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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.05 22:14. Заголовок: ER 1203 "Man with No Name"

пока известно токо название эпизода. Ждем-с.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.05 22:22. Заголовок: Re:

Luka and Abby are working on a woman who was run over by a kid on a scooter while she was rollerblading.

Dubenko is still around. So is Morris.

Dubenko is still around and acting like an ass to Luka again.


1Лука и Эбби вместе работают с женщиной. котоорую сбил роллер-ребенок.
2Дыбенко и Моррис в эпизоде.
3Дыбенко снова конфликтует с Лукой.


зы. НЕТ, ТОКО НЕ ЛУБИ!!! Или я паникую.

Кажись, Луки будет много. Это радует ,даже очень!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 18:36. Заголовок: Re:

Еще добавления.

1. Лука не следит за квартирой: пустые бутылки, коробки и сигареты разбросаны повсюду.
2. У Дыбенко - рак.
3. Новая старшая медсестра, которая придирается к Луке как врачу (он типа не успевает как старший врач следить за двумя тяжелыми случаями и не учит как следует Пратта). Она типа Керри.

4. Луку об стену трижды ударяет муж пациентки
5. Нила хочет послать Галланту в армию посылку.
6. Эбби занимается больной раком.
7. Пратт и Оливия целуются.
8. Керри и Рея нет в серии.
9. Сьюзан есть (она зашивает Луку), но теперь даже неизвестно, что будут делать с ее сценами.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:37. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
. Лука не следит за квартирой: пустые бутылки, коробки и сигареты разбросаны повсюду.

Zacem? Abby uberet!

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Луку об стену трижды ударяет муж пациентки


Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Сьюзан есть (она зашивает Луку),

Voslo v privycku?!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:39. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:

Voslo v privycku?!

могут ее заменить , если Шерри не будет вообще в 12 сезоне. И кто его будет зашивать неизвестно тогда. Кстати ,губу ему зашивают. Ужас!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:43. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:


Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
И кто его будет зашивать неизвестно тогда. Кстати ,губу ему зашивают. Ужас!


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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:43. Заголовок: Re:

Travmaticny nas Lukocka!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:52. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Travmaticny nas Lukocka!

могли бы и сотрясение сделать. Все-таки трижды об стену, да еще на пол бросили. И всего лишь полоса крови на халате и губа.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:55. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
могли бы и сотрясение сделать. Все-таки трижды об стену, да еще на пол бросили. И всего лишь полоса крови на халате и губа.

Ni hrena emy!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 20:59. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Ni hrena emy!

но небритого, курящего и неопрятного Луку я хочу видеть!!!! Навеяло Африкой

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:00. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
но небритого, курящего и неопрятного Луку я хочу видеть

A kto skazal, sto on takoj?

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:02. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
A kto skazal, sto on takoj?

это я щас подробно перевожу первую сцену.

вот что успела

Утро. Квартира Луки. Орет телевизор. Лука спит на диване в одежде прошедшего дня. Он небрит и неопрятен. Всюду валяются пустые коробки и бутылки из-под пива. Он курил, т.к. дымящая сигарета лежит в пепельнице. Слышен бреначание ключей .которое будит Луку. Дверь открывается и на пороге Зойла, уборщица. Она удивлена, что Лука дома и вокруг такой беспорядок. Она думала, что Лука на работе. Сэм сказала ей прийти в первый четверг месяца. Лука отвечает, что ему сегодня на работу надо позже. Она осматриает комнату и видит полный бардак. Лука говорит, что ничего не надо убирать. Зойла хочет возразить, но Лука резко ее обрывает, сообщая, что Сэм больше здесь не живет."

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:06. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic

Krasavez Lukocka!!!!!!
Abby emy po see ne dala eze?

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:07. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Abby emy po see ne dala eze?

Она тут совсем не причем. Кажется ,ее будут сводит с Дыбенко , т.к. она первая увидела его в Онкологии как пациента.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:09. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Она тут совсем не причем

Eto my posmotrim ege!

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Кажется ,ее будут сводит с Дыбенко

Pomret ge skoro!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:11. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Pomret ge skoro!

уж точно не скоро. вспомни Марка. и не факт, что помрет. мы еще не знаем рак чего у него.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.05 21:15. Заголовок: Re:

Vse!!!1 Poka!

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.08.05 21:16. Заголовок: Re:

Nu, kak tam LUBY?
Luku bolse ne bili ege? Togda ja v fanfe pojdz ego snova bit

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.09.05 12:10. Заголовок: Re:

а вот и старшая медсестра

У Эбби что на голове?

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.09.05 20:29. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
У Эбби что на голове?

Я бы сказла, но....Непррилично будет!

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хранительница очага (moderator)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.09.05 00:10. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
а вот и старшая медсестра

Салли!!! Милая-милая Салли))) И ни фига не изменилась!
Правильно я сделала, что кое-кому заранее ее показала, чтобы не мне одной было смешно на нее смотреть в драматической роли

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
У Эбби что на голове?

А я бы сказала, горшок у нее на голове!
Лучше ответьте мне, это Пратт с ней рядом стоит?!
Ну он себе ряху наел! Обрюзг весь как-то...
Или просто фотка такая мало-удачная? Или я ищу к чему бы придраться?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.09.05 21:45. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
А пусть бы у нее был роман с Лукой?


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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:38. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
зы. НЕТ, ТОКО НЕ ЛУБИ!!! Или я паникую.

сама себя процитирую. Без паники, Любаша.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:41. Заголовок: Re:

Spoilers for 12.3 - "The Man With No Name" - are trickling through at AEB.

From Daisy

Luka and Abby are working on a woman who was run over by a kid on a scooter while she was rollerblading.

Dubenko is still around and acting like an ass to Luka again.

Oh dear, it looks like Dubenko has a good reason for being in a bad mood and it has nothing to do with Luka. Think Mark Greene.

Sit down and prepare yourselves, darlings, I have dire news about Luka. It involves hitting and stitches and a patient's father. I'm afraid, someone damaged that pretty, pretty face.

But Sam is being nice to him about it.

Abby's rollerblader is at high risk for breast cancer, Abby takes her upstairs for treatement in Oncology (very conplicated and someone will explain it better later) that's where Abby sees Dubenko as a patient. The case goes badly and the woman freaks out and blames Abby, then bangs her over the head with baby/barren/life changes/adoption anvils for a few scenes.

Neela is trying to put together a package for Gallant and can't think of what to send him. Well, she thinks of plenty of things, but Abby doesn't like any of them, probably because she doesn't think they're sexy enough for the long-distance lovebirds.

Sam is waiting in the ambulance bay for the babysitter to drop off Alex.

Luka gets picked up and slammed into the wall and thrownacross the room by a man trying to get to his ex wife. It's awful.

Luka and .... Lewis work on a burned man who walks into the ER. Oh, I smell rewrites as well as crispy critter.

There's a new Nurse Manager named Eileen Cimperman and she's a holy terror to all the doctors, especially Luka, but she also seems supercompetant. If the actress doesn't look like Rosy O'Donnell, expect her to get a little mad Croatian lust in the drug lockup by November.

Eileen is taking Luka to task over something that happened with Sam. Luka tells her they're a couple, then realizes he used the wrong tense. Eileen nicely says she overdid it and will focus on just watching the nurses.

Abby is taking pictures of Neela in the staff lounge to send to Iraq. Neela in fishnets and stillettos, licking a lollipop. In the hospital. Morris hears them, climbs on a chair to peep. As Spike would say, hilarity ensues.

Looks like it is Pratt and Olivia who kiss by the river. Poor Luka is having a terrible day and there's no one to kiss him better, that's just wrong darlings.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:42. Заголовок: Re:

From Mrs V

Teaser: Morning, and we’re in Luka’s apartment. The TV’s showing High Plains Drifter (starring Billy Curtis and Clint Eastwood). Luka’s asleep on the sofa, wearing last night’s clothes. He’s unshaven and unkempt. There are takeout cartons and empty beer bottles sprawled everywhere. Guess he’s smoking, too – we see a cigarette burning in the ashtray, which is now “a long stick of ash – an opportunity missed”. We hear jangling keys, which wakes Luka. The door opens and we see Zoila, the cleaning lady. She’s a bit shocked, probably because of the mess and because Luka’s there. Zoila says she thought he was at work. Sam told her to come over on the first Thursday of the month. Luka says he’s running late. She takes a look around and sees that the place is a dump. Luka says she doesn’t need to clean today. Zoila tries to say that Sam told her to, but Luka cuts her off and says that Sam doesn’t live there anymore. He’ll have Sam call her. Zoila hands him a stack of mail, telling him that she saw the mail in the lobby. Luka thanks her. She sees all the dirty dishes, etc and tells Luka that he should clean them or he’ll get bugs. He nods. She leaves. He just looks at the mail as we hear gunfire coming from the TV set.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:43. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to a Power Ranger shooting some Nerf stuff in the Admit hallway, going, “Pow! Pow!” Susan, who is dressed nicely, is walking down the hall with 2 grant officers from Medical Informatics, a med equipment manufacturer. Their names are Shoud and Freund. As Susan tells the 2 that patient through-put is 8.7 hours, she gets hits in the arm with the Nerf thing. She ignores it. Morris and Rosales show up, chasing the Power Ranger. Morris doesn’t know what to do and is about to complain to Susan, but she says it’s a bad time and she’s really not there. She turns to S&F and says that if patients are admitted, the through-put # is 19 hours. S thinks there’s room for improvement. Susan says that that’s where their company comes into the picture. Morris says, “Houston! We have a problem!” Susan asks S&F to give her a moment and gives them something to go over. She goes to the desk to talk to Morris. Abby’s there, too. Susan asks Morris to keep it down – S&F are grant officers and they’re considering funding a pilot study at County. Morris says Ka-ching! Abby asks Susan if she’s back on “the tenure train”. Susan: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”. Morris congratulates her, then asks about the new Nurse Manager, whose name is Eileen Cimperman. We see her, and she’s conducting a meeting w/ Sam, Malik, Marquez, etc. Susan says Eileen’s great. She met with the Emergency Services Committee, and they loved her. Morris wants to know if it’s Eileen’s job to slow the floor down to a crawl. Abby cracks that she thought that was Morris’s job. Morris says his point is that all the nurses are in the meeting, gabbing away. Abby says they’re entitled to have meetings. Morris says not unless he says so. He looks at Susan and amends it to “we say so”. He looks at Susan and changes it to “she says so”. Susan says, “Exactly”. She ends the conversation and asks Abby if she knows which attending is on today. Abby says it’s Luka, but he’s late. Susan says, “What else is new?” F calls her over, and Susan quietly asks Abby if she knows how much a**-kissing she’s going to have to do to get $200K off them.

Pages later, and a note says, “The Figure’s POV”: we see a Mom grab her kid and move away. A worker, who’s out smoking, hurries away. Someone leaving almost bumps into this figure, which “barely averts him”.

We switch back to Luka and Susan. Their attention’s being drawn by a police car with sirens wailing. The car is behind The Figure. The cop gets on the loudspeaker and tells The Figure to stop. Now. As Luka and Susan are trying to take in what they’re seeing, other people come up from behind them and they see a man who’s horribly burnt over 90% of his body. The only thing that remained intact was his boots. A note says that him being able to walk makes the scene even more disturbing. The man tries to speak, and his voice comes out wet and pained. He asks for a doctor. Then he falls to the ground. The scene ends off Luka and Susan. End of teaser.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:44. Заголовок: Re:

Act 1: Abby, Pratt and Morris. Morris has one of the nurses’ booklets. They “egg him on”. Abby, calling Morris “Chief”, asks if he straightened the problem out yet. Pratt sarcastically says that Morris needs to end staff meetings. Morris says that the nurses are autonomous professionals; if they want to have a meeting, there’s nothing they can do about it. Abby smiles and leaves. Pratt says to Morris, “Spanked you raw, didn’t she?” Morris is all traumatized. With quivering lips, he says that it was all a blur. At this point, Luka and Susan enter with Burnt Man. Susan says she can’t find a femoral pulse. BM says a word (“ayudame”) in Spanish. Pratt asks if they need help, but Susan keeps going. We see that the Nurses’ Meeting is letting out.

Pages later, Pratt just says, “Without a doubt”. Susan nods and goes.

Cut to the trauma room. Luka’s running the trauma. Sam’s trying to get an IV in, and a nurse named Inez is peeling the man’s pants off. A note says that this is a grim, eerie task. Susan says the man’s lungs are wet. Luka tells Sam that he needs her to get the line in, please. Sam says she’s working on it. Inez tells the man to calm down and asks him for his name. Luka tells Sam (again) that he needs a line, but she says that his “landmarks are fried”. Meanwhile, Inez is talking to the man and tells everyone that the man has no ID and he doesn’t know how this happened. Eileen quietly tells Inez that she should worry about getting an ID after she puts the man on a monitor. Inez is about to say that she was about to get something, but Eileen cuts her off and tells her to start a foley to document renal function. Sam and Inez look at each other. Then Sam hangs a bag of saline. As they work on the man, Eileen asks Sam what she’s doing now. Sam replies that she’s hanging saline. Eileen says she can see that, but she wants to know why she’s doing that. Sam starts to regurgitate the procedure about fluid requirements. Eileen says good and asks her if she knows the Parkland formula. Sam says yes. Eileen then says that Sam must know that “Lactated Ringers is the preferred crystalloid”. Luka says excuse me. Eileen introduces herself. Susan tells Luka that Eileen’s the new Nurse Manager. Luka “takes her in”, then checks his laryngoscope. Alarms start beeping; the man’s sats are going down. Luka tells Eileen that now is a bad time to “start pimping the nursing staff”. She argues that the best time to learn is usually at the worst time. She walks toward a suction cathether, trying to think a step ahead. Sam wisecracks to Inez, “Didn’t Yoda say that?” Luka’s about to say suction, but Eileen gives it to him before he can finish saying the word. Luka glares at Eileen. Susan can see the tension. Susan decides to get out of there and offers to introduce Eileen to the accountants. A note says, “She leaves, rescuing Kovac from Eileen.” Sam says that Eileen will take some getting used to. Luka tells Burnt Man that they’re going to help him. Sam asks Inez if Burnt Man wants them to call someone. Inez speaks to the man, and she tells us that the man doesn’t have anyone.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:48. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to Luka and Inez wheeling Burnt Man out on a gurney. The monitor goes off. A policeman approaches and asks if that’s all the info Inez got out of the man. Inez says the man was in pain. As they deal with the man, Sam walks over to the Drug Lockup. She and Luka share a look. A note says it’s “not hostile, just awkward”. The policeman says he’ll go with them to ICU in case the man wakes up. Luka nods. He gives Inez some instructions and goes to the Lockup. The Policeman is surprised that Inez wasn’t able to get a name. Inez: “Think he felt like giving an interview?”

We see Luka in the Lockup, where Sam is mixing a bag. She notices him but keeps working.

Pages later, and we’re in Act 2. Abby and Inez are treating a 16 yo drunk named Erik, who’s trying to get up. He insists he’s fine. She plunks him back down and tells him to sit. Inez says it’s kind of early in the day for him to be that drunk. He says he’s been that way since last night. Inez asks for his age, and he says he’s 16. She says, “Pretty stupid”. He says he got 1440 on his SATs and she works for the county. Who’s the stupid one? A note says, “Asshole”. Abby gives instructions and tells Inez not to light a match around Erik. He thinks that’s funny. Then they hear a hissing sound. Erik just peed his pants, which makes him laugh some more. Erik: “Told you I was a whiz kid”. Abby leaves, telling Inez to go with God. Inez picks up a big cathether. He wants to know what she’s going to do with that. She tells him to take off his pants.

Cut to Neela at Admit. Morris approaches with a bag in his hand. He’s all proud. Neela says, “1000 Places to See Before You Die”? Morris asks if she thinks he’ll like it. Frank retorts that Gallant’s in a war zone, not a Zen spa. Abby arrives and looks at the book cover. Morris has yet another book to show them. It’s titled, “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”. Abby sarcastically says that that book’s much better. Neela tells Morris that she thinks he’s missing the point. She leaves. Morris calls out to her. He tells her the books were $1 each. There was a used book sale in the gift shop. He turns to Abby and says that isn’t it the gift that counts? She says that it’s not at that price. Morris tells them that they’re superficial. He leaves. Abby sees Luka charting across the way. She “searches the inbox for an alibi” and grabs a lab report. Bridget wheels by, calling her a bony-a** cracker again. Abby tells Luka that the labs are back on his UTI girl. He thanks her. A note says that she’s beat. She tries to figure out his mood. Abby asks about his burn guy. After a few back-and-forths, she tells him to let her know if he hears anything. At this moment, Sam and a paramedic wheel in a chunky 11 yo named Robbie. He was on a motor scooter and hit a woman who was on rollerblades. Sam says the woman’s being unloaded from the ambulance now. Abby says she’ll take care of that patient and heads out. Luka and Sam are together now. Luka thinks Pratt should take the case. Sam’s worried about the kid and says he wasn’t wearing a helmet and is altered. Should they get a CT? Luka sees Chuny and asks if she’s seen Pratt. Chuny says he’s with a patient. Sam says, “I guess it’s you and me”. He just says, “Yeah”.

Pages later, and we’re in Act 2. Abby and Inez are treating a 16 yo drunk named Erik, who’s trying to get up. He insists he’s fine. She plunks him back down and tells him to sit. Inez says it’s kind of early in the day for him to be that drunk. He says he’s been that way since last night. Inez asks for his age, and he says he’s 16. She says, “Pretty stupid”. He says he got 1440 on his SATs and she works for the county. Who’s the stupid one? A note says, “Asshole”. Abby gives instructions and tells Inez not to light a match around Erik. He thinks that’s funny. Then they hear a hissing sound. Erik just peed his pants, which makes him laugh some more. Erik: “Told you I was a whiz kid”. Abby leaves, telling Inez to go with God. Inez picks up a big cathether. He wants to know what she’s going to do with that. She tells him to take off his pants.

Cut to Neela at Admit. Morris approaches with a bag in his hand. He’s all proud. Neela says, “1000 Places to See Before You Die”? Morris asks if she thinks he’ll like it. Frank retorts that Gallant’s in a war zone, not a Zen spa. Abby arrives and looks at the book cover. Morris has yet another book to show them. It’s titled, “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”. Abby sarcastically says that that book’s much better. Neela tells Morris that she thinks he’s missing the point. She leaves. Morris calls out to her. He tells her the books were $1 each. There was a used book sale in the gift shop. He turns to Abby and says that isn’t it the gift that counts? She says that it’s not at that price. Morris tells them that they’re superficial. He leaves.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:49. Заголовок: Re:

Abby sees Luka charting across the way. She “searches the inbox for an alibi” and grabs a lab report. Bridget wheels by, calling her a bony-a** cracker again. Abby tells Luka that the labs are back on his UTI girl. He thanks her. A note says that she’s beat. She tries to figure out his mood. Abby asks about his burn guy. After a few back-and-forths, she tells him to let her know if he hears anything. At this moment, Sam and a paramedic wheel in a chunky 11 yo named Robbie. He was on a motor scooter and hit a woman who was on rollerblades. Sam says the woman’s being unloaded from the ambulance now. Abby says she’ll take care of that patient and heads out. Luka and Sam are together now. Luka thinks Pratt should take the case. Sam’s worried about the kid and says he wasn’t wearing a helmet and is altered. Should they get a CT? Luka sees Chuny and asks if she’s seen Pratt. Chuny says he’s with a patient. Sam says, “I guess it’s you and me”. He just says, “Yeah”.

Cut to them in a trauma room, treating Robbie. Sam takes the kid’s mask off so that Luka can suction. Robbie asks for his Mom. Sam says she’s on her way. Luka tells Robbie that he lost a few teeth and he needs to wear a helmet from now on. Eileen enters and asks Sam if they need anything. Sam thinks they’re just going to tube the kid and get a CT. Eileen says she’s going to call for a vent. Luka doesn’t think they’ll need it. Sam says she’s doing it just to be safe. Luka doesn’t want them to get anything until it’s necessary.

2 pages later, Luka says he’s going next door. Sam watches Luka walk out. Seems Pratt has taken over.

Luka walks in to Abby and Inez’s trauma room. The patient’s name is Stephanie Lowenstein and she’s 36 yo. She’s with a guy named Lou, who has a bloody palm. A note says that he seems abnormally tall at first. As Luka walks towards them, he asks what happened. We see that Lou’s on Rollerblades. Lou explains that they were blading by the lake. It was Steph’s first time. She suddently got dizzy and rammed into a kid who was on his scooter. She explains that she didn’t have breakfast. He tries to explain that he tried to catch her, but…and he shows Luka his hand. Luka wants to know why he’s wearing Rollerblades. He says they left their shoes at the rental place. They pepper Steph with questions. Then Abby opens Steph’s shirt and we see her abdomen. We see scooter tire marks and tailpipe burn on her belly. A note says their urgency kicks up a notch. Lou wants to know what’s happening. Luka says Steph’s losing blood. She says she’s not cut. Abby says she’s bleeding internally. Morris enters and asks if they’re OK. Abby tells him that Lou’s lac needs to be taken care of. Morris agrees to do it and leads Lou out, asking him if he likes Rollerblading. Lou tells Steph that he’ll be back soon. Once Morris is gone, Inez asks Abby what Morris does. Abby says he’s the CR. Inez: “No. Seriously.” (HA HA HA!)

Cut to Sam and Pratt. They’re working on Robbie.

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2 pages later, Luka’s still in the trauma with Abby. Sam enters, looking for a fiber optic scope. Luka asks Sam “how’s it going in there?” She says it’s going. Then she leaves. Dubenko enters. “We should detect a crankiness, an uncharacteristic curtness to his manner”. He says: “I am here”. Luka gives him the bullet. As they back-and-forth, Dubenko says to Inez, “Extra red top, please. You”. Dubenko goes to the microscope. Luka tells him that there’s obviously an occult bleeding source. Dubenko says, “Obviously?” He says that this is normally the part where they’d argue and play mind games on each other. Luka and Abby exchange looks, wondering what’s up Dubenko’s a**. Dubenko continues, saying he’s not in the mood today. Maybe that’s due to lack of sleep or stress. Or maybe the ER peeps have worn him out. He asks Abby what she sees. She looks into the microscope and says she sees microcytic hypochromic anemia.

2 pages later, Eileen introduces Robbie’s Mom to Pratt. Norma asks if Robbie’s in a coma. Pratt says he’s just sedated. She says she told him a million times to wear his helmet. Eileen wants to know if Luka was in there. Sam and Pratt don’t want to touch that subject. Rosales tells her that he left to work on Steph. Eileen wants to know if Luka’s coming back. Sam says she’ll go and update Luka. Eileen watches Sam go into Steph’s trauma room. Luka asks Steph if she’s sure she’s never been anemic. She’s positive. He wants to know if she’s ever had an ulcer. She says no. Sam tells Luka that he may want to look into Robbie’s case. He says he can’t right now. Sam leaves. Abby looks at Luka. Suddenly, alarms sound. Abby thinks Steph needs blood. Luka asks Steph if there’s anything in her medical history that they need to know. She says there’s nothing important. She tested positive for BRCA-one (which is a genetic mutation that indicates an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer) last year, but she’s tumor-free. Steph says she has an 85% chance of getting cancer, but she knows she doesn’t have cancer yet. Malik says he can’t get an IV in. Luka’s going to try inserting a central line.

Cut to Robbie’s trauma room. Alarms are going off and Sam and Pratt are trying to treat him. Eileen asks Sam if Luka said how long he’ll be until he comes back. Sam says that Luka didn’t say much. Pratt’s trying to get Robbie’s pulse up. Rosales thinks that maybe they should crike him. Eileen says it’s contraindicated in children under 12.

Eileen heads into Steph’s trauma room, where Luka’s doing a subclavian. As Luka and Abby work on Steph, Eileen tells Luka that Pratt needs a more experienced doctor to help him get the fiber optic. Luka tells her that Pratt’s experienced with airways and he’ll get it. Eileen says that Pratt needs Luka. More alarms sound. Luka tells Eileen that Steph’s decompensating. Eileen counters that Robbie’s hypoxic and that there should be an Attending in the other room. Luka firmly says that he’ll be in as soon as he can. A note says it isn’t good enough, but there’s a line that Eileen won’t cross. She asks Malik for the “difficult airway tray”. He points it out and she takes it. As she heads out, Luka says, “Miss Cimperman…” Eileen turns and corrects him. She says she has a PhD, so if he wants to be all formal about it, he should call her “Dr.” Then she leaves. During all this, Abby’s been questioning Steph about what could be the problem. Abby tells Steph that in order to fix her, they need to know what the problem is. Steph’s fading and Luka’s getting ready to use the paddles. Steph tells Abby that she’s been going to Mexico for treatments. Abby wants to know if the treatments were to prevent cancer. She says she went there to do a 3-day juice fast, have an enema, and take natural meds to boost her immune system. Abby thinks she may have lead poisoning and asks for tests to be done. Abby asks Steph why she didn’t mention this before. Steph replies that she was scared. She doesn’t know what that’ll do to her med coverage.

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We go with Luka as he heads into Robbie’s room. He wants to know what’s going on. Seems that Eileen managed to do a laryngeal mask airway. Pratt shrugs at Luka. Eileen tells Luka that he might want to educate his residents about using an LMA in “can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” patients. Robbie’s Mom thanks Eileen. Eileen tells Luka to take over. She’ll see if she can find a bedpan that needs emptying. She leaves. Pratt and Luka exchange looks. End of Act 2.

Pages later, Neela’s still on her mission to get people to put things into Gallant’s care package. As she leaves, Pratt asks KJ what he was thinking. That pizza won’t make it all the way to Baghdad. Heh. Frank tells Pratt that Robbie’s heart rate dropped while in CT. Pratt asks for Luka. Frank tells him that Luka’s bringing Robbie down.

Cut to Morris getting back to Lou. He apologizes for taking so long. It’s just that he forgot about Lou. Lou’s all, “Huh?” Then he asks about Steph. Morris wants to know how involved he is with Steph. Lou explains that he met Steph a few nights ago at a J speed-date. Morris doesn’t know what that is, so Lou explains that it’s for Jewish singles. You go from table to table, chatting with each person for a few minutes. Morris: “Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu, Melech Ha Olam”. Lou asks if he’s Jewish. Morris says he’s not, but he had a crush on a Semitic girl. Lou tells Morris that he just said a holy prayer. Morris coughs up that he spent a lot of time in synagogue, stalking that poor woman. “Those rabbis – they hit hard”. A note says that Lou’s a sweet guy and he doesn’t know what to make of Morris. Lou says he hopes Steph’s OK. Morris tells him that if she’s sick, it’s better he find out now. Lou asks him what he means by that. Dummy Morris figures out that he shouldn’t have said that and says he didn’t mean anything.

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Cut to Pratt meeting Luka, Robbie and his Mom. Luka, in med terms, tells Pratt what’s wrong. Norma wants to know what it means. Pratt tells her that Robbie needs surgery to fix the bones in his face. Luka tells her that they’re going to trake Robbie. Eileen enters and gives Luka a piece of paper. It’s the CT results. Eileen asks Norma if she needs anything. Norma asks if they called her husband – they’re separated. Eileen says they called him. Norma says he’s going to be mad. She asks if they have a washroom. Eileen tells Chuny to show her where it is; Eileen will take over. Eileen, Luka and Pratt are the only ones left in the room with Robbie. Eileen comments that she’s glad Luka found time to supervise Pratt. A note says that Luka and Pratt are shocked by her statement, but they disregard it. Luka bites back his anger as he gives out an instruction. Eileen won’t let up, saying there’s no excuse for what happened before. Luka explains that he was with another patient. Eileen argues that Steph was less critical. Luka says she wasn’t by his assessment. She says his assessment was wrong. A note says, “Wow – dive into the deep end”.

Pages later, Abby says she gets something a lot. She asks Neela if Neela trusts her. She tells Neela to say yes, so she does. Abby asks for the camera and tells Neela to meet her in the Family Room in 10 minutes. Neela doesn’t know what’s going on.

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Cut to Pratt and Luka in the hallway with Norma. Norma wants to know if it would’ve made a difference if Robbie wore a helmet. Luka, thinking yes, actually says they don’t really know. She asks if Robbie can hear her. Pratt says yes. She goes into the room. Pratt sees Olivia down the hall and asks Luka if he can have a few minutes. Luka nods. Pratt goes to meet Olivia. Eileen joins Luka. Luka tells her he’s tired of fighting with her. Can she just give it a rest today? She asks if there’s a problem. He says she had a point, but it’s his job to assess where he’s needed. She says she understands. Luka: “And as for Sam – we’re a couple..” A note says this is new info for her, but he finds himself speaking in the wrong verb tense. Luka says he means…it’s not a problem. Eileen says alright. She usually tries to handle problems civilly. She could’ve handled the situation better. He agrees. She tells him that from now on, she’ll confine her focus on how the nursing staff can be best utilized. He says good. A note says he’s taken aback by her sudden deference. At this point, a sweet, soft-spoken woman named Becky (who’s a 40 yo bank teller) approaches Inez. She wants to know if her son can go home now. He’s back to normal. Inez tells Luka that Abby cleared the boy. He tells Inez to let the kid go.

Inez says she has to remove a foley first. As Eileen and Inez leave, Eileen questions Inez about the foley. Inez: “Kid’s a real pisser”. Becky calls out that she hopes her son wasn’t too much trouble. Eileen asks her if her son’s apologized to her yet. She doesn’t understand. Eileen explains that he was a drunken minor who could’ve hurt himself or someone else. He made her worry and miss work. He should apologize. Becky says he doesn’t apologize. As they get near Erik, we hear him scream, “Take this tube out of my dick!” Eileen tells Becky to give her a minute. Erik asks Eileen if this is Abu Ghraib. A note says that Eileen leans in and tells him that his Mom seems like a nice woman whose sole mistake was having him. Bottom line: the catheter’s staying in until he apologizes. He wants to know why. He didn’t do anything to his Mom. She tells him that if he doesn’t apologize, she’s going to blow air into his bladder until it pops like a water balloon. He’s scared. He screams, “Mom!”

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:53. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to Morris handing Chuny some charts. She says a guy’s been asking for him again. He says the secret to his success is to always leave them wanting more. He’s done. As he leaves, he passes the Family Room. We hear Abby telling Neela that she doesn’t need her bra and should take it off. Neela says she can’t. Morris doubles back and tries to see through the window. He can’t, so he tries to balance on a wheelchair to get a better view. Abby insists it’ll be OK. Neela: “Like this?” The Power Ranger comes up and points his weapon at Morris’s groin. Morris doesn’t see him. We hear Abby say, “Nice, but more open”. Neela: “Ooh, these feel weird”.

Cut to inside the Family Room, where Neela’s holding her lab coat open to reveal that she’s wearing fishnets and stilettos. She has a lollipop in one hand and a stethoscope in the other. (I’m laughing really hard right now). Abby takes the picture. Neela asks if her legs look good. Abby says she has the legs of a patriot. We hear the Power Ranger’s Nerf thing go off. Then we hear a thump on the glass and a thud to the floor. Heh. Chuny calls for a gurney for Morris.

Cut to Pratt and Olivia on the Michigan Avenue Bridge.

Pages later, Steph tells Abby that she’s going to lose months of her life with no guarantees. She’s 38. Which is worse – the cancer risk or the surgery? Abby says she can’t tell her – that’s why she needs to see an oncologist.

Cut to Luka approaching Jake Berkman, a burly guy in his 40s. Jake asks if Luka is Robbie’s doctor. He says he is and asks Jake to go with him. Luka guides Jake by the arm. Jake is focusing on Luka’s hand, which is on his arm. Jake wants to know if he can see Robbie now. Luka says he has to talk to him about Robbie’s condition first. He wants to know if his wife’s there. Luka says she’s with Robbie. Jake wants to know why he can’t see Robbie now. Luka says he will soon. Jake says he told Norma not to buy that motor scooter. She’s always making him look like the bad guy. She’s spoiling Robbie. Luka opens the Family Room door and tells him they should talk. Jake says he’s not going in – he knows why they take people in there. Luka tries talking to him, but Jake says his son’s not dead. Jake starts running, Luka behind him. He’s running around, trying to find his son. He finally finds the trauma room and enters. He looks at Robbie’s face – it breaks his heart. Norma says she’s sorry. A note says that Jake looks at her; for a moment, it looks like they’re bonded again like they used to be. Then his face changes and he lunges towards Norma. Her stool flies across the room and she crashes to the floor. Luka tries to restrain Jake, but Jake slams him into the wall 3 times. Staff members and Security hear this and enter the room just as Jake throws Luka across the floor. His face hits a cabinet. They manage to subdue Jake. Norma’s in tears. The camera does a close-up on Luka’s face. He wipes his sleeve across his face, checking for blood. There’s a deep red streak on his lab coat. A note says that he shakes his head, thinking he never should’ve gotten up off his couch. End of Act 3.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:54. Заголовок: Re:

Act 4. Susan treats Luka, who has a gash on the corner of his mouth. We see 2 policemen are standing on each side of Jake, who’s handcuffed. Luka thanks her for coming. She says her shift starts in 35 minutes anyway. Luka says he didn’t want the ER to be without an Attending. She says that’s a switch from this morning. A note says that he gets it, and he’s a bit cowed. He asks her about the 2 grant guys. She says she thinks she’s become a skilled money-grubber. She thinks they might give her the grant. He congratulates her. She says, “Or: Welcome to Hell”. The policeman steps up and tells Luka that Norma won’t press charges. Does he want to? He doesn’t. He tells the cop that Jake can see Robbie as soon as Norma leaves the room. Then Luka asks about Burnt Man. The cop says he’s hanging in there. Susan asks if Burnt Man’s said anything. The cop says the man’s such a mess that he probably doesn’t even know his own name. Pratt approaches as the cop leaves. He asks Luka how he’s doing. Luka says the floor just came out of nowhere. Hee.

Pratt tells Susan that he signed out to Morris. She gives him a look, so he tells her that Morris is the mini-Chief. Right? She tells him to leave. On his way out, we see Neela signing out. She’s got Gallant’s care package with her. Pratt asks if she’s taking the El. She is, so he says he’ll walk with her. He goes to the desk to wait for Neela, and we see Frank eating a pizza. Pratt tells him that it’s for Gallant. Frank tells him to call Malhati’s because they FedEx. Morris walks up to Neela. He has a bandage on his forehead.

Pages later, the Oncology Nurse tells Steph that a doctor is there to see her. Abby says she’ll check on Steph tomorrow. Steph thanks her, saying that this has really meant a lot to her. Abby leaves and walks towards the elevator. As she waits, she looks around. She looks through some slatted blinds and sees a patient in a gown, a doctor speaking to him. Looks normal. She suddenly turns back and notices that the patient is…Dubenko. “Seemingly, a cancer patient”. The elevator dings its arrival.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:54. Заголовок: Re:

Cut to Sam standing at the arch, looking at her watch, waiting. Luka approaches, stitches on the side of his mouth. Luka asks if someone’s picking her up. She tells him that Erica’s dropping Alex off. Then she says she heard that he had a fight with a patient. He says it was the patient’s father. Sam says the kid’s making purposeful movements. Luka says it’s more than he can say for himself. Then Luka says he shouldn’t have left Robbie.

This goes somewhere in the middle, but the page numbers didn’t add up, so I’m posting it separately:

Elevator doors open and Abby steps out. She’s met by an Oncology Nurse. The nurse tells her about Stephanie Lowenstein, who had a double mastectomy. Seems that the patient’s freaking out because they didn’t do a reconstruction. Abby wants to now why, and the nurse says that they found a lymph node. She tried to tell Stephanie that the pathology wasn’t back yet but she wouldn’t listen. Abby steps in Steph’s room and sees that she’s in a robe and jeans, stained from her bloody hands. As she quickly packs her bags, we see a smashed mirror on the wall. Abby says Steph’s name, and Steph wants to know what she’s doing there. Abby says she wants to help her, just like the docs and nurses there. Referring to her bandaged chest, Steph asks Abby if she thinks that’s helping. Steph obviously doesn’t think so. Abby says she understands how Steph feels. As she heads out, Steph says Abby has no idea. The nurse tries to restrain her, but Steph pushes her way through. Abby and the nurse trail behind her. Abby tells her that there were complications, but, once they get the tests back, they can proceed. Steph wants to know what they’d do next – cut off more parts? She basically tells them to screw the tests. Steph pushes the elevator buttons. She’s impatient, so she starts toward the stairs. The nurse calls for security. Abby chases her. Steph tells Abby that she trusted her – Abby wasn’t supposed to let the mastectomy happen. Abby starts to say something, but Steph interrupts and says that Abby ruined her. Abby tries to reach for Steph, but she gets pushed back. As Abby pulls herself together, we cut to…

Steph and Abby outside the hospital. Abby says she knows Steph’s scared. Steph says she’s not scared. But she doesn’t have any breasts and now she may have cancer anyway. Abby says that finding a swollen node doesn’t necessarily mean she has cancer. Steph, “disoriented and freaked”, tries to find a cab. Abby wants Steph to go back inside so they can treat her. Steph doesn’t seem to hear and wonders where her money is. Abby tells her that what she’s feeling is normal and is going to take time. Steph says she doesn’t have time. Abby says she does. Steph wants to know who’s going to marry someone who has to undergo chemo for the next 10 years. Who’s going to have kids with someone who could be dead before they reach high school? Abby says that Steph doesn’t know what the doctors will say. She may be fine. Steph replies that that’s what they told her Mom and aunt and it killed them. Abby argues that it doesn’t mean she has cancer. Since the docs had trouble making the diagnosis, it may mean that she doesn’t have it. If it is, then they caught it earlier than if she didn’t have the surgery. Stephanie thinks that it’s all words. Abby says that a lot of women don’t have mammograms. Steph’s very brave. Steph wants to know why she feels like this. Abby says that it’s because it’s scary and unexpected. But she doesn’t have to go through this by herself. Abby takes a step toward Steph, but Steph tells her to stay away. Abby tells her that she just wants her to go back to the hospital so that she can at least treat her cuts. Abby pleads with her and tells her that she promises they’ll take care of her. The scene ends off Steph, who’s a bit freaked.

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Cut to the suture room. Abby’s applying the last stitch on a seemingly calmer Steph. Steph says that she tried 2 online dating services. She edited her profile so many times you’d think she was writing her thesis. Abby asks about the guy who came in with her to the hospital. Steph says that the guy, Lou, said he would come back and bring dinner…but he didn’t come back. Abby says that at least she found out the guy’s a jerk now. Steph says she doesn’t want to freeze her eggs or buy milk from the internet. She wants to breastfeed. Abby non-sequiturs that she needs more gauze. Steph asks if Abby ever gets afraid about being the Auntie or having to adopt “some Cambodian kid”. Abby answers that Cambodian kids are cute.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 16:57. Заголовок: Re:

Thursday October 6th

ER --(9:59PM-11:00PM) --(TV-14)
"Man With No Name"

THERE'S A NEW NURSE IN TOWN AND SHE MEANS BUSINESS - KRISTEN JOHNSTON ("THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN") JOINS ER - The ER is shaken up when new nurse manager, Eve (Kristen Johnston) enforces her strict and efficient new procedures. Kovac (Goran Visnjic) and Sam (Linda Cardellini) struggle to find some civility with each while working the same shift. Abby (Maura Tierney) treats a breast cancer patient who is having a hard time coming to terms with her condition. Parminder Nagra, Mekhi Phifer, Shane West and Laura Innes also star.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.09.05 21:41. Заголовок: Re:

Ты молодец!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.09.05 23:45. Заголовок: Re:

транскрипция промо.

Graphic: Next Thursday
Announcer: Next Thursday

Luka, outside somewhere with a dark raincoat on, his hand to his face and then he looks up.

A view into a treatment room through the blinds.

Graphic: No one saw it coming.
Announcer: No one saw it coming.

The ambulance bay from a distance: Luka in his raincoat talking to Kerry, an ambulance in the background as someone who is burned comes towards them. The sound is a man screaming.

Kerry, from the above scene, looking shocked.

Announcer: No one imagined…
Graphic: Imagined.

A man in the hallway, talking to Luka, yelling, “My boy’s not dead.”

Luka following the man into a trauma room – the man looking upset. Luka’s yelling at the man, “Mr. (something)….”

Announcer: “where this day would go.”
Graphic: … where this day would go.

A man on a gurney, his chest wrapped in bandages; someone I don’t recognize at his side. The man says, “My spleen is right here.”

Neela standing by a gurney (the one above?).

The back of someone with long, brown hair going through the doors into a trauma room where Luka and other are working.

A very badly burned man falling down in front of Kerry.

Announcer: Just when you thought it was safe in the ER…
Graphic: Just when you thought it was safe.

Luka, working, looking pensive and upset, looks up.

Luka struggling to subdue the man who is upset. The man struggles to the floor.

Announcer: … one doctor will be pushed…

Inez comes out of the trauma room where the fight is and yells for security.

Luka is somewhere with a screen behind him.
Luka turns around and slams the screen with his fist.

Announcer: … will be pushed too far.

Another shot of Luka and the upset father falling down in the trauma room.

In the ambulance bay, Kerry yells, “I need a gurney here!” and she and Luka bend over the burned man.

Announcer: Kristen Johnson joins the cast.

Kerry and Eve in the green trauma room. Eve is smiling.

Luka and Eve walking down the hallway, Luka saying, “It is my job to assess where I’m need.”

Eve in a trauma room, saying “Your assessment was wrong.”

Luka in a trauma gown, bending over a patient, looking up at Eve. He’s not happy.

Graphic: ER. All new next Thursday.
Announcer: All new ER next Thursday.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.09.05 23:55. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
He’s not happy.


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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.05 12:20. Заголовок: Re:

скрины промо

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.05 12:22. Заголовок: Re:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.05 16:11. Заголовок: Re:

Любаш!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Супер!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Вернусь- скачаю!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.05 21:42. Заголовок: Re:

Мальчика любимого побили!!!!!!!!!!! ХОЧУ ВИДЕТЬ ЭТО!!!!!!1

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.05 21:47. Заголовок: Re:

М-да, попробую скачать

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 20:10. Заголовок: Re:

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 20:12. Заголовок: Re:

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:19. Заголовок: Re:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:19. Заголовок: Re:

СУПЕР ЛУКОЧКА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:27. Заголовок: Re:


Керри так взглянула на Луку сегодня.

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хранительница очага (moderator)

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:32. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
Керри так взглянула на Луку сегодня

Ага что он прям аж оторопел))))

Спасибо, Любаш! Если бы не ты, не видать бы мне этой серии!
А как они столкнулись в начале серри!!! Лучшее место!
И мужик этот... ужас!!! я была не готова к такой мерзости!!!

А Пратт испортил мою Табакерку

А потом и Эбби ее испортила...

И вообще нам не позволяют с О'Терри дружбу водить... дискриминация по половому признаку! Может сейчас его в спешном порядке переделывают в пожарника-женщину?!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:38. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
переделывают в пожарника-женщину?!

Это уже повтор!

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:

Ну почему так?! Я ж просто так ляпнула!

Машуля пишет:
А как они столкнулись в начале серри!!! Лучшее место!


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:39. Заголовок: Re:

Эх...И почему я не сценарист?! Уж я бы Лукочку посильнее приложила бы!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:58. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
А как они столкнулись в начале серри!!! Лучшее место!

ляп.. но милый. ))

Машуля пишет:
И мужик этот... ужас!!! я была не готова к такой мерзости!!!

а Лука еще ляпнул Эбби, если бы он так обгорел, узнал бы кто-нибудь его. И че за мысли

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.05 23:58. Заголовок: Re:

Starley пишет:
Ну почему так?! Я ж просто так ляпнула!

а мне понравилось.

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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.70
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 00:06. Заголовок: Re:

Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
И че за мысл


Lubasha Visnjic пишет:
а мне понравилось

А где же там имя Лукочки?!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 00:07. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
что он прям аж оторопел))))

Оторопеешь тут!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 00:57. Заголовок: Re:

Машуля пишет:
А потом и Эбби ее испортила...

Чем это?!

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 20:02. Заголовок: Re:

промофотки Табакерки (Спасибо Энзе) [реклама вместо картинки]

click here

[реклама вместо картинки]

click here

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 20:55. Заголовок: Re:

Комменты американцев


Doc Sharon
(10/6/05 10:22 pm)

So Sam seems to be pretty OK with Luka although awkward, while Luka is shooting her dirty looks and making snotty remarks to her in trauma.

I like that Sam specifically asked him if he would go to a soccer game with Alex, letting him know that she was fine with him seeing Alex although she seemed fairly certain that the relationship was over.

Dubenko and Eve are running neck and neck in the horse's ass sweepstakes thus far. However, Eve had a point when she repeatedly asked Luka to help with the kid's airway and he was apparently avoiding it because Sam was there and he preferred to dawdle with Abby over breast cancer girl. She was right to call him on it though her condescending, arrogant attitude is a bit much.

Eve is, in fact, proving herself a pretty smart cookie, though quite abrasive. She seems to enjoy showing her coworkers up in the midst of traumas, I don't like it when the docs do it, I don't like it when she does it. But Iczer has a point, she's doing stuff that we've seen Dubenko, Abby, Pratt and others do before.

I do like that Luka realized what he was doing and essentially apologized to Sam and she was very nice about it. Eve then coming along and issuing an ultimatum to Sam without letting her get a word in edgewise was not cool, though.

Also, maybe I missed something, but I didn't see Abby cleaning up Luka's place. She commented on it and moved stuff out of the way to sit down, but it seemed to me that the sound we heard was her letting herself out the door after he fell asleep. However, I was distracted by her fugly baby poop brown shirt all night so I might've missed it.


(10/6/05 11:12 pm)

That male burn victim with no name was beyond gross. Yikes…I see Pratt’s girlfriend Olivia has a new softer hairstyle that is more flattering to her in my opinion.

I don’t know if it was the hair or what. But Neela looked beyond gorgeous tonight in my opinion. She seemed to glow in most scenes. It also helps that Neela is now allowed to smile and have a sense of humor on the show. OMG that scene of Abby taking cheescake pix of Neela to send to Gallant was so cheesy. But I have to admit that I chuckled at seeing Neela hold those big arse lollipops over her breasts in those lame photos. I could not help but smile.. I like the way Neela and Morris snipe at each other.

Poor Neela still having to bunk with Ray. Hearing Ray bonk his latest groupie must be hell. I guess this is the little girl Ray is now bedding… lol The new nurse Inez from the Bronx is cute as well. The cancer patient story was decent. But the woman looked like she was in her 40’s. I think she should have the surgery.

I’m glad that Luka got a haircut. I hated seeing Luka continue to beg for a second chance when Sam was so not interested. I understand that he does not want to fail again. But it has been really tiring seeing him be a doormat while Sam has moved on. I guess tonight it was Luka’s turn to take out his personal feelings in the traumas, etc. At least he made amends.

Sam was not bitchy tonight. Sam has just moved on period. She is not looking back for now. And I have no problem as long as she loses the perma bitca attitude. And tonight she dialed it down. Sam’s hair looked miles better than it has in ages. Speaking of hair what the hell was up with Maleek’s? lol

Kristen Johnson was good as Eve. Eve was brash, forceful, and direct as the nurse manger. But she had a few good points in the episode tonight. She had a point that Luka was not working well with Sam in that trauma because of his issues. I know that will change but tonight it was a problem on Luka’s end. Eve is right about the nurses needing more rightts, protocal, etc. Eve is a bitch but I like watching characters I’m supposed to dislike..

I felt the Luka and Abby scene at the end was well done. It was a short friendship scene. I have actually liked Abby the last 3 episodes. As long as Abby is toned down. I can enjoy her. Like last week this episode was very decent. I’m enjoying this season more than season 11 already.. Next week looks promising. I get more Neela and Neela with wet hair… LOL

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 20:57. Заголовок: Re:

(10/6/05 11:26 pm)

Oh Luka and Abby are so gonna be together.

I like their friendship, Id like to see it develop more before the big deed.

Overall I really liked this eppie. I like Eve!! and though Sam and Luka fighting is so played out, I liked that they where actually communicating in the end. I felt bad for Luka, he always blames himself dammit!!

Iczer eh
(10/7/05 12:32 am)

Some of the plotlines were better than the low they'd sunk to recently and the patients seemed to be better than usual as well, more like classic ER. Overall it was more enjoyable than the previous 2.

OTOH, that photoshoot storyline was just wrong in so many ways. They're at work. And Abby was getting way too into it. And the lollipops. Just... no. Not even going to talk about Ray's way too loud sex.

So TPTB could give us two conversations where Sam and Luka talk civilly, like adults and communicate more in one day than they entire time they were together. Bastards.

Don't care how nice and normal and friendlike Abby is behaving now, she'll never make up for the crap she's freely dished out in the past and TPTB need to let go already.

Leland Orser was awesome in the trauma scene, the feeling that so much more was going on under the surface to make him lash out like that.

I hate it when shows try to set characters up to be hated because they are in essence telling the regulars to stop whining and do their jobs. Makes me like characters like Eve even though I'm not supposed to.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 21:00. Заголовок: Re:

(10/7/05 12:58 am)

As far as Abby being friendly goes, I'm still not sure I can swallow her being nice to Dubenko in next week's episode given the way she treated him all last season, but oh well. I've actually enjoyed seeing her being nice to Luka. And whatever gets Leland more screen time, well, I'm game.

(10/7/05 3:27 am)

I thought this was a good episode overall. I am glad to see Sam not being a super B*tch for once. I thought it was cute that Neela was sending Gallant a care package. I can even see her taking some sexy pics, but at work? C'mon- that's just not right. Morris falling off the wheelchair was pretty funny, tho! I thought the abby/Luka friendship was played well, too. Overall- better than last season for sure! (for me anyway!)

(10/7/05 8:28 am)

AFter this episode I am convinced that Luka and Abby will get back together (after what 5 years?) so Im happy and hopeful

Luka's Kurva Nurse
(10/7/05 9:38 am)

I really am liking the season so far. My man Luka is the man with no name. It broke my heart when he declared that he wasn't sure anyone would no who he was if something tragic happened to him. Jesus, Luka's hurt was palpable. GV just nails sorrow and conflict.

Abby does care, regardless of what the naysayers will inject. She and Luka have a history with both good and bad times. Sometimes I think she is the only one that gets him.

What exactly has Sam been pretending for the past year and a half? And can someone fill me in the conversation between he and Sam afterwork. I was dealing with a 5 year old that "wasn't tired."

Ray is just gross. I would love to smack that smirk right off of his face.

The photoshoot between Abby and Neela was pointless and designed for 14 year old hormonal boys. Why did they go this route. Parminder had to have been skeeved out.

Eve was ridiculous. A nurse manger acting like an ER Chief. Someone help me out with this, cuz I'm perplexed.

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 21:02. Заголовок: Re:


(10/7/05 9:51 am)

Yeah, one-night stand my ass. They are getting on the Luby train, at least for some duration. They did a nice job not injecting ANY sexual tension into the end scene with Luka and Abby. It was completely platonic. Looks like they realize that Luka's gotta get over his latest "failure" before he takes on something else. He ain't over it yet, that's for sure. His latest (and I hope final) attempt to talk to Sam was very sad. He just doesn't want to fail again, so this loss is two pronged. It's losing Sam and it's losing his hope for the future with someone. He wants Something, with a capital S. I don't think a fling with Abby is it. He wants to settle down; he wants permenance. And when things start with Abby, I personally think that Luka's going to be thinking long haul. The suspense will be: What does Abby want?

Sam was much better tonight. She tried to gently let him down in the drug lock up. She is DONE with him, but seemed to realize finally that Luka's having more trouble.

It was actually Luka who was being unprofessional. He realized, thankfully, and apologized, but he put Sam in an awkward position. I cringed when he was getting yelled at from all sides, Kerry included. It was too reminiscentof hellish season 9, complete with drinking too much at the end and being driven home. TPTB will hopefully snap him out of this soon.

Eve is definitely loud and large. The character was amusing though. I could enjoy her scenes. It was very unfair of her to take Luka's action out on Sam.

Ray: ewwwwwww.

Morris makes me giggle whenever he's on screen. I can't help it.

Neela and Pratt were both good. My husband was lusting after PN in tonight's episode. Luckily, GV had his hair nicely trimmed so I had someone to lust over too.

The breast cancer patient was good. It's the woman who played Ross's ex's lesbian partner on Friends. I thought Abby did a nice job in helping her handle her dilemma. Obvious anvils for Abby too.

(10/7/05 12:20 pm)

I am definitely more positive about this season. That is three episodes in a row now that all had more energy than anything they did last year. Eve may be loud and large, but she brings the energy alright, instead of sucking it out of a scene the way SS did. I am going to enjoy watching what she does, and I am going to enjoy watching her get fired. A six-episode arch is about as far as a character like this can go without the audience souring on them, but I look forward to all of it. As Sam found out, she doesn't rattle before she strikes. Should be a wild six weeks.

Sam was less bitchy, for which I am grateful, and she did signal that she would allow Luka to continue being Alex' friend. Those were positive moves, and yet in this episode she hurt Luka worse than she already had by telling him, "we were pretending." He wasn't pretending, and he had not thought she was. And that had to hurt. He was wrong to let it affect his work, but at least he admitted it and apologized.

Good acting by LO, by the guests as well. Morris is a tool. PN looked beautiful, and even though the scene was cheesy, I bet Gallant likes those photos.

If they can recast Alex, they can certainly recast Olivia. Get someone who at least looks awake.

One night stand my ass is right. Luby is coming.

I did not get that little bit at the end: did Abby or Luka turn the tv on when they got to his place, still set to the All Eastwood All the Time channel? Or were we supposed to be in Luka's dream, or what?

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мегаэксперт :) (admin)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 21:03. Заголовок: Re:


(10/7/05 2:33 pm)

When I started dating SO he had a roomate who would have loud sex with his girlfriend. I'm all for sex, but keep it quiet, damnit. I felt Neela's pain and I hate Ray.

I hated the Neela/Abby scene. I don't mind the fact per se, I'm sure there are a lot of guys in Iraq receiving that kind of pictures and if the articles about the daily life over there is any indication, the photos are welcome. However, that was not the place for it, and it made both of them look bad and silly. Morris looked like a horny 14 years old dog, which probably is a true picture of Gemmil.

Eve was better than I was expecting, even though I have a hard time buying that a newbie would show her true colors that fast, boss or not. I think KJ was great and Eve was balanced enough to bitch, apologize and talk all in the same episode. But she was unfair changing Sam's shifts, who was not the one having problems there (Luka was) and needed the money. Not cool at all. Six episodes is more than enough for a character like that.

Hello, Kerry.

I actually liked Pratt, but Olivia is just meh. Loved the scenes with his friends. MP needs to loose some weight, though.

Sam was not bitchy this week, and that was a reflief. She made clear again to Luka that she doesn't want to be with him, and the "we were pretending line" was another nail in the coffin. So far she said three time it's over, twice in a very unfriendly way, once in a friendly way. It won't surprise me if next week she says it's over over over to Eve when she questions her about the not working at the same shifts rule. And Luka? Enough with the begging. The woman does not want you. Move. On.

LC's hair was actually nice this week, better dye job, and the frizz from hell is gone. I liked Eve's hair, Luka got a much needed haircut, Parminder's was lovely was always, Kerry's hair didn't bother me and though I disliked MT's, it was up. Maybe there's hope for the hair department of this show.

I'm on the fence wrt to Luka being part of Alex's life. Obviously the kid needs a male figure in his life and they both could profit from it, but Sam's made clear she wants to move on, and Luka'll eventually do the same. Maybe I'm biased because my personal experience with this kind of situation is that sooner or late the ex will settle into a new life and things change. We'll see.

Luka was wrong, and I'm gald he recognized it and apologized.

I had the impression the burning man was going to be a bigger part of the show.

Nice to know that Susan is going after better things, even if it's off screen. I just hope they mention it again, and in a very positive way.

The cancer patient was good and looked really sick. I don't think the writing was over the top. I liked the patient, and I liked that Abby didn't make it about her until she was with Luka.

Luka and Abby scene was good, the talk was nice and warm, and a good foreshadowing for both of them as individuals (and if people care to connect the dots, for the rest too). I'm not convinced Luby II will be a long term thing, though. One way or another, Abby still owes Luka's an apology for the way she treated him and if the writers really want to show how much Abby has grown and changed that would speak louder than almost everything else. I doubt, though.

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Oct 6 2005, 10:00 PM

I thought this was a very good episode, bar a few things such as how Susan was so easily written off, which I agree was very bad. Was nice to see Kerry back and in action some, it seems she'll be back in the next one from the preview. I liked how Luka and Sam started to act more civil towards each, but Sam is getting the royal screw job by the new Nurse Manager, being forced to chang shifts to stay away from Luka. About the new nurse manager I loved Malik's "If I wasn't a feminist I'd call the new nurse mangager a bitch." I liked to see that the whole staff was remembering Gallant, who I wish I was due to the pics of Neela. I felt bad for Neela when at the end of the show she went home and Ray had a girl over and there proceeded to be quite a racket... kinda made things a bit worse for her. I seriously hope Gallant gets to come back eventually, I really want to see more of him and Neela. We got to see sort of a Luka and Abby moment towards the end, that was nice. Overall a good episode in my mind, hope they continue being good. By the preview for the next one, looks like the goodness will continue.
Oct 6 2005, 10:29 PM

That bar Abby and Luka were hanging out in looked vaguely familiar...

...isn't that where we witnessed the second Luby kiss?

Oct 6 2005, 10:32 PM

I love the episode!

Nice to see Luby together, mabe there's hope yet!!

I think the new nurse was trying to keep Sam and Luka apart, cause
she was Jealous. Mabe she's attracted to him!! I hope not!
Well she sure followed him around all night. and kept asking Sam
about the two of them.

And Reela!!
I laughed at the end!! I think Neela looked Jealous when Ray
said he has a sleep over! Well she could
hear what she was missing!!! I so want them together.

I'm sorry, I really don't want Neela and Gallant back together.
Too boring for me.

I loved when Neela and Abby were taking the pictures, and Morris!!
When he fell off the chair!!!

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Calla Queen
Oct 6 2005, 11:02 PM

Another good epi! But as others have said, and more will no doubt continue to do so----what a poor send off for Susan! "She's interviewing for another postition"?? Leaving, never to be seen again? Just too trite!

New characters----
Eve Peyton...I like her & yet find her abrasive...but I think TPTB had that in mind. And for woman to have her PhD in nursing, she obviously has worked hard & is very knowledgable & hard-working. She will make the ER better overall I'm sure, but the heirarchy still caters to the MDs....But as long as Kerry likes her she'll undoubtedly stay. She's Kerry's kind of manager,--tough, by the book, into the literature, & keeping the ball rolling type, ....She's probably right to 'separate' Sam & Luka.....it does make for extra tension & communication problems that don't help the patient or the other staff to do their jobs. I when she chewed up Morris & spit him back out! Maybe someone will finally catch him & demote him before he hurts somebody!

Inez--the new RN....good addition to the team. Competant, confident, & empathetic too. I loved that she thought Abby was kidding about who Morris was

Reprising Characters-
Kerry WEaver---good to have her back, although she is still in rare form, going for the $$$ for the budget & improving the ER. And now she's forced to fill in with Susan gone, I'm sure more zingers will be on the way. I also enjoyed how she silently stared down Morris about the RN meeting. <does a pattern seem to be emerging? someone who doesn't like Morris, the 'mini-chief" ?>

Dubenko----well here comes another story arc with an MD with a serious
illness, ...and is Abby going to help ease his pain? She has to be careful with an offer of friendship, because it's not certain (or likely) that he's gotten over his infatuation yet...but maybe so.

Frank---he's been missing & his attitude is definately a comic relief. Sending porn ot Iraq....good idea!

As for the "Regulars"
Luka is just hanging on by a thread....how long has it been since Sam moved? The place looks like weeks have gone by,.....but single men trash a domicile pretty quickly (from my experience with a maid service, & my own family of teens & hubby) He did react strongly to Sam's suggestion & wrongly too.....you have to follow up on cases you start & he is an attending, responsible for R4s (Pratt). It is Luka's lisence on the line, not Pratt. I liked the LUBY moments....the friendship, the sharing, the caring,...it's all building nicely, slowly, & fairly realistically. At least Luka learned that 'Bed-hopping" doesn't solve anything.....now if he can just cut back on the beer!
Just an note: previous posters from last epi mentioned LUBY wouldn't work because Luka didn't know Abby was an alcoholic.....well he obviously does, but as ABby said, he wouldn't "make a very good sponsor"! She seems to have that issue pretty much under control.

But her motherhood/family issue was brought to the surface well by her Ms Lowenstein patient. It put her in a different frame of reference & she was 'reviewing' her life choices & potential pathways to accomplish some of those same goals. HMMMMM.....you think Luka might be a candidate?

Neela----good stuff today...glad to see she's not forgetting Gallant, although TPTB are obviously leaving 'hints' for the RayLa combo.....but only time will tell. If the actor who played Gallant has a better offer, we may never see him again anyway!
I liked her poses for the poloroids...and again Morris's eagerness to spy on them & his disappointment at the 'gift' shot from Neela.

Pratt--looks like TPTB are building another relationship for him....this one looks alot more compatible with this social worker. She stands 'tot-to-toe' with him & calls him on his mistakes. He did a good job today in his traumas, even to admitting he didn't always know everything. I'm sure we'll see more of Charlie Pratt too, despite Greg's response that it was "quick"

Overall a really good epi, & I loved the LUBY overtures! And the traumas, and the new characters too, so far! But a SAD Goodbye to Susan! They could have used you so much more!

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Oct 6 2005, 11:06 PM

I thought this episode was great. I think Season 12 is just kicking Season 11's ass.

Luka- I feel so sorry for him it's like he gets one hit after another especially this episode. I think he got too personal in the trauma definitely I also think that it will take him a while to realize that he and Sam are over,but when he does I think he'll be great not depressed. I really liked his scenes with Abby he was on the depressed side but she listened even though he ended up falling asleep.

Morris- He seemed a little more serious and then he fell on his ass trying to look at Neela and at that point I thought It's Morris

Kerry- finally I can type her name she was great. I haven't really thought about her absence it wasn't till tonight that I realized that she really does bring alot to ER

Neela- the pictures weren't as perverted at all as I thought they were going to be. I thought Parminder looked different , she stood out in all her scenes

Sam- not at all like last week she seems to want to be Luka's friend but has her mind set on not being with him again. I liked her she did her job and even added a little sarcasm which is always great.

Abby- I could tell right off the back that her patient really struck a chord with her. I could see her really reevaluating her future even more. Luka. . . . . I don't know the way she looked at him in the bar and when she left the couch it was just wierd I couldn't read it at all, but I think I'm completely into Luby 2. Abby and Pratt seem like the only two that really push Morris around a little which I find a little funny

Pratt- not much of a story tonight, but when Eve came into the trauma room she was kind of insulting him more than Luka and he kind of just took it which is different. I see Olivia is still around and so is Charlie Pratt.

Inez- I think that's her name I like her more than Haleh and maybe even Chuny. I loved that lin when she asked about Morris.

Eve- that name I think just doesn't fit her. At the begginning I liked her but then she seemed a little nosy about Sam and Luka which I found wierd. She's a little bit of a bitch not in a likeable way at all

Debenko- I liked his scene with lLuka in the trauma room and I guess his big "oncology room" storyline will be coming.

Overall a great episode.

Also thought in Ray and Neela's apartment all the racket was kind of funny. I can't decide if they did that for a comic relief or to start a Ray and Neela thing.

Oct 7 2005, 01:04 AM

I really enjoyed this episode. I'm in agreement with everyone else who thought that Susan interviewing for a tenure position is a bad to write out a character. I thought that Morris is stil an ass and will probably always be one. I thought Kristen Johnson was amazing and I'm not a really big fan of her. It will be interesting to see how Eve and Sam interact with each other, but switching Sam's shifts so she wouldn't be with Luka seemed a little harsh. I thought the scenes between Abby and Luka at the end were heartwarming, but I think it would be wrong for Abby and Luka to get back together so quickly after Sam and Luka had broken up. So, as always another great episode from a wonderful TV show.

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Oct 7 2005, 02:16 AM

I enjoyed this episode more than I have the first two. Man, didn't you just about cry for Luka? Talk about a rough day...

That Eve character... I hope the writers don't keep her in 'bitch' mode... she was really quite unpleasant, and seemed to have it in for Luka. I wonder if he reminds her of someone or something? Susan's absence was explained so quickly I missed it!

There were some good comedic moments in this episode - I think Morris needed to be knocked off that wheelchair he was standing on, the peeping jerk...and Abby - "You have no genitals." I about choked on my lemonade... hehehe And Neela's head getting bounced as she leaned against the wall Ray was 'banging' on.... LOVED that..

I'm not sympathetic to Sam. Not at all. Probably won't be in the future, either. what was it she said to Luka, when he was trying to suggest they go slower, and start over? "We're both pretending, and I don't want to pretend." Is that what she said? I didn't quite catch it. No wonder he slammed the wall...

Oct 7 2005, 05:56 AM

I think overall this was on par with the new school/back to the basics feel we are getting this season. I think Susans write-off or lack there of was realistic. First she doesn't deserve something grand since she had one before and up and left on this one, they are lucky Wells and Co didn't get the chance to stab her with a cake knife or give her cancer.

The whole full circle effect of comming back to a staff routed in Residents, Rotating Nurses and Staff with a few Attendings is just like the first season. I feel GV has risen to the occasion and filled the lead spot well to date. I hope we aren't in for another S8 depression from him if anything. Abby has always held her own and can still do so now. We didn't see much of Ray this week but thats not a bad thing. He had yet to stand out. Morris didn't deserve the upgrade and tptb using him to fill a spot for comic releif isn't that exciting. Give it to Dubenko, bring someone new in or leave it empty. They did S1 with 6 and could sure pull it off again.

Overall I liked it and while the Neela picture scene was awkward at best this was good ER.

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Oct 7 2005, 10:00 AM

This episode was amazing .. I actually felt for Luka, the look he gave the new nurse manager when she told him his assesment was wrong. WOW . if only looks could kill.

LUBY - coming back . i honestly think that if TPTB went in that direction it would last this time, seeing as Abby is realizing she wants a husband/family, and Luka has wanted that since their split, more so now than ever.

Sam - I honestly,never realized how bad of a match her and Luka were. It just seems as if she's so young, and Kovac has a much more mature attitude about where his life is heading.

Im seeing a Luby relationship in the future..lets keep our fingers crossed

Dr. Romano
Oct 7 2005, 10:01 AM

Yeah, yeah. I watched it. Nothing about this show impresses me. It's just...there.

Am I the only one who thought Neela's pics were a lot less sexy than they should have been? I mean, come on, show a little more than that.

Don't even get me started on Susan leaving.

Oct 7 2005, 01:31 PM

Overall, it was a good episode. I liked Nobody's Baby better, but last night was a good episode. I'm just a little concerned about how Luby 2 is developing. I see it too much like Luby 1.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Luka doesn't understand Abby. I said before that he didn't understand her drinking problem, and I was shot down by a few people saying that he never knew that he would have understood... Well, I think last night's "i don't know how you could ever quit" bit was proof enough of my statement. Not to say I told you so, but *cough* I told you so.

Don't get me wrong just because I loved Carby, and still am a Carby fan doesn't mean I don't want Luka and Abby to work out. I like them both, and think that both of them need a good relationship right about now. I just don't like how they are beginning. It's deja vu.

Luby 1 started off on the wrong foot too. On their first date, Luka lost control and killed the man that was trying to steal Abby's purse. From that point on, Luka just went downhill. Then after that, it was all about Luka's interactions with the bishop and how he had lost his faith. It was always about helping him. He seemed to be the one that carried the problems in the relationship. It was Abby the one who was trying to get him to communicate. And I see Luby 2 headed in the same direction. Abby pulls a drunk Luka out of the bar. He is still obvioulsy not over Sam. His apartment is a mess. He is depressed.

I think Abby deserves more. Abby needs someone stable. Someone who is not so obsessed and overcome by his problems. Someone who can dedicate some time to her. In the bar, Abby also wanted to talk about her day. She wanted to talk about that woman she brought to oncology, and how perhaps she was feeling some of the same things her patient was, but Luka quickly diverted the conversation. He can't communicate. He can't listen to her. And if things continue in this direction. Luby 2 is headed in the same direction as Luby 1 was.

I hope for the sake of the show, Luby 2 takes a different turn. That it's not all about Abby trying to put Luka back together. That Luka realizes that Abby has problems and needs as well. If he does, then perhaps we have a potentially good relationship ahead of us this season.

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Oct 7 2005, 02:30 PM

i thought this was a pretty good episode.

new nurse manager-ive got mixed feelings about her. at first i didnt mind her but she was a being a bitch to luka & sam.

gallent-i liked how they were sending him tht package.

neela/abby-tht whole picture scene was so funny

susan-i hate how she was wroten out. it suks . i really liked her.

kerry-wow we actually got to c her for more than 5 seconds

luka/abby-there scene at the end at the bar & at lukas house was cute
Oct 7 2005, 03:58 PM

i enjoyed this episode. we finally got to see kerry. i don't care much about luby. its a stupid couple. the new nurse maneger is mean and bitchy but i think that will help the ER. cant wait to see next weeks episode.

Delusions of Adequacy
Oct 7 2005, 04:02 PM

Eve - wow. Queen Bitch of the Bitch People. I think it's gonna be a good 6 episodes with her. She was wrong to make Sam pay for what was really Lukas problem. If she wanted them apart she should have approached his boss and got his shifts changed.

Luka was wrong about the boy but he said so and apologized and thats a rare thing at CCGH.

LO nailed it in his scenes. Fantastic. TPPTB - do not kill this guy off.

The scene with Luka and Abby was good and GV was perfect in it. He feels like crap because he gets treated like it. But what was really, really good was that this was a scene with Abby that wasnt All About Abby. I like her much better that way.

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Oct 7 2005, 05:35 PM

It was awesome. Season 12 really is beating Season 11 by far...

Kerry, so glad we got too see her!!! I missed her!!

Eve, haha she's cool. I loved what she said to Sam near the end there. She came over and told Sam to walk with her, had a smile on her face, and then told her she was cutting down her shifts so she wouldn't have to work with Luka... wonder how long that's going to last.

Abby and Luka... I'm just not sure. I still LOVE Carby. I mean, I liked Luka and Abby together, but Carby had the better chemistry. Hmm... we'll see, but I can see it happening again. Ahh...

It was weird how they ended the show with the cigarette burning when it showed at the beginning the cigarette burnt at the beginning. Abby should have put it out though, but I guess she didn't think of it. Haha... it'd be kinda cool if his house or apartment whatever, burnt down, but Abby ran in and carried him outta there. Actually that'd be a little weird because wasn't it Carter that saved Abby or was the Luka? I forget. Doesn't matter.

Next week looks good. I can't wait for it!!!!! Neela is getting in her shows. Which reminds me....

It made me laugh when Neela was trying to concentrate and Ray and his girl toy we're soo loud and knocking the stuff right off her walls.

All in all... everything was great... except of course Susan's right off. If you weren't paying really close attention you would have missed that!! Ughh... I swear sometimes... it's like the brains are there, and then they aren't...

So anyway I wasn't fascinated about this episode. Kristen Johnston did a good job. It wasn't as intense as I wanted it to be with Luka blowing up and all.

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Oct 7 2005, 09:56 PM

Poor Luka...he's such a tragic figure...I wish one of these relationships would really work out for him. I always remember Hathaway telling him that the right person would come along, but every time he ends up foundering. I know some of it is his own doing, but it is just amazing how bad his luck is.

It sucks that Susan is just GONE.

Morris is a turd, but great comic relief.

And, excuse me if I missed something, but was Jake Scanlon supposed to disappear this season, or did that just happen abruptly like Susan's disappearance? I kinda liked Jake and Abby...still, a Luka/Abby reunion wouldn't be bad. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Oct 8 2005, 08:12 AM

this episode was ok... they could have done better! and that was the worst write-off yet though! and now we know how/why sam is gonna leave... not enough hours and the viewers are gonna really hate her! i liked the eve person till the end when she changed all sam's hours... she should just make samka work it out! and since when does alex like luka again but sam doesnt... well all this season... but does that confuse anyone else how that is going on at least!?

Oct 8 2005, 10:27 AM

If the main reason why you watch ER is for a Luka/Abby reunion, then this was a great episode.

If the main reason why you watch ER is to see how individual cast members handle ER trauma cases, then this was a lackluster episode filled with soft-porn laced tripe.

Yes, Luka and Abby get scenes together. I don't really care if they get back together, so I watched the scenes from an acting and content perspective. I think that those scenes were okay. Not great acting or writing, but I didn't cringe either.

Those scenes also made up about 50% of the episode.

Another 25% of the episode focused on toilet humor that was funny in High School, but doesn't really seem appropriate in the script of a show that once won Emmys for writing and acting every season.

I didn't mind Neela's soft porn pictures, although I agree with Dr. Romano that she came off looking more scared than sexy (but I think that was also the point).

But then we have prolonged discussion of Frank's porn video, the bodysuit guy with no genitalia, the whiz kid who needs to 'whiz', and Ray's making out sound effects.

I know that the scenes are meant to lighten up the seriousness of the show, but they seemed awkward and the sheer number of them was unnecessary because ER is not a comedy.

I thought that the acting kudos of the night went to Kristen Johnston. Yes, Eve is written as the efficient, no nonsense, professional woman that often comes off as a Bi***, however I thought that Johnston softened her edges a bit and made her more likable than most characters who are written that way.

In fact, I thought that Johnston did a better job of displaying empathy in her scenes with Luka and Sam (even though her part was not written that way), then Tierney did in her scenes with Luka (even though her part was written that way). But that's my personal opinion.

In any case, if you were looking for a quality episode of ER, then I think that you will find "A Man With No Name" to be a mediocre episode.

If you're mainly watching ER to see if Luka and Abby get back together, then you will be pleased.

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01:23 AM

I have 2 questions:
Have Luka's eyes always been blue? (I don't think so...)
Has the actress playing the woman with the BRCA gene been on the show before? (I do think so...)

02:21 AM

Good God, this show could be considered a softcore porno.

cdessler Yesterday, 03:12 AM

OMFG DUBENKO. OH JEEBUS. *wibbles and dies a zillion times over*

I totally shrieked in glee when he came into the trauma room because 1. it's him and 2. he still has The Hair. And then he unleased the snark of ages. I was gaping. I mean, he bitched at Luka, he bitched at the nurse (that head roll when he addressed her positively killed me) and he even snarked at the poor patient. I still can't decide whether or not he bitched at Abby, though. He didn't seem as harsh to her, at any rate.

And even though I knew it was coming, when Abby started back towards the elevator in oncology my face started to feel weird and tight, and then the sad music started and she saw Dubenko getting prodded on and I actually cried. I want to record it and preserve it forever. (And dude, if he had looked up and seen her through the window...)

I have to wonder, though--the doctor looked like he was feeling the glands in Dubenko's neck, which would indicate swollen lymph nodes, right? Is that a feature of prostate cancer? I ask because spoilers had Neela saying she thought he had prostate cancer, but maybe he doesn't. *shrug* Who knows.

Poor Morris couldn't catch a break, could he? First he got soundly pwned by Eve, then pwned by the Mighty Morphin kid (I so had to watch that scene from between my fingers, it was so excruciating--but damn that pratfall off the wheelchair looked like it hurt like a mofo), and then pwned by Neela (the look on his face when he saw the photo was priceless). He's so stupid, I think I love him. Scott Grimes somehow manages to make his idiocy endearing. Still, I hope they might make him less of a caricature and more of a character.

Shaking wall in Neela's room = so seventh grade.

I giggled like hell when Pratt and his brother-type person said "cheddar" instead of "cheese"

Is it just me, or am I the only person who thought the freaky burn guy would get more screen time? I mean, the episode was titled for him, right?

Abby and Luka were kinda cute. And I like that Luka and Sam were honestly trying to work together and not let their breakup get in the way too much.

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03:43 AM

I loved this episode...ok, I'm biased but this was Goran's episode and he handled it beautifully.

Luka...I think the difference we are seeing with how Luka is handling, or not handling the break-up with Sam and how he has handled relationships in the past says much about how he feels about her. I really do think that Luka thought he might finally have found someone who could help him reclaim what he had with Danijela and the reality of losing that is tearing him apart. I was glad to see him trying to explain things to Sam and felt for him when Sam blew off those same attempts. It's obvious that the two are on totally different pages with where they are and where they want to be and it'll be interesting to see if they can find a common ground or if they will agree their isn't one. If the second case proves to be the one settled on I think they will agree to remain friends if only for Alex's sake as it's apparent that Sam realizes that Luka is a positive figure in his life. Funny to see that Luka is now smoking, I imagine Goran is glad he can now indulge his habit even though he continues to try and shake it. Final thought, I love slightly drunk Luka, it allows him to admit things he might not otherwise, plus he is just downright cute when he is.

007, Goran's eyes are green with golden highlights, I think they just tend to look blue when he wears the color though.

I like that Abby is there for Luka, I've always enjoyed their friendship and think that the fact that she can be there for him shows how much she has grown as a person. Great comment to Luka too about him not being a great AA sponser candidate. I think that was also reflected in her counselling of her BRCA patient and as she spoke about changes she could easily have been speaking about her own life.

Sam...I have mixed feelings about Sam right now but agree that she needs to discover just what it is she wants in a relationship. I think she and Luka are at that awkward stage in knowing how to interact but have the feeling they'll come to terms with things if only for Alex. I think Eve's handling of her shifts was out of line and it'll be interesting to watch the progression of things between them.

Neela and Gallant..it was nice to hear Neela admit that she and Gallant have moved to the boyfriend/girlfriend stage in their relationship, I think they are good for each other. It was funny to watch Neela struggle with what to send but I have to admit the photo session was in poor taste even if it was well intentioned. In many ways Neela comes across as very inexperienced and I get the feeling that she might never have had a serious relationship before.

It was nice to see Sharif in the "Previously on ER" clips...I miss Michael and hope we see his return before the season ends.

Pratt...I continue to like Greg this season, he's really coming of his own as a doctor and as he continues to lose the arrogance that surrounded him in the early seasons. I thought his idea of sending pizza to Gallant was cute, too bad they wouldn't be able to get an exact location to follow through on the overnighting of it.

Eve...the character irritated me to no end as she seemed to want to one up everyone, but she redeemed herself when she went to Luka and admitted she was out of line in calling him on his actions during a trauma. She definitely reminds me alot of Kerry in many respects and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Morris...still can't stand him, and can see him as a stalker type personality.

Ray...tacky, tacky with Neela right in the next room...sheesh, have a little common courtesy to your roommate's feelings.

Dubenko...man, he was on a roll, I had a Romano flashback for a minute...maybe he's channeling. It was sad to think that he's going through what he is and seems not to have anyone to share things with.

Weaver...she was back to being her old self and the idea of her playing attending again does not bode well in my opinion.

I'm sure I'll think of more things later but these were my initial impressions...I look forward to hearing what others thought. For me though, this season just keeps getting better and better...

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Yesterday, 12:02 PM

First off....just SHOOT ME NOW by falling asleep during the last half-hour but hey, caught the good stuff...that one comment the nurse made about Morris being 'Chief' just killed me....'....no seriously...???'
Dubenko was ROMANO peeps, was he not??? This is really the only time I can enjoy such a character just because I caught myself saying 'Damn, wheres Corday or Benton when you need them??'
Yesterday, 12:41 PM

OK, I'm obviously biased here, but Dubenko...WOW! That was snark to end all snark! I mean, that was positively House-ian. I taped the episode and rewatched that scene three times...God, he's turning into Romano so fast, it's making my head spin. (Leland's better looking, though, IMHO)

Some other comments:

-I think the titular character (the burn victim) really felt like more of an afterthought
-I love how Dubenko referred to Inez as "new nurse" - that cracked me up
-Mmmmm...the hair (no "dead animal surgical cap hair of death") - enjoy it while you can people, he's probably going to lose it soon...
-At the end, just the look on Dubenko's face as he was getting prodded by that other doc...it made me want to give him a hug. That scene almost made me cry...
-I think we've got a good storyline here. If last night's performance was any indication...(I've said it before and I'll say it again, Leland Orser is an insanely talented actor...)
-I know it's only episode three, but enough with the freaking eigth grade crude sexual humour! (Yes, I know, it won't change)
-Wait, haven't we seen depressed, dysfunctional Luka before???
-The new nurse manager is freaky...seriously. It's nice that she's uber-competent, though. (It's like Romano...he was kind of an arse, but we all tolerated it because he was such a good surgeon. Dubenko too.)
-Gallant's care package - ugh. Don't get me started. I think this got more attention than the actual patients did.
-While we're on the topic, all this foreshadowing...you just know Gallant's gonna die.
-It's nice to see Pratt having something of a functional personal life. Maybe the new lady surgeon could perform the same function for Dubenko. She's more likely to be his emotional and intellectual equal ('cause science geeks need some lovin' too...)
-Morris...What. The. Heck? Seriously, SG is a fine actor and Morris seems to be becoming even more the uber-buffoon. However, I did enjoy the part where Eve summarily dressed him down in front of the entire nursing staff...
-Ray and his girlfriend: I know that that part was most likely foreshadowing (although I wouldn't usually expect anything half as sophisticated from the likes of Zabel) and done for comical effect (hopefully)(or to illustrate the enduring agony of Neela's separation from Gallant) but...all I can say is hackneyed (at best)
-Dang. I want to see Dubenko in something other than surgical scrubs this season (*thinks back wistfully to "Twas the Night"*)
-Was it just me, or was the foreshadowing on Luby Part Deux just a bit too strong?

Overall, I liked this episode for the most part. I'm really looking forward to next week's episode. Hopefully we'll get a bit of Dubenko backstory.

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01:22 PM

However, if you could get past the beginning scenes with the Body Amazing Guy and the 'whiz' kid - scenes that apparently were written by the creators of "Spring Break: The Real Cancun" and "Jackass the Movie" - then you saw some good scenes with Kristen Johnston, Goran, and Linda. Dubenko was also good, and I agree he was a bit on the Romano side with his criticism of Luka, but I can understand given his current health.

Anyway, this episode was basically 30 minutes of Abby 'Lisa Miller' Lockhart doing her thing. :shrug: Whatever...

Thankfully, this time the producers were intelligent enough to break her scences up so that her appearances were almost evenly spaced throughout the show.

However, in order to get 30 minutes for Abby, that means that some actors either must get very small parts or they get 0 screen time. So no Danny Glover this week. And it looked like there would not be any scenes with Ray, but he got about 30 seconds of screen time towards the end of the episode, with about 10 seconds of sound effects time brought to us once again by the folks from "The Real Cancun".

Luckily, Eve (Kristen Johnston), made out a little bit better than last week's guest star; she got about 10 minutes of screen time.

After reading the spoilers, I thought that she was going to be a real Bi*** and kind of cold-hearted, however I thought that Kristen turned the character into someone who is efficient, knowledgeable, and caring. I liked the fact that she took the time to talk to Luka about any issues he may have with some of the nurses, and that she seemed to listen to what he had to say. I also liked the fact that she was willing to let Sam stay in the ER, and that she didn't give her some holier-than-thou speech about not mixing work with personal relationships.

In short, I thought that her 10 minute scenes with Luka and Sam were the highlight of the episode, followed by Dubenko's brief rant in the ER.

We saw Frank for the first time this Season. Unfortunately, his patently acerbic remarks were limited to the importance of porn to soldiers fighting wars.

We have more flirting between Abby and Luka to help increase the expectation of a Luby 2.

Overall, I found the most of the writing to be a bit bland and lacking in imagination so as a substitute for those things we got an episode that where 1/4 of the plot focused on preadolescent sexual hi-jinks. Maybe ER is trying to get a new demographic interested in the show???

Oh well, at least Johnston did a great job and I can see why she is a 2-time Emmy winner.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 21:31. Заголовок: Re:

Yesterday, 04:20 AM

Addicted Fan

- Everyone working together against Eve. Nice to see friendship and little fighting.
- Weaver. I'll admit it, I missed her.
- Luka and Abby's "conversation" at the end.
- Neela's box to Gallant. The whole thing, from the pictures to the pizza to Frank's porn tape.
- Morris's antics on the wheelchair trying to see Neela's pictures.

- As much as I liked the storyline with the rollerblader girl, I guess I just wasn't drawn into the story as much as I was expecting to.

Yesterday, 11:22 AM

I really liked this episode, but I don't like Eve at all! She's even meaner than Weaver can be. Should be interesting to see how she continues to shake things up? Am I the only one that thinks ER is trying to work Abby and Luka back together? Full recap and review on my review site if anyone's interested!

Yesterday, 02:54 PM


I think that it was an okay episode.

Yes, it tried to be funny, but I couldn't help feeling like it was a bit like bathroom humor from the 9th grade. There were like 2 jokes about genitalia, 1 joke about soft porn, 1 scene with porn noises, and discussion about porn videos.

One of these things would have been funny, but all of them in the same episode just made it seem like one or more of the writers need to get laid before they start thinking about future ER episodes.

I have always been mixed about Kristen Johnston's appeal and acting ability, but last night I thought that she was terrific.

Yes, Abby and Luka part 2 seems to be on the horizon. Will it be a different result? That's the only thing that we haven't had any hints about so far?

Overall, I was happy that I taped this episode so that I didn't have to blow off The Day After Tomorrow and The Edge in order to see it.

Not completely awful...but not that great.

One last thing:

Sherry got a partial exit line yesterday.

If you keep up with the spoilers, then you know that Susan had appeared in the original script for last night's episode. It was supposed to have been Susan who was walking with the grant officers. Those scenes were altered so that Weaver played the part.

During that altered scene, someone (I think either Abby or Morris) asks Weaver, if it's true that Susan got a "tenured position at another hospital"? Weaver responds that Susan is just "interviewing", so nothing is definite.

It's nice to see them mention Susan's name, but unless they plan on stating that Susan actually got the position in a latter episode, it's a bit confusing because it sounds like Sherry Stringfield isn't planning on coming back so why not say that she 'got' the position.

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Today, 01:33 PM


Okay ep but not amazing....

Good Stuff

-Houston,we've got a problem.Loved that line from Morris.

Bad Stuff

-The new nurse
-Sam (Luka's the one with the communication problem?Right)
-Not enough Ray/Neela
Today, 02:21 PM

Loyal Fan

Am I the only one who liked Eve? I thought she brought some life to the show. I mean I loved the Luby stuff but everything else was snoozy to me. I didn't hate Sam this ep - first time in a long time. She was strong to tell Luka that they need to stop pretending.


Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:01 PM

I’m not loving the new Nurse Manager at all. They never needed one before, so it’s pretty contrived to me, especially since she seems to now be the nasty female in the ER. (Nice to see the original, Laura Innes, for a split second).

Having said that, it was an ok show. Surprisingly. Don’t shoot me, guys, but I enjoyed Luka and Abby together.

Yes. I, too thought that Neela was pretty flippin' hot. (And so is Clint, I might add.)

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Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:07 PM

Are they going to put Abby and Luka together again? I don't think I could get pass the "you aren't that pretty" comment he made when they broke up.

Morris actually made me laugh a couple of times. I use to really hate him. Now he doesn't bug so much.

Good episode.

Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:07 PM

The Abby-Neela scene played better than the spoilers. But then, I'm one of the few who finds Morris entertaining, LOL.

I don't see the point of Eve and I don't like Kristen Johnson at all.

I'm not sure how Luka screwed up with Sam, given that she appears to want nothing to do with him - I think he's been dumped beyond a doubt and can stop trying to talk to Sam.

I liked the Luby scenes, too.


Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:13 PM

I really liked the episode! Like, for the first time in several seasons, I didn't get up during the commercials because I wanted to be sure that I didn't miss a moment. This is two in a row that I was hooked on...am I drinking the Kool-Aid, or do things seem better?

Was Carter was the Jonah (or the Stephanie)?

And I loved the Luka/Abby. I loved them the first time, I really am liking it again now. Though...did anyone else think that the cigarette would set the house in fire and Luka would get burned, too, bringing the anvil, I mean metaphor, full circle? It may be better, but it is STILL ER...

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.10.05 21:47. Заголовок: Re:

Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:14 PM

I've been w/this show since season 1 and I thought Sally Solomon might save this season for me, but I think i'm through w/it. I should have jumped ship awhile ago but I stuck it out. I hate that NBC keeps hyping this season so much when it's not as great as they think it is and they know it.

Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:16 PM

I LOVED Kristen Johnson. It's about time someone smacked some sense into those people. And if she's going to spend her time beating down Morris and Luka for their inappropriate behavior, than I'm all for it. She may be contrived, but at least she's interesting. Although, if they wanted to have a bitchy supervisor, I don't know why we couldn't just get more Kerry. Old School Kerry totally would've said something to Morris.

Wow. I love The Abby and Neela Show. That scene alternated between being sweet, and funny, and incredibly sexy. Lucky Gallant.

Oct 6, 2005 @ 10:22 PM

Good: Kerry!
Bad: Susaaan!

Good: Dubenko!
Bad: ...is dying.

Good: Morris was injured!
Bad: Not fatally.

Good: Less Sam!
Bad: More new nurse manager.

Undiluted good:
They saw fit to acknowledge Gallant's existence. So either he's coming back (!), or they have the guts to mention him anyway.

When Abby peered through that oncology window, she did not, as I feared, see Maggie. I think we can all give thanks for having been spared that particular anvil.

Luka and Abby. Wow, so much for 'holding on grimly even though the show will never, ever go there again'. Wow.

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