anyone.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:48. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to Luka and Inez wheeling Burnt Man out on a gurney. The monitor goes off. A policeman approaches and asks if that’s all the info Inez got out of the man. Inez says the man was in pain. As they deal with the man, Sam walks over to the Drug Lockup. She and Luka share a look. A note says it’s “not hostile, just awkward”. The policeman says he’ll go with them to ICU in case the man wakes up. Luka nods. He gives Inez some instructions and goes to the Lockup. The Policeman is surprised that Inez wasn’t able to get a name. Inez: “Think he felt like giving an interview?”

We see Luka in the Lockup, where Sam is mixing a bag. She notices him but keeps working.

Pages later, and we’re in Act 2. Abby and Inez are treating a 16 yo drunk named Erik, who’s trying to get up. He insists he’s fine. She plunks him back down and tells him to sit. Inez says it’s kind of early in the day for him to be that drunk. He says he’s been that way since last night. Inez asks for his age, and he says he’s 16. She says, “Pretty stupid”. He says he got 1440 on his SATs and she works for the county. Who’s the stupid one? A note says, “Asshole”. Abby gives instructions and tells Inez not to light a match around Erik. He thinks that’s funny. Then they hear a hissing sound. Erik just peed his pants, which makes him laugh some more. Erik: “Told you I was a whiz kid”. Abby leaves, telling Inez to go with God. Inez picks up a big cathether. He wants to know what she’s going to do with that. She tells him to take off his pants.

Cut to Neela at Admit. Morris approaches with a bag in his hand. He’s all proud. Neela says, “1000 Places to See Before You Die”? Morris asks if she thinks he’ll like it. Frank retorts that Gallant’s in a war zone, not a Zen spa. Abby arrives and looks at the book cover. Morris has yet another book to show them. It’s titled, “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”. Abby sarcastically says that that book’s much better. Neela tells Morris that she thinks he’s missing the point. She leaves. Morris calls out to her. He tells her the books were $1 each. There was a used book sale in the gift shop. He turns to Abby and says that isn’t it the gift that counts? She says that it’s not at that price. Morris tells them that they’re superficial. He leaves. Abby sees Luka charting across the way. She “searches the inbox for an alibi” and grabs a lab report. Bridget wheels by, calling her a bony-a** cracker again. Abby tells Luka that the labs are back on his UTI girl. He thanks her. A note says that she’s beat. She tries to figure out his mood. Abby asks about his burn guy. After a few back-and-forths, she tells him to let her know if he hears anything. At this moment, Sam and a paramedic wheel in a chunky 11 yo named Robbie. He was on a motor scooter and hit a woman who was on rollerblades. Sam says the woman’s being unloaded from the ambulance now. Abby says she’ll take care of that patient and heads out. Luka and Sam are together now. Luka thinks Pratt should take the case. Sam’s worried about the kid and says he wasn’t wearing a helmet and is altered. Should they get a CT? Luka sees Chuny and asks if she’s seen Pratt. Chuny says he’s with a patient. Sam says, “I guess it’s you and me”. He just says, “Yeah”.

Pages later, and we’re in Act 2. Abby and Inez are treating a 16 yo drunk named Erik, who’s trying to get up. He insists he’s fine. She plunks him back down and tells him to sit. Inez says it’s kind of early in the day for him to be that drunk. He says he’s been that way since last night. Inez asks for his age, and he says he’s 16. She says, “Pretty stupid”. He says he got 1440 on his SATs and she works for the county. Who’s the stupid one? A note says, “Asshole”. Abby gives instructions and tells Inez not to light a match around Erik. He thinks that’s funny. Then they hear a hissing sound. Erik just peed his pants, which makes him laugh some more. Erik: “Told you I was a whiz kid”. Abby leaves, telling Inez to go with God. Inez picks up a big cathether. He wants to know what she’s going to do with that. She tells him to take off his pants.

Cut to Neela at Admit. Morris approaches with a bag in his hand. He’s all proud. Neela says, “1000 Places to See Before You Die”? Morris asks if she thinks he’ll like it. Frank retorts that Gallant’s in a war zone, not a Zen spa. Abby arrives and looks at the book cover. Morris has yet another book to show them. It’s titled, “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”. Abby sarcastically says that that book’s much better. Neela tells Morris that she thinks he’s missing the point. She leaves. Morris calls out to her. He tells her the books were $1 each. There was a used book sale in the gift shop. He turns to Abby and says that isn’t it the gift that counts? She says that it’s not at that price. Morris tells them that they’re superficial. He leaves.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:49. Заголовок: Re:

Abby sees Luka charting across the way. She “searches the inbox for an alibi” and grabs a lab report. Bridget wheels by, calling her a bony-a** cracker again. Abby tells Luka that the labs are back on his UTI girl. He thanks her. A note says that she’s beat. She tries to figure out his mood. Abby asks about his burn guy. After a few back-and-forths, she tells him to let her know if he hears anything. At this moment, Sam and a paramedic wheel in a chunky 11 yo named Robbie. He was on a motor scooter and hit a woman who was on rollerblades. Sam says the woman’s being unloaded from the ambulance now. Abby says she’ll take care of that patient and heads out. Luka and Sam are together now. Luka thinks Pratt should take the case. Sam’s worried about the kid and says he wasn’t wearing a helmet and is altered. Should they get a CT? Luka sees Chuny and asks if she’s seen Pratt. Chuny says he’s with a patient. Sam says, “I guess it’s you and me”. He just says, “Yeah”.

Cut to them in a trauma room, treating Robbie. Sam takes the kid’s mask off so that Luka can suction. Robbie asks for his Mom. Sam says she’s on her way. Luka tells Robbie that he lost a few teeth and he needs to wear a helmet from now on. Eileen enters and asks Sam if they need anything. Sam thinks they’re just going to tube the kid and get a CT. Eileen says she’s going to call for a vent. Luka doesn’t think they’ll need it. Sam says she’s doing it just to be safe. Luka doesn’t want them to get anything until it’s necessary.

2 pages later, Luka says he’s going next door. Sam watches Luka walk out. Seems Pratt has taken over.

Luka walks in to Abby and Inez’s trauma room. The patient’s name is Stephanie Lowenstein and she’s 36 yo. She’s with a guy named Lou, who has a bloody palm. A note says that he seems abnormally tall at first. As Luka walks towards them, he asks what happened. We see that Lou’s on Rollerblades. Lou explains that they were blading by the lake. It was Steph’s first time. She suddently got dizzy and rammed into a kid who was on his scooter. She explains that she didn’t have breakfast. He tries to explain that he tried to catch her, but…and he shows Luka his hand. Luka wants to know why he’s wearing Rollerblades. He says they left their shoes at the rental place. They pepper Steph with questions. Then Abby opens Steph’s shirt and we see her abdomen. We see scooter tire marks and tailpipe burn on her belly. A note says their urgency kicks up a notch. Lou wants to know what’s happening. Luka says Steph’s losing blood. She says she’s not cut. Abby says she’s bleeding internally. Morris enters and asks if they’re OK. Abby tells him that Lou’s lac needs to be taken care of. Morris agrees to do it and leads Lou out, asking him if he likes Rollerblading. Lou tells Steph that he’ll be back soon. Once Morris is gone, Inez asks Abby what Morris does. Abby says he’s the CR. Inez: “No. Seriously.” (HA HA HA!)

Cut to Sam and Pratt. They’re working on Robbie.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:50. Заголовок: Re:

2 pages later, Luka’s still in the trauma with Abby. Sam enters, looking for a fiber optic scope. Luka asks Sam “how’s it going in there?” She says it’s going. Then she leaves. Dubenko enters. “We should detect a crankiness, an uncharacteristic curtness to his manner”. He says: “I am here”. Luka gives him the bullet. As they back-and-forth, Dubenko says to Inez, “Extra red top, please. You”. Dubenko goes to the microscope. Luka tells him that there’s obviously an occult bleeding source. Dubenko says, “Obviously?” He says that this is normally the part where they’d argue and play mind games on each other. Luka and Abby exchange looks, wondering what’s up Dubenko’s a**. Dubenko continues, saying he’s not in the mood today. Maybe that’s due to lack of sleep or stress. Or maybe the ER peeps have worn him out. He asks Abby what she sees. She looks into the microscope and says she sees microcytic hypochromic anemia.

2 pages later, Eileen introduces Robbie’s Mom to Pratt. Norma asks if Robbie’s in a coma. Pratt says he’s just sedated. She says she told him a million times to wear his helmet. Eileen wants to know if Luka was in there. Sam and Pratt don’t want to touch that subject. Rosales tells her that he left to work on Steph. Eileen wants to know if Luka’s coming back. Sam says she’ll go and update Luka. Eileen watches Sam go into Steph’s trauma room. Luka asks Steph if she’s sure she’s never been anemic. She’s positive. He wants to know if she’s ever had an ulcer. She says no. Sam tells Luka that he may want to look into Robbie’s case. He says he can’t right now. Sam leaves. Abby looks at Luka. Suddenly, alarms sound. Abby thinks Steph needs blood. Luka asks Steph if there’s anything in her medical history that they need to know. She says there’s nothing important. She tested positive for BRCA-one (which is a genetic mutation that indicates an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer) last year, but she’s tumor-free. Steph says she has an 85% chance of getting cancer, but she knows she doesn’t have cancer yet. Malik says he can’t get an IV in. Luka’s going to try inserting a central line.

Cut to Robbie’s trauma room. Alarms are going off and Sam and Pratt are trying to treat him. Eileen asks Sam if Luka said how long he’ll be until he comes back. Sam says that Luka didn’t say much. Pratt’s trying to get Robbie’s pulse up. Rosales thinks that maybe they should crike him. Eileen says it’s contraindicated in children under 12.

Eileen heads into Steph’s trauma room, where Luka’s doing a subclavian. As Luka and Abby work on Steph, Eileen tells Luka that Pratt needs a more experienced doctor to help him get the fiber optic. Luka tells her that Pratt’s experienced with airways and he’ll get it. Eileen says that Pratt needs Luka. More alarms sound. Luka tells Eileen that Steph’s decompensating. Eileen counters that Robbie’s hypoxic and that there should be an Attending in the other room. Luka firmly says that he’ll be in as soon as he can. A note says it isn’t good enough, but there’s a line that Eileen won’t cross. She asks Malik for the “difficult airway tray”. He points it out and she takes it. As she heads out, Luka says, “Miss Cimperman…” Eileen turns and corrects him. She says she has a PhD, so if he wants to be all formal about it, he should call her “Dr.” Then she leaves. During all this, Abby’s been questioning Steph about what could be the problem. Abby tells Steph that in order to fix her, they need to know what the problem is. Steph’s fading and Luka’s getting ready to use the paddles. Steph tells Abby that she’s been going to Mexico for treatments. Abby wants to know if the treatments were to prevent cancer. She says she went there to do a 3-day juice fast, have an enema, and take natural meds to boost her immune system. Abby thinks she may have lead poisoning and asks for tests to be done. Abby asks Steph why she didn’t mention this before. Steph replies that she was scared. She doesn’t know what that’ll do to her med coverage.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:51. Заголовок: Re:

We go with Luka as he heads into Robbie’s room. He wants to know what’s going on. Seems that Eileen managed to do a laryngeal mask airway. Pratt shrugs at Luka. Eileen tells Luka that he might want to educate his residents about using an LMA in “can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” patients. Robbie’s Mom thanks Eileen. Eileen tells Luka to take over. She’ll see if she can find a bedpan that needs emptying. She leaves. Pratt and Luka exchange looks. End of Act 2.

Pages later, Neela’s still on her mission to get people to put things into Gallant’s care package. As she leaves, Pratt asks KJ what he was thinking. That pizza won’t make it all the way to Baghdad. Heh. Frank tells Pratt that Robbie’s heart rate dropped while in CT. Pratt asks for Luka. Frank tells him that Luka’s bringing Robbie down.

Cut to Morris getting back to Lou. He apologizes for taking so long. It’s just that he forgot about Lou. Lou’s all, “Huh?” Then he asks about Steph. Morris wants to know how involved he is with Steph. Lou explains that he met Steph a few nights ago at a J speed-date. Morris doesn’t know what that is, so Lou explains that it’s for Jewish singles. You go from table to table, chatting with each person for a few minutes. Morris: “Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu, Melech Ha Olam”. Lou asks if he’s Jewish. Morris says he’s not, but he had a crush on a Semitic girl. Lou tells Morris that he just said a holy prayer. Morris coughs up that he spent a lot of time in synagogue, stalking that poor woman. “Those rabbis – they hit hard”. A note says that Lou’s a sweet guy and he doesn’t know what to make of Morris. Lou says he hopes Steph’s OK. Morris tells him that if she’s sick, it’s better he find out now. Lou asks him what he means by that. Dummy Morris figures out that he shouldn’t have said that and says he didn’t mean anything.

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